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Man Quotes

Most Famous Man Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best man quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Man Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

The best present a man can give a woman is his undivided attention.

Quotes by Usher

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

Quotes by Upton Sinclair

I'm a religious man. I am Jewish but I believe in all religions. I believe in God and see him as an old man with a big white beard and pray to him every day for a few minutes.

Quotes by Uri Geller

'Mad' is a term we use to describe a man who is obsessed with one idea and nothing else.

Quotes by Ugo Betti

Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.

Quotes by Ulysses S. Grant

I have made it a rule of my life to trust a man long after other people gave him up, but I don't see how I can ever trust any human being again.

Quotes by Ulysses S. Grant

Nothing gives a fearful man more courage than another's fear.

Quotes by Umberto Eco

He was a wise man who invented beer.

Quotes by Unknown

It's tough coming out of Nebraska, where you're the man and you have to score, to going to the guy that sets the team up and being a role player.

Quotes by Tyronn Lue

I was just a young kid out of Mexico, Missouri, and then Kansas City, having an opportunity to play at the University of Nebraska, where I grew as a man.

Quotes by Tyronn Lue

What do I see when I look in the mirror? One handsome man. No, I see the same person I have seen for the last 27 years: the person I believed I could be when I was a child, the person I have inspired and dreamed to be all my life, and that's the person I have seen, from being that big to as big as the roof - the same guy.

Quotes by Tyson Fury

I know that a lot of people take inspiration from the fact that I was just a common man with no film background who turned into a star.

Quotes by Uday Kiran

I feel people may see me as that young pop star artist, which I guess I am, but I'm not that cutesy little guy anymore. I'm a young man, and I want to come off that way.

Quotes by Tyler Shaw

I think there's this new kind of character; it's a sidekick-slash-leading man role. People like Zach Galifianakis and Seth Rogen have been really successful in those roles. You don't have to be this square-jawed, chiseled, deep-voiced Superman; you can be funny and normal and put in the leading man category.

Quotes by Tyler Labine

Man, I'm 6 foot 8. I'm gonna be typecast. It's not like I'm gonna be the romantic lead, although that wouldn't be bad.

Quotes by Tyler Mane

I didn't want to be the kind of man that my father was. So I've tried, my entire life, to be the complete and utter opposite of that. And it has served not only the art well, but I think the audience well.

Quotes by Tyler Perry

With a firm and steadfast mind one should hold under all conditions, that everywhere the earth is below and the sky above, and to the energetic man, every region is his fatherland.

Quotes by Tycho Brahe

Standing in front of our hallway mirror, I am practising a few poses - one leg artfully bent, the opposite shoulder up - when the man of the house strides in and decides to share: a) I look like I have dislocated my shoulder and b) Has anyone ever told me I strongly resemble Tom Cruise?

Quotes by Twinkle Khanna

I'm glad I had to wait until my 40s for success. I was not a mature young man and would probably have gone off the rails.

Quotes by Ty Burrell

I've been everywhere man. I'm from L.A., though.

Quotes by Ty Dolla Sign

Everything happens at the perfect time, man. You may not realize it. But now I do.

Quotes by Ty Dolla Sign

I'm jamming 'Black Sabbath Vol. 4' all the time. Zappa's 'Cruising With Ruben & The Jets.' A lot of Gong lately. Some Hawkwind. The Residents' 'Duck Stab' is amazing. Some Fugs. Lots of stuff, man. I'm pretty schizophrenic with records.

Quotes by Ty Segall

I loved 'Iron Man.'

Quotes by Ty Simpkins

To politicize a man's tragic death is about as low as you can go, isn't it?

Quotes by Tucker Carlson

Jesus is not the man at the top of the stairs; He is the man at the bottom, the friend of sinners, the savior of those in need of one. Which is all of us, all of the time.

Quotes by Tullian Tchividjian

I don't see myself being special; I just see myself having more responsibilities than the next man. People look to me to do things for them, to have answers.

Quotes by Tupac Shakur

It's a struggle for every young Black man. You know how it is, only God can judge us.

Quotes by Tupac Shakur

No central planning, no autocratic rule and no military regime can produce what free man can do.

Quotes by Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

Believe or not, love me or hate me, YoungBoy is Tupac, man.

Quotes by Trippie Redd

It's not about having a plethora of suits, but having a few good ones. It's all about fit. The contour of your body. If your shoulders are broad, you shouldn't have shoulder pads. If you're not a big man, you shouldn't have extra space. I think it's definitely worth having it properly fitted.

Quotes by Trey Songz

The way a woman or a man handles themselves, at a certain age I can't blame you for the way you act, because somebody didn't bring you up right, and the betterment is why I have a foundation titled Angels and Hearts. That's why I have Trey's Angels: to let women know that they are angels.

Quotes by Trey Songz

As an actor, some of the most fun days I've had on set have involved shooting blanks all day - or better yet, on a micro-budget indie shoot in Texas, shooting live ammo. I feel guilty admitting this, but make-believe beating a man half to death for nine hours can also be strangely satisfying and, dare I say, good fun.

Quotes by Trieste Kelly Dunn

I knew Sinatra for 38 years. He was like my father. Frank Sinatra was my 'dad.' He treated me like his son. He gave me the best advice about singing, about this and that... He was a very sensitive man, very astute, one of the sharpest men that I ever met in my life.

Quotes by Trini Lopez

In my early years, my father was away as a soldier in the war. When he came back, work was very difficult to come by. Even though he was a highly skilled man, a maker of furniture, the payment for that work was very poor.

Quotes by Trevor Nunn

It's perfectly fair that you can't be a Roman Catholic priest unless you're a man. It seems right that the reach of anti-discriminatory law should stop at the door of the church or mosque.

Quotes by Trevor Phillips

I think college prepared me at a really high level. High school, you can take some plays off on the defensive end. Not on purpose, but if your man gets tired, you can rest a little bit. But once you get to college, and especially in the NBA, you can't do that. Even if my man gives the ball up, I'm on help side, helping my team out.

Quotes by Trey Burke

One of my best friends since I was eleven years old is a gay man, and I knew his struggle. It was a tough life, you not accepting yourself.

Quotes by Trevante Rhodes

I aspire to be like Paul Newman. He was a man's man, a lady's man, and the epitome of a philanthropist.

Quotes by Trevor Donovan

Patrick Swayze is a fantastic man and an inspiration to work with. He is a fearless cowboy type and a movie icon.

Quotes by Travis Fimmel

There's a lot of us out here that are birds, man. We all need to just fly.

Quotes by Travis Scott

I'm just here for good times, man. I want people to have the best time ever. Especially if they're around me.

Quotes by Travis Scott

I don't know if he remembers, but the first time I ever met Cudi was the first time I met Kanye. I've never told anyone this, but it was the same day. That was the first time I was around G.O.O.D. Music at all. I was sitting like, 'Man, I'm in the presence of 'Ye and Cudi. This is the art level where I want to be.'

Quotes by Travis Scott

I wholeheartedly believe that Andy Biggs is the right man to take up the legacy that Matt Salmon is leaving behind. I have worked with Andy for a number of years, and I have been impressed by his commitment to the Constitution and the principles of conservatism.

Quotes by Trent Franks

What am I afraid of? The IRS. That's it. I don't want those people knockin' on my door, man.

Quotes by Tracy Morgan

People walked out on Richard Pryor and he's the funniest man alive.

Quotes by Tracy Morgan

I'd like to be with an interesting man who is understanding about having a busy partner.

Quotes by Tracy Reese

'Wayne of Gotham' is very much a father-and-son exploration. We've always seen Thomas Wayne through the years as this figure carved in marble; this perfect man. The only thing we really know about is that he died in that alley outside of a theater. But every son has to confront the reality of his father at some point in his life.

Quotes by Tracy Hickman

One of the wonderful things about Batman is that he is just a man. He doesn't have superpowers or extraordinary powers other than his tremendous intellect and physical prowess.

Quotes by Tracy Hickman

I love to sing swing and shuffle stuff. Radio may not play it coast to coast, but I love playing them. Man, they fill the dance floor up. People who live the night life at these honky-tonks eat this stuff up.

Quotes by Tracy Lawrence

We are all racers at heart, and what we want to see is out and out racing, and may the quickest man win.

Quotes by Toto Wolff

The revolution of Saint Domingo was taking its course. I saw that the whites could not endure, because they were divided and because they were overpowered by numbers; I congratulated myself that I was a black man.

Quotes by Toussaint Louverture

General Biassou is a simple, vulnerable man without much knowledge, and he is easily led astray by the scoundrels surrounding him. He has sworn eternal hatred for me, and for some time now, he has been trying to destroy me using whatever means he can.

Quotes by Toussaint Louverture

It is not a liberty of circumstance, conceded to us alone, that we wish; it is the adoption absolute of the principle that no man, born red, black or white, can be the property of his fellow man.

Quotes by Toussaint Louverture

Grave was the man in years, in looks, in word, his locks were grey, yet was his courage green.

Quotes by Torquato Tasso

In our minds, love and lust are really separated. It's hard to find someone that can be kind and you can trust enough to leave your kids with, and isn't afraid to throw her man up against the wall and lick him from head to toe.

Quotes by Tori Amos

I come from a really big family, my father was a businessman and what he always instilled in us was to be your own boss. My father built up his business, and he was by no means a rich man, but he figured out how to work four-and-a-half days a week.

Quotes by Tony Shalhoub

I was raised by my aunt and we bonded over the eight-o-clock movie on TV. We'd watch everything from James Cagney in 'White Heat' to Lon Chaney in 'The Wolf Man' and every Bogart movie.

Quotes by Tony Todd

I'm just happy that as an African-American man, that 'Candyman' has once again been given the nod to enter people's consciousness.

Quotes by Tony Todd

There's only one thing worse than a man who doesn't have strong likes and dislikes, and that's a man who has strong likes and dislikes without the courage to voice them.

Quotes by Tony Randall

A naughty part of me thinks, how come Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry and Tim McInnerny have all done really good parts in a film, whereas I've only ever done bits and bobs? Before I die, wouldn't it be nice to be the scheming old man in a movie?

Quotes by Tony Robinson

Virtually all my conscious life I had been involved in theatre - I had been a child actor - but as a young man who had experienced the 1960s, British theatre seemed remote from my aspirations in life - theatre was still a posh thing, a middle-class thing, something for an elite.

Quotes by Tony Robinson

You have to go into rehab after doing a David Walliams book. David is such an important man; publishers rate him very, very highly, His books usually go straight to the bestseller number one spot on the day of publication. He is a hugely important writer as far as HarperCollins, his publishers, are concerned.

Quotes by Tony Ross

Dad was a very gentle, sweet man.

Quotes by Tony Scott

I'm a quirky dude, man.

Quotes by Tony Oller

Well, actually, I'm a bisexual lesbian in a man's body... but it's more complicated than that.

Quotes by Tony Parker

The people whose necks hurt when I write about the Middle East tend to live in Brooklyn or Boca Raton: the kind of Zionist who pays another man to live in Israel for him. I have nothing but contempt for such people.

Quotes by Tony Judt

Aviation is for the common man. My goal is to enable everyone to fly. It shouldn't be only for the rich.

Quotes by Tony Fernandes

When I was a kid, man, my dad used to buy me the Ted Williams glove at Sears with the Ted Williams shoes with the eight stripes on 'em. I used to play Little League, and I was Ted Williams-ed out.

Quotes by Tony Gwynn

I'm a union guy; I've always been. I've been in SAG 35 years; my father was a garbage man, a sanitation man, for the city, a union guy.

Quotes by Tony Danza

God has established what man is supposed to do, and he expects man to do it his way and not a way independently of him. And when you do things independently of him, you have consequences you don't want to bear.

Quotes by Tony Evans

This is a man's sport. I fight.

Quotes by Tony Ferguson

I'm from the 805, man. I don't have to talk about where I'm from, but I'm tough.

Quotes by Tony Ferguson

Wits always win, man, in the battle of brain versus brawn.

Quotes by Tony Ferguson

Go back and watch my old footage, man. Go back and watch my old fights. I knocked people out at 170 pounds.

Quotes by Tony Ferguson

I fear no man. I really don't.

Quotes by Tony Bellew

But I contend that if we're providing total medical coverage for every man, woman, and child in Iraq, shouldn't we at least be doing the same thing for every man, woman, and child in the United States?

Quotes by Tony Campolo

I don't think a female running a house is a problem, a broken family. It's perceived as one because of the notion that a head is a man.

Quotes by Toni Morrison

I think that marriage is, dare I say it, between a man and a woman, hopefully for life and there are all sorts of other relationships which should be acknowledged and recognised, but I don't know that they can be recognised as marriage.

Quotes by Tony Abbott

Yeah, dog was this man's best friend, for sure.

Quotes by Tommy Rettig

Marijuana. Boy, I thought that was just terrible. How could this great man do this to his life?

Quotes by Tommy Rettig

I'm not about trying to be out here fighting and shooting, stabbing and, you know, all that crap, man.

Quotes by Tone Loc

'Strictly Business' is about a young black man who is learning about himself, and that applies to a lot of young black men, those who are trying to find jobs. This film gives them a good look at that situation.

Quotes by Tommy Davidson

Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise.

Quotes by Tommy Douglas

As I look at President Bush, I think he will ultimately be judged as a man of extremely high character.

Quotes by Tommy Franks

Disney was a family film studio. I was supposed to be their young, leading man. After they found out I was involved with someone, that was the end of Disney.

Quotes by Tommy Kirk

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination.

Quotes by Tommy Lasorda

I noticed that this defense attorney is a very, very intelligent man, and he's very cool and he's very knowledgeable, and I think that personally I'd like to have an attorney like him.

Quotes by Tommy Bond

I used to joke for years that I was a black man. I adopted the black culture, the black race. I married a black woman, and I had black kids. I always considered myself a 'brother.'

Quotes by Tommy Chong

This is the artist, then, life's hungry man, the glutton of eternity, beauty's miser, glory's slave.

Quotes by Tom Wolfe

There has been a time on earth when poets had been young and dead and famous - and were men. But now the poet as the tragic child of grandeur and destiny had changed. The child of genius was a woman, now, and the man was gone.

Quotes by Tom Wolfe

Driving a stock car does not require much handling ability, at least not as compared to Grand Prix racing, because the tracks are simple banked ovals and there is almost no shifting of gears. So, qualifying becomes a test of raw nerve - of how fast a man is willing to take a curve.

Quotes by Tom Wolfe

Music is not man's invention, but his heritage from the blessed spirits.

Quotes by Tomas Luis de Victoria

I think almost every woman artist I've ever met has this ideal of being in a partnership working situation with a man, that men don't seem to share. They seem to want this ideal thing, that we'll always be together and work together.

Quotes by Tom Verlaine

My reality needs imagination like a bulb needs a socket. My imagination needs reality like a blind man needs a cane.

Quotes by Tom Waits

Eventually, my dad bought me a guitar for Christmas, and then I just went from there, man. I bought a drum kit a few years later and bought a bass, started producing, started singing.

Quotes by Tom Walker

It's easy for women to say they don't understand and ask a man for help. As the saying goes, boys play with toys, and girls play with boys.

Quotes by Tom Stewart

James Joyce - an essentially private man who wished his total indifference to public notice to be universally recognized.

Quotes by Tom Stoppard

I'm a very comfortable and happy-go-lucky old man. I never wanted to be great, because I'd just get worried.

Quotes by Tom T. Hall

As the grandson of Italian immigrants, maybe I am biased, but I think Christopher Columbus, the man who is rightfully credited with bringing European civilization to the Western Hemisphere, deserves the national holiday enacted by Congress in 1934.

Quotes by Tom Tancredo

Man is now in charge of the thermostat for the globe.

Quotes by Tom Udall

I don't like big events and crowded areas. I'm almost a curmudgeonly old man in that aspect. I've been like that forever.

Quotes by Tom Segura

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Today's Quote

Everything I do, I'm always playing music. When I wake up in the morning, I'm playing music. When I'm showering,...

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Today's Shayari

ढ़लने लगी थी शाम के तुम याद आ गए.....!
फिर....युं हुआ.....के रात बहुत लम्बी हो गई....!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

लड़की – इतना लेट क्यों हो गए
मैं कब से इन्तजार कर रही हूँ

लड़का – बॉस ने रोक लिया...

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Today's Status

A dream is what makes people love life even when it is painful.

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Today's Prayer

Father, bestow on my dear sister your strength to face today’s difficult times, with the assurance of knowing that your...

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