Business Quotes
Most Famous Business Quotes of All Time!
We have created a collection of some of the best business quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Business Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
The biggest part of my job now is to quickly develop successors, and around the world I am working to develop new business leaders in the company.
Broadband connectivity can be a powerful catalyst as well as an anchor for economic and social advancement in developing countries. It creates jobs and business opportunities that lead to greater economic development.
Technology will play an increasingly important role in business, and employees will be required to interact constantly with it. It will create an unprecedented revolution in the way we work, dramatically changing jobs within almost all organizations.
I believe one's sexuality is one's own business. I really don't go around discussing it. Call me 'old school' on that topic.
I know that being in the entertainment business… my first son, I had to sacrifice being away, being on tour a lot and I wasn't really present.
In order to maintain your longevity, you have to know the business. It's not about just rapping and performing.
The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones and, in working them up into poetry, to express feelings which are not in actual emotions at all.
Scaling a business at speed can feel like an out of control roller-coaster.
At TransferWise, we started out as - and continue as - idealists. We start with what we can do to make things better and how we can solve problems, focusing on what people need. It turns out you can focus on building the best service and be successful as business.
To be a global business, you need access to the best talent from around the world - fix this, everything else falls into place. Whether it's homegrown or imported, we don't mind where it comes from - we just want the best.
You start a business being hungry, foolish, and a little bit naive. But more often than not, you end up being disrupted yourself. It happened to Skype.
Building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. I don't believe it when people tell me they've been working 80-hour weeks for five years in a row. I just don't think that's possible.
If the U.K. leaves the E.U., we'll have to consider whether it makes business sense to stay headquartered here.
The fact that Skype was founded in Estonia, the fact that Skype had a successful exit, which meant that Estonia benefited in a major way, meant that entrepreneurship became legitimate. There were more than a thousand people who either worked or had worked at Skype who had seen what it takes to build a global business.
Everything around a writer, or musician in the record business, probably everything in all the United States or in all of western civilization, is about competition.
In other words, I'd say the whole story of Bob Dylan is one man's search for God. The turns and the steps he takes to find God are his business. I think he went to a study group at the Vineyard, and it created a lot of excitement.
In one month, the Small Business Administration does $1 billion of loans and guarantees for businesses; many of those are women-owned businesses.
I believe in this industry as a business, and I want to continue to grow my own business.
I'm really into both sides of the industry - in front of the camera and behind the camera. I love the business side of it; I love all of the contracts and negotiating and the different connections that you can make.
This industry is a business - I'm a business myself, and I want to be able to run my own business.
I am a sensitive writer, actor and director. Talking business disgusts me. If you want to talk business, call my disgusting personal manager.
Set your business plan to win; raise the bar or you're not going to be prepared. You need to think that what you're doing will make you $100 million.
If you have to fight a crowd of boys, it's best to go for the biggest one. That way you won't have to fight them all. The others will see that you mean business and you will win their respect.
We are very pleased with Vodafone's decision to adopt Windows Mobile as a preferred software platform for its mobile business. Together, we will deliver services which we expect will help Vodafone achieve cost-efficiencies while delivering new propositions to its customers, thus making Windows Mobile an even more compelling platform.
The Cingular-branded 2125 Smartphone is an example of how Windows Mobile 5.0 can create a flexible, powerful phone that helps mobile information workers access their most essential business data in a compact form factor.
Windows Mobile enables our industry partners to customize devices according to their customers' needs while including productivity features such as access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, and other critical business information for mobile workers on the go.
I definitely think it's important for a CEO of any large corporation to understand how policy impacts their business and be aware of the decisions being made in Congress.
Growing our economy means supporting our small businesses, and one straightforward way to do this is to help business owners with the cost of health insurance for their workers.
It's clear that the small business tax credit created under the Affordable Care - while well-intentioned policy - can be improved to better serve the needs of small businesses.
You don't have the chance in a small business - when every dollar counts, every day - to make too many mistakes and recover from them, and you don't have the luxury of waiting to make the decision. You have to move quickly.
There's nothing like having a football coach yelling at you at homecoming in front of a bunch of people. You do kind of get used to being inflappable in front of all that heated emotion. At times, that's very useful in business.
There's often a big difference between business considerations as opposed to the business of the heart.
German businessmen are overwhelmed by the high cost of doing business. Inflexible rules, enforced by a burgeoning bureaucracy, discourage entrepreneurship.
To enhance ease of doing business, the government has taken multiple steps to simplify procedures, rationalise rules, and increased use of technology.
I don't believe what I do outside my profession is anybody's' business. And that includes a personal thing like pregnancy or even marriage.
I mean, everybody's star fades in every business; that's just a natural part of life.
The business of living - that's your artwork, and the process of that is finding out who you are, what it all means.
My parents grew that small business from one 18-year-old guarding a bingo to more than 125 employees in three states. And sure, there was help along the way. But my parents took the risk. They stood up. And you better believe they built it.
I really always felt that I was going to be an actress. I had a lot of confidence in the fact that I would do well from a very early age. I didn't know how tough the business is.
I often think of the different ways Goethe and Darwin got at evolution. Goethe had the poetic conception of it all right; Darwin worked it out step by step. Who's ahead? And which has any business scoffing at the other?
TV is an interesting business. You audition with a couple of little papers in your hand, and if you're lucky, you get to say those lines in the show. Then, once in a while, you get to do more.
There are two chief responsibilities of the Secretary's office. One is to run the elections in the State of Connecticut to make sure they run fairly and efficiently because the Secretary is the chief election official. The Secretary of the State is also the chief business registrar for the State of Connecticut.
One of the things I was hoping to do in the Secretary of the State's Office when I came was to provide businesses with more information about business opportunities in Connecticut. That's both to businesses that are here already and also to businesses that are not located here, but might be interested in coming.
To some extent, we've always had an admiration for extroversion in our culture. But the extrovert ideal really came to play at the turn of the 20th century when we had the rise of big business.
Dad always said, 'Get a degree and do something on your own before you start movies.' He always kept me grounded, telling me the realities of the business and the struggles even the legends had to go through.
Producers do not seem to understand that they are cutting into each other's business. They complete their films at the same time and do not space their releases.
My first venture was to trade bicycle parts and hosiery yarn. The initial days proved to be difficult, and I earned very little from my business. But I kept at it. Each day, when I retired for the night, I told myself that money would come in the next day.
1976, I was all of 18, and when I stepped into the world of business, the capital I had in my hand was 20,000 rupees.
In 1983, the government imposed a ban on the import of gensets. I was out of business overnight. I was in trouble.
I sensed my chance and embraced the telecom business. I started marketing telephones, answering/fax machines under the brand name Beetel, and the company picked up really fast.
Technology is something we buy to sell to the customers. Ericsson, Nokia and IBM do technology for a living, so let's give it to them because they know best. It has made the business model of Bharti very, very sustainable.
I don't feel like a hero - just another person involved in the space business. I'm hoping to encourage young folks to become explorers.
I use doodling for a variety of reasons: I use it to get clarity around a concept, I use it to relax, I use it to communicate ideas with others and get their refinement of them, I use it to map complex systems for companies, I use it to run innovation games for business, I use it to get insight on something puzzling me.
The newspaper is dying. I'm not sure there will be newspapers and its one business I'd never be in.
We do have business relationships; we do licensing relationships, and people want to use Google services on top of Android. But in theory, you can use Android without Google.
I went to Enloe High School and then East Carolina University and graduated with a business degree in marketing.
I like Biggie. Like 'Pac, he was one of the best rappers in the business. Why would I try to do something to him?
If Marcos wants to aid Malaysia, that's his business, but we will continue to crush Malaysia, even if we have to fight alone.
Yet our small business owners across the country are unfairly losing potential interest income on a daily basis until the Business Checking Freedom Act becomes law.
Small businesses provide 75 percent of new U.S. jobs and are the backbone of our economy, and no outdated ban should be keeping small business owners from collecting the same interest their money could earn if it were held by an individual.
I often say that it's only people who have their skin in the business who'll work towards its success.
In the media business, the lines are getting blurred between telecom, voice, data, and video, as all are merging into one single pipe. New players have come in, with Jio being a big example.
The motivation to start the infrastructure business was to have at least one business that gives you annuity income. Others are services businesses that don't give you annuity income. If you keep the customer happy, you make money. But in a household, if there are five people, keeping all of them happy is also difficult.
Great Wass Island Preserve is a 1,579-acre Nature Conservancy jewel, a place of spectacular botanical interest, and Jonesport is situated on a postcard-pretty harbor. Tourism is not serious business in those parts - boat building and fishing are - and there are no signs telling how to get to Great Wass. But I know.
I married a university professor, raised a son, and worked as an academic librarian. My husband and I moved to the Ozarks, bought a farm, and started a commercial beekeeping business. And divorced.
I am beekeeper, but I am also a writer, and some years ago, I sat down at a typewriter to experiment with words, to try to tease out of the amorphous, chaotic and wordless part of myself the reason why I was staying on this hilltop in the Ozarks after my first husband, with whom I had started a beekeeping business, and I had divorced.
I think that business leaders today have to be more rounded than they used to be, they have to be completely multi-functional and fast-moving.
If you wait for customers to tell you that you need to do something, you're too late. Good business leaders should be half a step ahead of what customers want, i.e. they don't actually quite know they want it. That's what innovation's about. With Plan A, we didn't wait for the consumers to tell us.
I've been an employee all my life. Would I wish, if I could rewind it, to have gone down a different route? Possibly, but I've had a great time. Anyway I'm not ruling it out; I could still buy a business.
My four criteria: I don't want to work with people I don't like; I don't want to work in a business I either don't like or don't understand; I don't want to work for nothing unless I choose to, and I do a fair amount of that already; and I want to have some fun.
You gotta know that you're better than anybody, 'cause to me, if you don't go in like that, you're gonna lose! They're gonna punk you out! On any stage, court, business venture, on the anchor desk - whatever. You've got to go in believing, 'I can do this better than anybody.'
I had learned many years ago in private business never to take responsibility without adequate authority; and the new Secretary of Defense, as budgets were sharply cut, quickly found that out.
My parents are small business owners, and the Korean community, like a lot of immigrant communities, is very much owner-driven.
Over the long haul of life on this planet, it is the ecologists, and not the bookkeepers of business, who are the ultimate accountants.
You know, there's a big lie in this business. The lie is that it's okay to go out in flames. But that doesn't do anybody much good. I may be wrong, but I think Hendrix was trying to come around.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that there has got to be a reason for what you're doing. You actually have to care about what you're doing. The business has to be about something. Whatever the point of it is does not have to be inconsistent with making money, but usually if that's the sole reason, it is not very successful.
My father, an entrepreneur but hardly a technologist, was looking to buy a computer to 'automate' our family business. In 1981, he characteristically dove head first into computing and bought an Osborne I.
But my sense in talking to people when I travel is that the film business is not that dissimilar from a lot of other businesses.
I'm sure some people will say, 'Why do this?' And my response is, 'Why wouldn't you?' The film business in general is using a model that is outdated and, worse than that, inefficient.
After making a lot more films, I realized that the movie and TV business is, for all its inefficiencies, one of the best-run big businesses we have.
My lifelong friend and mentor Frank Barsalona is gone. And the music business as we knew it went with him.
Slapping a catchy acronym like the JOBS Act on a piece of legislation makes it more difficult for politicians to oppose it - and indeed that's what happened with the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act.
Picking winners among the many young companies seeking money is a tough business, even for the most sophisticated investors. Indeed, most professionally run venture funds lose money. For individuals, it's pure folly. Buy a lottery ticket instead. Your chance of winning is likely to be higher.
To be sure, India has achieved enviable success in business services, like the glistening call centers in Bangalore and elsewhere. But in the global jousting for manufacturing jobs, India does not get its share.
As I see it, most major philanthropists have been bullied into giving. They feel social pressure to give. It has become a cost of doing business.
Everyone in the tech business, from Kleiner Perkins venture capitalist John Doerr on down, says that the ruination of the industry, if not the entire country, will come from the inability to hire more brainiacs from countries like China and India.
For many years, when people described how the Internet worked - whether they were talking about shopping, communicating, or starting a business there - they inevitably invoked a single metaphor. The Internet, said just about everybody, was a contemporary incarnation of the wild, wild West.
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