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America Quotes

Most Famous America Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best america quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 America Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Television has played an important role in normalizing the experiences of gay men and lesbians in America.

Quotes by Zoey Tur

We are very puritan in America. We still hold true to these really antiquated values, this idea of the sanctity of marriage.

Quotes by Zoe Lister-Jones

What makes America special is that people come here, assimilate and become American with all of the rights and responsibilities citizenship bestows.

Quotes by Zoe Lofgren

First acting gig was playing a victim in 'America's Most Wanted.' The night the show aired, they caught the killer!

Quotes by Zoe McLellan

I'm not an American, Do they count the votes in America? I haven't voted in Jamaica either.

Quotes by Ziggy Marley

Jamaica has problems; America has problems; everywhere has problems.

Quotes by Ziggy Marley

I went to the U.S. for business because I thought America is a big consuming country, although it's not an overconsuming country.

Quotes by Zhang Yin

Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles - poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that.

Quotes by Zhang Ziyi

The 'war on terror' has created a culture of fear in America.

Quotes by Zbigniew Brzezinski

If we end up with war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran at the same time, can anyone see a more damaging prospect for America's world role than that?

Quotes by Zbigniew Brzezinski

I do think America has made it quite clear that it is in the interest both of America and China to avoid situations in which they will be pushed toward a collision.

Quotes by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator. And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators.

Quotes by Zell Miller

I grew up with injustice and could do nothing about it. But once in America, I had freedom of choice.

Quotes by Zainab Salbi

Agriculture was the first manufacturing industry in America and represents the best of all of us.

Quotes by Zach Wamp

In North America, more than half of all children travel to school by bus. We need a similar programme in London.

Quotes by Zac Goldsmith

We examine and highlight the history of the African descendants in America, and know that each and every one of us has come this far because of our faith in this country.

Quotes by Yvette Clarke

When I came to America, I had some surprises at first, but I could soon adjust.

Quotes by Yuta Watanabe

I adore America. It's an extraordinary country. A new country.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

I went to South America with the idea that I would be an explorer, that I'd find lost tribes, become one of them, marry the chief's daughter and find riches of gold.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

I call on Russia and the United States of America, the cosponsors of the peace conference, to help the peace process take bigger steps by contributing to the process and helping to overcome all obstacles.

Quotes by Yasser Arafat

Downtown, one has less time. But there are in Europe much people who have the faith, in South America, too.

Quotes by Yannick Noah

I was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and we lived there for three to five years - with my mother and father. And then they divorced and she came back to America.

Quotes by Yasmin Aga Khan

Our blackness and how to survive being black in America was something that our parents instilled in us extraordinarily well.

Quotes by Yance Ford

Black lives are too easy to take in America because we don't want to question why people are so afraid of black and brown people to begin with. And that's what I want 'Strong Island' to do.

Quotes by Yance Ford

I came to America to make it my home, and I did.

Quotes by Yakov Smirnoff

My daddy expected that my brothers and I and our generation would make the world a better place. He had lived in an America of continual social progress.

Quotes by Wynton Marsalis

America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us.

Quotes by Woodrow Wilson

Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.

Quotes by Woody Allen

America is so large and so diverse that it is overwhelming, but my first impressions are favorable.

Quotes by Wojciech Jaruzelski

The discovery I made was that, really, in America, if you went to high school in our country, it doesn't really matter where you went to high school. In a funny way, all high schools are the same.

Quotes by Winnie Holzman

In most of America, it seems you don't matter if you're not between 25 and 50.

Quotes by Winona LaDuke

Class is a big issue here. And some people get picked on more than others. I think we probably do. I mean, it doesn't help that we wear waistcoats and tweed the whole time. But there is a reverse snobbishness in England towards that sort of stuff. And I think that's one of the reasons we really enjoy America, 'cos we're classless.

Quotes by Winston Marshall

America would be a better place if leaders would do more long-term thinking.

Quotes by Wilma Mankiller

I suggest to you that increasing the size of America's economic pie - which can be achieved only if everybody has a seat at the table - is the most important challenge facing our country today.

Quotes by William Weld

One challenge to the arts in America is the need to make the arts, especially the classic masterpieces, accessible and relevant to today's audience.

Quotes by William Safire

The thing that overwhelms me when I go out now is the sprawlation of America.

Quotes by William Least Heat-Moon

Being an expatriate doesn't go down well in America.

Quotes by William Klein

When we talk about justice in America we're really talking about justice brought about by the people, not by judges who are tools of the establishment or prosecutors who are are equally tools of the establishment or the wardens or the police officers.

Quotes by William Kunstler

But unlike European countries, America has never finished a map of the United States, only the eastern United States is covered and a few spots here and there.

Quotes by William Labov

I am now completing research supported by NSF and NEH that is mapping changes in the English language through all of North America, for both mainstream and minority communities.

Quotes by William Labov

This African American Vernacular English shares most of its grammar and vocabulary with other dialects of English. But it is distinct in many ways, and it is more different from standard English than any other dialect spoken in continental North America.

Quotes by William Labov

A militarized police force facing down innocent protesters with sniper rifles and machine guns is totally unacceptable in America.

Quotes by William Lacy Clay, Jr.

All the ills from which America suffers can be traced to the teaching of evolution.

Quotes by William Jennings Bryan

Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.

Quotes by William Howard Taft

I've been delighted by Cannes and Toronto but I keep saying I don't know how good we're going to be received in America because that's where it's most challenging.

Quotes by William Hurt

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.

Quotes by William J. Clinton

Those Muslims in America's army that stand with the Constitution, I support them, and I think we all have to.

Quotes by William G. Boykin

There is no greater threat to America than Islam.

Quotes by William G. Boykin

There is every indication that we are to see new developments of the power of aggregated capital to serve civilization, and that the new developments will be made right here in America.

Quotes by William Graham Sumner

In Europe life is histrionic and dramatized, and in America, except when it is trying to be European, it is direct and sincere.

Quotes by William Dean Howells

I think America concedes that true American music has sprung from the Negro.

Quotes by William Christopher Handy

America's state religion, is patriotism, a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that 'treason' is morally worse than murder or rape.

Quotes by William Blum

America's support for human rights and democracy is our noblest export to the world.

Quotes by William Bennett

Advertising is the genie which is transforming America into a place of comfort, luxury and ease for millions.

Quotes by William Allen White

Only an approach combining tough law enforcement with physical, moral and educational revitalization of high-crime areas offers the prospect of a safer America.

Quotes by William Barr

There are five issues that make a fist of a hand that can knock America out cold. They're lack of jobs, obesity, diabetes, homelessness, and lack of good education.

Quotes by will.i.am

I get all fired up about aging in America.

Quotes by Willard Scott

I love being black in America, and especially being black in Hollywood.

Quotes by Will Smith

America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be a novelty. I will belong to the select few.

Quotes by Will Rogers

I do have two wonderful awards from the Western Writers of America, one for 'Beardance' and the other for 'Far North.' The award is called the Spur, and the plaques really do have spurs on them!

Quotes by Will Hobbs

There is no evidence that more regulation makes things better. The most highly regulated industry in America is commercial banking, and that didn't save those institutions from making terrible decisions.

Quotes by Wilbur Ross

If you want to do something to destroy consumer spending, just eat away at the middle class because the other problem we have is the structural problem of middle class America.

Quotes by Wilbur Ross

I'm proud to be an American. I'm proud to be an African American in America. I've had some interesting experiences: some great, some not so great, but I love it here.

Quotes by Wesley Snipes

It's Teach For America's responsibility to ensure that all alumni know their voices are heard and valued, and to surface the range of opinion they represent.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

We believe strongly in transparency and accountability, which is why Teach For America encourages rigorous independent evaluations of our program. Our mission is too important to operate in any other way.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

Our experience at Teach For America has been that the more people understand educational inequity, the more they want to do something about it.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

When I started Teach For America as a college senior, I sensed that there were thousands of talented, driven college students and recent grads who were searching for a way to make a real difference in the world.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

I think Teach for America has suffered from the fact that I did not teach, in a major way. I also think if I had taught, I wouldn't have started Teach for America.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

Teach for America recruits top recent college grads, young professionals, people we believe are the U.S.'s most promising future leaders, and asks them to commit two years to teach in high-need urban and rural communities.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

I think the way to understand Teach for America is as a leadership development program.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

Teach For America would not be able to continue recruiting and developing an ever-more diverse and impactful group of corps members and alumni if the nation's leading colleges become even less diverse.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

Teach For America is working hard to be one significant source of the leadership we need.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

The America I love is slipping away.

Quotes by Wendy Long

Emancipation came to the colored race in America as a war measure. It was an act of military necessity. Manifestly it would have come without war, in the slower process of humanitarian reform and social enlightenment.

Quotes by Wendell Willkie

We cannot, with good conscience, expect the British to set up an orderly schedule for the liberation of India before we have decided for ourselves to make all who live in America free.

Quotes by Wendell Willkie

America belongs to all of us. The promise of America belongs to all of us.

Quotes by Wayne Messam

I think solving the problems of America is what's good.

Quotes by Wayne Messam

I think America is on the right track.

Quotes by Wayne Allard

The NRA is where you resist, and stand and fight to put America back on track to restore and preserve our individual freedom.

Quotes by Wayne LaPierre

It's super trippy coming to America because we know everything about it - from music and film. I know what a Southern accent sounds like; I know what a New York accent sounds like.

Quotes by Watkin Tudor Jones

I believe America wants and needs the shared experience of television. We far too often see in crises how television brings us together.

Quotes by Warren Littlefield

We have to make a determination of what the minimum standards are for police, fire and emergency services in all of America's major cities. Once we determine that, then we can decide what the funding is.

Quotes by Warren Rudman

When you mutilate movies for mass media, you tamper with the hearts and minds of America.

Quotes by Warren Beatty

Yeah, about sixteen to twenty weeks a year. For example, we can do America in six or seven weeks. You can do Europe in three weeks; England in two weeks. South America you could do in three weeks; Asia you could do in three weeks.

Quotes by Warren Cuccurullo

In America and in most of the industrialized world, men are coming to be thought of by feminists in very much the same way that Jews were thought of by early Nazis. The comparison is overwhelmingly scary.

Quotes by Warren Farrell

It evolved from my experience in the fifties, growing up during the McCarthy era, and hearing a lot of assumptions that America was wonderful and Communism was terrible.

Quotes by Warren Farrell

America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.

Quotes by Warren G. Harding

I didn't realize how many true Rockabilly fans there were here in America.

Quotes by Wanda Jackson

This very individualistic form of Protestant Christianity that became so basic in English and then American life is to a large degree responsible for the historical success of Britain and America.

Quotes by Walter Russell Mead

I've gone from the most trusted man in America to one of the most debated.

Quotes by Walter Cronkite

America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.

Quotes by Walter Cronkite

I think Steve Jobs is a historic figure. He's not only a historic figure in business, but really in America.

Quotes by Walt Mossberg

It's frightening how easy it is to commit murder in America. Just a drink too much. I can see myself doing it. In England, one feels all the social restraints holding one back. But here, anything can happen.

Quotes by W. H. Auden

Cockneys make good beggars. They are held in high esteem by the fraternity in America. Their resource, originality and invention, and a never-faltering tongue enable them to often attain their ends where others fail, and they succeed where the natives starve.

Quotes by W. H. Davies

There is quite a large clan of Scotties among American beggars. He is a good beggar for the simple reason that he is a good talker. Almost every Scotch beggar I met in the States of America was inclined to be talkative, and yet they all managed to conceal their private affairs.

Quotes by W. H. Davies

Women don't get the benefits of America the way men do.

Quotes by W. Kamau Bell

One thing that people outside Chicago need to understand is that the city is not just one thing. It is one city, but it is huge and sprawling. And historically, it has been one of America's most segregated cities.

Quotes by W. Kamau Bell

When we filmed the premiere episode of 'United Shades of America,' it was like we were turning over a rock in the woods. The KKK was not part of the national conversation. They were really just a punchline for comedians when you needed to let the audience know something was really, really, really racist.

Quotes by W. Kamau Bell

America, the self-described greatest nation on Earth, has the highest incarceration rate on the planet.

Quotes by W. Kamau Bell

We have these old fashioned ideas. For instance, here in America, we talk about democracy - but we don't have a democracy. There are elements of a democracy.

Quotes by Wadada Leo Smith

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Today's Quote

You know, every time a summer movie comes out, people think they're gonna get rich off of the merchandise.

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शौक तो उन्हे भी था तितलियाँ पकडने का,
मगर कचरा बिन रहे है की घर में चूल्हा जले !!

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Today's Joke

एक ताऊ मरने ही वाला था..
घरवालों ने कहा- अब तो भगवान का नाम ले लो...

ताऊ- अब क्या नाम...

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Every night I fall asleep dreaming about what it would be like to hug you during the day and I...

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As you go out today to make ends meet, may God get there before you to clear the way; may...

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