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Additional Quotes

Most Famous Additional Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best additional quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Additional Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Beautiful sights arouse feelings of love, and contrary sights bring feelings of disgrace and hate. And the emotions of the soul and spirit bring something additional to the body itself, which exists under the control of the soul and the direction of the spirit.

Quotes by Giordano Bruno

The saying in business is that, 'You hire for skills and you fire for behavior.' And one would argue that in order to move up in career, to be promoted, to take on additional responsibility, in many ways that's linked more to the attitudes and behaviors that you carry rather than what you know technically about a given subject.

Quotes by Gerald Chertavian

Now that I have called you on your false accusation, you are using additional smear tactics.

Quotes by George Soros

I don't know if I have any particular views about women in positions of power, though I do think it's more difficult for women, particularly in a Medieval setting. They have the additional problem that they're a woman and people don't want them in a position of power in an essentially patriarchal society.

George R.R. Martin

Educating girls just one year beyond the average fourth grade education increases their eventual earnings by 10 to 20 percent. Every additional year of secondary education can increase future wages by 15 to 25 percent.

Quotes by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

I understand that in these difficult economic times, the potential for any additional expense is not welcomed by American businesses. But in the long run, the health insurance reform law promises to cut health-care costs for U.S. businesses, not expand them.

Quotes by Gary Locke

And so we have to be careful with looking at additional stimulus that we don't provoke an increase in the bond rate and then offset a lot of the stimulus we've already got.

Quotes by Franklin Raines

The automatic stabilizer is unemployment insurance, food stamps, additional coverage of Medicaid.

Quotes by Franklin Raines

Each one of these treaties is a step for the maintenance of peace, an additional guarantee against war. It is through such machinery that the disputes between nations will be settled and war prevented.

Quotes by Frank B. Kellogg

The great medley of Oregon and California emigrants, at their camps around Independence, had heard reports that several additional parties were on the point of setting out from St. Joseph's farther to the northward.

Quotes by Francis Parkman

We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident.

Quotes by Francis Parkman

Along with 'Free,' where I sing quite a bit, there are additional songs on 'Skin' where you can hear my voice in the background - lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs.' But more often than not, I use my vocals to prompt other rappers and singers to feel calmer, better, bolder.

Quotes by Flume

It is fatal for any body of workers to have forever hanging from the fringes of its skirts other bodies on a level just below its own; for that means continual pressure downward, additional difficulty to be overcome in the struggle to maintain reasonable rates of wages.

Quotes by Florence Kelley

Overhead will eat you alive if not constantly viewed as a parasite to be exterminated. Never mind the bleating of those you employ. Hold out until mutiny is imminent before employing even a single additional member of staff. More startups are wrecked by overstaffing than by any other cause, bar failure to monitor cash flow.

Quotes by Felix Dennis

Giving more to women will, to some extent, come at the expense of men. People sometimes try to sweep that under the rug by saying you will create so much additional resources that everyone will be better off. I don't think that's true.

Quotes by Esther Duflo

Do you trust in your fellow citizens, in a sense that whatever they will have in additional tools they will use in balance more to the good or more to the bad? If you think they will use it more to the bad, you shouldn't do science, you know.

Quotes by Erwin Neher

The discovery that light elements could be disintegrated by artificially accelerated particles gave an additional impetus to development work on the various methods of producing them.

Quotes by Ernest Walton

Recently released government economic statistics covering 2010, the first year of real recovery from the financial collapse of 2008, found that fully 93 percent of additional income gains coming out of the recession went straight into the wallets and purses of the top 1 percent.

Quotes by Eric Alterman

Establishing mood through pictorial means is the director Ridley Scott's most notable talent. There may be no working director more accomplished at wringing texture out of the color blue than the prodigious and now prolific Mr. Scott; you'd swear that with his dazzling washes of blues and sand tones, he was inventing additional hues on the spot.

Quotes by Elvis Mitchell

The Republican argument that raising the debt ceiling encourages additional future spending is logically irresponsible. The debt ceiling has to be raised to authorize spending already approved by Congress. Despite that fallacy, the GOP has been able to score political points with its argument.

Quotes by Eliot Spitzer

Mitt Romney's primary season embrace of the social and economic agenda of the more rabid elements of his party doomed him, especially the shrill immigration rhetoric and the harshly insensitive theory that no additional sacrifice or contribution should be sought from those at the top.

Quotes by Eliot Spitzer

Writing in another language gives me an additional freedom, an additional way of thinking. It's a challenge, but I like the challenge.

Quotes by Elif Safak

It has long been said the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes. Automatic enrollment for insurance of 401k loans would add an additional certainty. Fewer Americans would suffer the unnecessary loss of retirement savings due to unanticipated and untimely misfortune in an already stressful time of need.

Quotes by Elaine Chao

Even a healthy economy and labor market would have struggled under the additional expenses enacted and proposed in 2009 and 2010 - from healthcare mandates and higher taxes, to carbon cap-and-trade and delay in extending the last decade's tax reforms.

Quotes by Elaine Chao

The federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed unanimously in the House, won 97 votes in the Senate, and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Twenty states have passed their own versions of this law, and 11 additional ones have religious-liberty protections that state courts have interpreted to provide a similar level of protection.

Quotes by Edwin Meese

One of the things we worry about when we cut the tax on gasoline is that it basically stimulates additional use.

Quotes by Edward Lazear

I think a moratorium probably is legal, and we should probably for a short period of time impose a moratorium so that we don't permit any additional landfill permits for the time being, so we don't exacerbate the problem.

Quotes by Ed Rendell

In mid-May, the House of Representatives approved the full amount of money that the Veterans Administration said was needed for next year - plus an additional $1 billion increase for veterans' health care.

Quotes by Doc Hastings

We know our future's not guaranteed, so every day, we have to relentlessly pursue additional actions to drive our competitiveness.

Quotes by Dennis Muilenburg

If we ramp up capabilities in China, including additional 737-related work, the actions that we'll take are actions that ultimately allow us to grow jobs in the U.S.

Quotes by Dennis Muilenburg

Our producer Jon Davison thought it would be a good idea to put in additional TV scenes. So, they sent me a tape of these additional TV scenes, and I watched them, and I didn't think they were that great. I didn't think it was worth putting them in.

Quotes by David Zucker

But I warn my colleagues that we will fail in our efforts to protect the homeland if we do not take additional steps to avoid a trade-off between protecting ourselves against terrorists attacks and preparing for and responding to natural disasters.

Quotes by David Price

As the revenue of the farmer is realized in raw produce, or in the value of raw produce, he is interested, as well as the landlord, in its high exchangeable value, but a low price of produce may be compensated to him by a great additional quantity.

Quotes by David Ricardo

One of the jewels in the crown of Labour's time in office was the rescue of the National Health Service. As the Commonwealth Fund, the London School of Economics and the Nuffield Foundation have all shown, health reforms as well as additional investment were essential to improved outcomes, especially for poorer patients.

Quotes by David Miliband

My own recipe for longevity includes considerable amounts of fruits and vegetables. An additional major responsibility for the maintenance of our bodies is regular exercise; at least 4 to 5 times a week.

Quotes by David H. Murdock

While many federal agencies are engaged with international partners on science and technology projects, there is a need to coordinate these projects across our government network and to identify opportunities for additional beneficial collaborations.

Quotes by Dan Lipinski

I know exactly what my values are and what I love to do. That's worth additional years right there. I say no to a lot of stuff that would be easy money but deviates from my meaning of life.

Quotes by Dan Buettner

Having a purpose and knowing exactly what your values are will add additional years to your life.

Quotes by Dan Buettner

Do those serving life sentences deserve access to educational opportunities never having a future beyond bars? The answer is yes and necessitates that in-prison education serves additional goals beyond reducing recidivism.

Quotes by Clint Smith

Some will say it isn't the government's job to manage who people meet and interact with, but there is clearly a lot it can and should do. It should offer communities much more support to manage demographic and cultural change, including investment in public services and additional housing stock in our migration hotspots.

Quotes by Chuka Umunna

People have posted my personal information on the Internet. This has resulted in additional emails, calls, and threats. My family and I were forced to move out of our home.

Quotes by Christine Blasey Ford

I will have a one-hour program called the Mission Watch, where I will describe details of the mission and give additional information about the lessons from space.

Quotes by Christa McAuliffe

I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood. If it does need additional interpretation by someone other than the creator, then I question whether it has fulfilled its purpose.

Quotes by Charlie Chaplin

The blunt tools of legislation or union power can force a corporation to pay higher wages, but if employees don't create an equal amount of additional value, there's no net gain.

Quotes by Charles Platt

The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.

Quotes by Charles Baudelaire

I believe that 20-somethings would be more likely to embrace experimentation - and provide additional value - if they felt safe to do so.

Quotes by Cathy Engelbert

We have been spending beyond our means, we are going to focus on the projects that we committed to in the election but importantly if there is additional projects or new things that come up they have to have a business case, they have to work and they can't impose financial stress on families and private individuals and businesses.

Quotes by Campbell Newman

I appreciate the additional additives and preservatives that help sell a project, but I'm sticking to what works best for me. I gotta sell the album live on stage and make people believe in the songs.

Quotes by Busta Rhymes

Think of your existing power as the exponent in an equation that determines the value of information. The more power you have, the more additional power you derive from the new data.

Quotes by Bruce Schneier

I just believe strongly that anybody who wants to pursue additional education after high school ought to be given that chance.

Quotes by Brian Schatz

In Yugoslavia, I'd asked for additional forces too. I even went to meet the French prime minister, and I proposed additional forces... Nobody wanted to send troops.

Quotes by Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Government spending is being restrained, the economy is making progress and moving forward, and the pro-growth, tax cutting policies put in place have allowed businesses to grow, which has brought in additional tax revenue to help pay off the debt.

Quotes by Bill Shuster

Central and western Pennsylvania has one of the best workforces in the country and this will provide job training, new skills and additional resources for those trying to find a job.

Quotes by Bill Shuster

As a woman leader, I thought I brought a different kind of leadership. I was interested in women's issues, in bringing down the population growth rate... as a woman, I entered politics with an additional dimension - that of a mother.

Quotes by Benazir Bhutto

I was a stock broker once. I think there is an absolute place for market investments. But they should never be the basis of one's retirement. They should be an additional piece on top of a basic, secure, guaranteed retirement benefit.

Quotes by Barbara Boxer

If someone is making a very expensive purchase decision, they typically have a lot of questions about the fit and about what to wear the item with. In some cases, they'll ask for additional images or want to contact the designer.

Quotes by Aslaug Magnusdottir

We have ended the VIP culture in Delhi. We made additional night shelters for the poor. We have started the anti-corruption helpline. We are impartial and are not against anybody.

Quotes by Arvind Kejriwal

We cut a few corners and brought the picture in under budget by $25,000, so Paramount let us go back to Boston with a small crew to shoot some additional footage.

Quotes by Arthur Hiller

There is already a mountain of evidence that Saddam Hussein is gathering weapons for the purpose of using them. And adding additional information is like adding a foot to Mount Everest.

Quotes by Ari Fleischer

I have a dream that in the not-too-distant future, Visy Tumut will spend around $100 m to expand our clean energy generation here and take in additional waste forest wood to generate clean renewable energy and sell it into the power grid.

Quotes by Anthony Pratt

The rapid increase in the production and transportation of crude oil requires additional vigilance for the continued safe movement of this commodity.

Quotes by Anthony Foxx

If I get the forty additional years statisticians say are likely coming to me, I could fit in at least one, maybe two new lifetimes. Sad that only one of those lifetimes can include being the mother of young children.

Quotes by Anna Quindlen

I'm confident that we have measures in place. And the additional measures that we announced yesterday will be even more protective of our food supply in this country.

Quotes by Ann Veneman

If we create enough new companies, there will be additional opportunities for people at every rung of the educational ladder.

Quotes by Andrew Yang

More and more smaller entities, such as Politico or TechCrunch, have been able to come out of nowhere and own entities. Dealbook, like them, now has an even greater opportunity, through additional resources, to drill down and offer even more breaking news and deep analysis of the issues that matter to our audience.

Quotes by Andrew Ross Sorkin

Dog - a kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship.

Quotes by Ambrose Bierce

For Gazprom, 2015 is turning out auspiciously. We already see the possibility for additional investments in our investment program.

Quotes by Alexey Miller

The idea of applying psychology or behavioural sciences to communication is not a new one. It's very old behavioural economics. If it gives you some additional insights - so be it.

Quotes by Alexander Nix

As more people live longer, we can expect there to be additional costs for society.

Quotes by Alexander De Croo

I'm doing great heart-wise. I get a complete stress test once a year, and those have gone well. I have stents in two arteries, and they are holding up. My other arteries haven't shown any additional clogging.

Quotes by Alberto Salazar

In bookstores, my stuff is usually filed in the out-of-the-way, additional interest sections.

Quotes by Adam Gopnik

I was born in Jerusalem in 1939 to a poor family that shared a rented four-room apartment with two additional families and their children.

Quotes by Ada Yonath

The encouragement I got from Campbell was a quick check and praise. Once the Space Beagle was launched on its mission, it seemed natural for it to breed additional thoughts.

Quotes by A. E. van Vogt

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Today's Quote

It's unfortunate biologically we have to sleep.

Quote Of The Day

Today's Shayari

इस भ्रम को मेरे तुम भ्रम ही रहने दो...
ना हो पुरी हसरतें मगर संग रहने दो!!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

पति-पत्नी एक बस में चढ़े। बस में भीड़ थी पति सुंदर महिला से सटकर खड़ा हो गया। अचानक उस सुंदर...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

Good morning! Let me fill your morning with tenderness, care, love, and attention from now and until the end of...

Status Of The Day

Today's Prayer

Good morning Dear, I pray that the sweet peace of God is part of your day and that life shines...

Prayer Of The Day
