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School Quotes

Most Famous School Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best school quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 School Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

From 1949 to 1953, I studied towards the diploma in Natural Sciences at the Swiss Polytechnical School in Zurich. It is in the last year of this study that I made my first contacts with fundamental research, when working on the isolation and characterization of a new isomer of Cl34 with a half-life of 1.5 seconds.

Quotes by Werner Arber

A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

I've heard a number of our alumni - people who are running schools and school systems - think a lot about different models for the teaching profession.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

School boards can be a steppingstone to higher forms of political leadership.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

In every case where I've seen a transformational school, there's a principal who really has the foundational experience of having taught successfully.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

We're trying to be the top employer of recent grads in the country. Size gives us leverage to have a tangible impact on school systems.

Quotes by Wendy Kopp

When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street.

Quotes by Wentworth Miller

I really make sure that my girls understand the importance of education. I don't want them to be spoilt and only know private school kids. I want them to behave well by example.

Quotes by Wendi Deng Murdoch

I have a theory that if you've got the kind of parents who want to send you to boarding school, you're probably better off at boarding school.

Quotes by Wendy Cope

My first encounter with a Kelly was not on a musical scale. It was from primary school. Dave and I went to primary school together and we were like boy scouts.

Quotes by Wayne Wonder

I would provide more opportunities for the kids of urban communities to go to school and learn trades - to get more jobs to take care of their families.

Quotes by Warren G

The 'chinked out' style is a school of hip hop - that's the way I like to think of it - that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds.

Quotes by Wang Leehom

During one or two summers, as well as part-time during the school year, I worked for a small Canadian company which developed electrical instruments for military planes.

Quotes by Walter Kohn

The school is the servant of the workshop and will one day be absorbed in it. Therefore there will be no teachers or pupils in the Bauhaus but masters, journeymen, and apprentices.

Quotes by Walter Gropius

I was pretty much grown-up by the time I attended school in Britain - or as grown-up as I'll ever get.

Quotes by Walter Jon Williams

Life is a school of probability.

Quotes by Walter Bagehot

I didn't even know for years that people ever even got paid for this, because they don't teach you that in school. They don't say Shakespeare got a check.

Quotes by Walter Dean Myers

I know what falling off the cliff means. I know from being considered a very bright kid to being considered like a moron and dropping out of school.

Quotes by Walter Dean Myers

One of the problems is that kids who don't read - who are not doing well in school - they know they're not doing well. And they want everyone to be in that same category.

Quotes by Walter Dean Myers

Everybody around the world wants to send their kids to our universities. But nobody wants to send their kids here to public school.

Quotes by Walter Annenberg

We owe our public servants, from school teachers to state employees, a sustainable and well-funded retirement that they can count on.

Quotes by Walker Stapleton

I was so naive in radio technique that I knew nothing about timing. I would write pages on Honus Wagner and then get only half through by the time the show ended. I eventually learned, but there was nobody there to school me.

Quotes by Waite Hoyt

I only halfway paid attention in high school Spanish class, and it may be too late now to catch up, no matter how many levels of Rosetta Stone I order.

Quotes by W. Kamau Bell

In 1975 I decided that there was no future in flying (airline jobs were impossible to get, and who wants a job where you are judged only by seniority?) and headed off to grad school.

Quotes by W. Richard Stevens

Education is that whole system of human training within and without the school house walls, which molds and develops men.

Quotes by W. E. B. Du Bois

In school I was in the dark room all the time, and I've always collected stray photographs; there's a great deal of memory in them.

Quotes by W. G. Sebald

Out of high school, I was, like, 202-205 pounds. My rookie season, I was, like, 245; my second year, I was 255. My third year, I got up to like 272, and I tore my ACL. I don't know if my weight was part of the cause of that, but I got hurt, so I just tried to re-evaluate my situation.

Quotes by Von Miller

There is only one school of literature - that of talent.

Quotes by Vladimir Nabokov

My message to students is that if you want to become an entrepreneur and save the world, definitely don't skip college. But go to a school that you can afford. You'll be freed from the chains of debt and succeed on your own ambition and merit.

Quotes by Vivek Wadhwa

Why did I go back to school? After working with giant snails as the manager of an abalone farm, who wouldn't be fascinated with the inner workings of the mind? They are a very contemplative species.

Quotes by Vivienne Ming

I studied psychology in school, and I learned how to understand people's feelings, how to get along with people and relate to people.

Quotes by Vittoria Ceretti

I went to school like everyone else, but I hated it, and I always had a lot of problems. Even my younger brother Guglielmo is the same way: we can't stay cooped up in a room for hours, listening.

Quotes by Vittoria Ceretti

When I was a little girl at school, I really wanted to be Katie or Sarah or Sophie. When you're a little girl at school, you want to be like the other little girls.

Quotes by Viva Bianca

I was born in England and went to school there. That's when I discovered my undying passion for history - not just for the Middle Ages, but all periods of history. My favorites are medieval, Elizabethan, and Georgian; however, I've written stories set in periods as early as ancient Rome, right up to the Victorian era.

Quotes by Virginia Henley

I've always been in school plays and performing monologues and taking drama. Now I'm in acting classes. I do it the real way. I want to be a working actor. I would love that. I just like being on a series and having a script, and I want that to be my nine-to-five.

Quotes by Vinny Guadagnino

I have been doing acting my whole life. I did plays in high school. I take it pretty seriously. I used to do a lot of Shakespeare and Shakespearean festivals and monologues.

Quotes by Vinny Guadagnino

It's so easy to make an Asian person the doctor, the lawyer, the smart kid in school. What's harder is challenging the norm and hiring Asian actors to play your Average Joe.

Quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III

I was singing R&B songs, listening to Boyz II Men, and I wanted to take dance classes, but I waited until my senior year of high school to take my very first dance class.

Quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III

A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.

Quotes by Vince Lombardi

I loved Old School. I thought Old School was very different than a lot of the comedies that had come out. And that character I liked. I tried to ground him very much in reality and play him very much finding things important to him that are somewhat ridiculous.

Quotes by Vince Vaughn

I was a bed wetter till very late. My mom used to hang my sheets out the window to dry, and I'd have to run home from school in order to beat the other kids to my house so they wouldn't see them.

Quotes by Vince Vaughn

I love Snoop. I worked with him on 'Old School,' and he's very accessible. He's very kind. He's always nice to everyone, to the crew. He's always got something positive to say. He's very childlike and loves to come and play. So, I had fun working with him.

Quotes by Vince Vaughn

I played football. I wrestled. Those were team sports and I played for the school. When I was younger, I played kick the can and stuff like that. I loved that.

Quotes by Vince Vaughn

Even at school I studied ethics instead of religion.

Quotes by Ville Valo

If you had asked me back in grade school what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said my first choice was an actor, but if I couldn't be that, I'd want to be a superhero.

Quotes by Vin Diesel

I used to be one of the lead actors of a theatre group called Hetu when I was in medical school. Prithvi Theatre was our stomping ground. I'd got many positive reviews.

Quotes by Vikram Patel

I always wanted to be in Bollywood and the first step towards that was by participating in school plays. I would get awards for my acting and that motivated me to get into Bollywood.

Quotes by Vijay Krishna Acharya

I like Kamal Haasan's daring choice of roles. When I was in school and college, I modelled myself on him. I was so much in awe of him.

Quotes by Vikram

My son, Sanjay, and I discuss a lot of things. Like, he gives me feedback on my films and what his friends say at school.

Quotes by Vijay

When I was in university, my dream was to be a coach, like a high school track coach. Not to teach.

Quotes by Victoria Pratt

I was bullied in high school. I would go through the hallways and be pointed at and laughed at because I was the new kid in a wheelchair.

Quotes by Victoria Arlen

Telling stories has been a compulsion of mine since I could physically say, 'Once upon a time...' But in high school, I realized I could study creative writing in college and actually pursue it as a viable career.

Quotes by Victoria Aveyard

I have always loved fashion since I was a kid and customized my school uniforms.

Quotes by Victoria Beckham

Given the choice, I'm sure the majority of children would rather have a packed lunch than school meals.

Quotes by Victoria Coren Mitchell

Given the choice, the majority of children wouldn't go to school at all. The whole thing's ghastly.

Quotes by Victoria Coren Mitchell

I was never, in my whole school career, given a job as a monitor, a form captain, or a prefect. I never won any kind of prize.

Quotes by Victoria Coren Mitchell

When I left drama school, saying you were going to the RSC made you a laughing stock.

Quotes by Victoria Hamilton

I went to dance classes from 9 in the morning until 1, then to school from 3 to 10 at night, always under the threat that if I failed a single course I could forget about dancing.

Quotes by Victoria Abril

I had a pretty bad time when I was an undergraduate at Cornell University. I failed out of school. I was much, much heavier.

Quotes by Victor LaValle

There is no reason why any public school district in our state should be on a four-day school week. If anything, we should be extending the school year.

Quotes by Victor Mitchell

I always tell people I went to the Harvard School of Comedy in front of America.

Quotes by Vicki Lawrence

I get to have Sunday lunch at my mum's, pick my nephew up from school now and then: it's a very normal life.

Quotes by Vicky McClure

There are lots of people who haven't been to drama school who have great talent and can be discovered.

Quotes by Vicky McClure

I went to Mission Bay High School. Me and my brother, we both went there.

Quotes by Vic Fuentes

What nourishes us at home and in school is what inspires us. When we get awareness and learn about the great potential that we all human beings have, we are able to discover our leadership.

Quotes by Vicente Fox

I guess I was always a ham, and I was anxious to try doing different things. I started doing impressions to make friends at school. I would do them during recess. Maybe some of the kids thought I was being weird, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

Quotes by Vesta Williams

I'm from the school of, 'if you want more, you have to require more from yourself.'

Quotes by Vera Farmiga

I knew there was a school where women could study astronomy. So... it never occurred to me that I couldn't be an astronomer.

Quotes by Vera Rubin

School was just kind of something where it was like, 'Um, I guess I should get my bachelor's.' My mind is always geared towards the practical.

Quotes by Verite

In high school and college all my friends and my brother wrestled.

Quotes by Verne Troyer

My mother was the president of the PTA at every school I attended.

Quotes by Vernon Jordan

In 1941 I finished at Allison Intermediate School (grades 7-9), and started at North High School, commuting by bicycle about 5 miles from home to school.

Quotes by Vernon L. Smith

For example, I loved English and history at school. I would have loved to have done a degree in either. But my Mom said I didn't have time for university.

Quotes by Vanessa Mae

I visualized high school as being like 'Saved By the Bell.'

Quotes by Vanessa Ray

I visualized high school as being like 'Saved By the Bell.' I decided I would do all the things they did on that show.

Quotes by Vanessa Ray

I used to sneak into my mother's closet and try to wear her lingerie to school.

Quotes by Vanity

My husband was working as principal of an urban transformation high school - the kind of public charter school determined to do whatever it takes to give its mostly minority, low-income student body the education they need and deserve to be successful in life.

Quotes by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

I went to eight different schools my first nine years of school.

Quotes by Vanessa Lachey

Well, the thing about my high school, which I loved, is that we had uniforms. But whenever we had a free dress day, it was prep-ville, with sweater vests and polo shirts and khakis and Dockers.

Quotes by Vanessa Lachey

I started in high school and regional theater. Anything that came into town, I wanted to be involved in, because I just wanted to learn.

Quotes by Valerie Azlynn

One day, when we were coming back from school, we saw this big cloud of smoke coming up, and all these fire-trucks in the yard. The garage was burning down. I was 14, and we'd lost everything.

Quotes by Valerie June

I spent a lot of time at my grandparents in the school holidays, and the only books in the house were a copy of the Bible and Agatha Christie's 'Murder at the Vicarage.' I developed a taste for murder mysteries and then later discovered libraries, second-hand bookshops, and jumble sales.

Quotes by Val McDermid

My last name is Taylor. So in school, every time we got a project, I'm at the end. So I get to see the whole class do their project. Then, when it comes time to do mine, of course I'd pass, and the teacher wouldn't have too many questions.

Quotes by Valee

I had very bad temper tantrums. I was in more grammar schools than there are years of grammar school. I got kicked out of, like, two preschools, a kindergarten.

Quotes by Valee

In my senior year of high school, I read an article in 'Newsweek' about child soldiers in Sierra Leone. I felt a sense of shock - this was happening in the region where I'm from, and people don't know about it. I wanted to understand.

Quotes by Uzodinma Iweala

'Beasts of No Nation' began when I read an article about child soldiers in Sierra Leone during my final year of high school.

Quotes by Uzodinma Iweala

The first time I ever cast a vote in my 1992 Blessed Sacrament School poll, I voted for Ross Perot because - Ross Perot.

Quotes by Uzodinma Iweala

No, I am very old school. Everybody has a different definition of old school today. But yes, I do feel that I would like to meet, know a person before taking it forward. I am not the casual hook-up types.

Quotes by Vaani Kapoor

I was the head girl in school and also a national level basketball player.

Quotes by Urvashi Rautela

I've not seen my two girls play high school sports.

Quotes by Urban Meyer

I never went to school. I never went to acting school because I was so scared.

Quotes by Ursula Andress

I went to an all-girls Catholic high school. The three things that they focused on were reading, writing, and arithmetic. My goodness, this is a novel idea in this modern society. I was really good at all three of these things. I was particularly good at math.

Quotes by Ursula Burns

Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.

Quotes by Ulysses S. Grant

I went to a wrestling school in Canada. That did not work out well, I think I was out there for like a week.

Quotes by Tyrus

I've learned a lot from the experiences that I went through in high school, through college and overseas, and just everything in life. That is what prepared me for coming into the NBA, being undersized, no recognition, not getting anything easy, and I have been fortunate to prosper in this league.

Quotes by Udonis Haslem

In high school I definitely had a clique of friends. And what I loved about it was that we were healthy and good girls.

Quotes by Tyra Banks

Not too many people have my story. And this is my story: A guy goes from unknown to a Heisman Trophy finalist. He gets kicked out of school. He absolutely rebounds himself. He becomes a millionaire. He's taking care of his family. And then he's getting injured.

Quotes by Tyrann Mathieu

LSU is the only fan base that truly knows Tyrann. I couldn't play for another school. I just couldn't do it. I wouldn't have given my all playing for another school. I was only going to give my all for LSU.

Quotes by Tyrann Mathieu

I was in high school and I had an independent album out, and we kept sending that out, and I was doing shows. No one really dug it. It was very Americana and had a lot of folk elements in it.

Quotes by Tyler Hilton

I thought I would be a teacher; I think my eventual goal was to be the principal of my old high school.

Quotes by Tyler Labine

I was never really unpopular in high school.

Quotes by Tyler Posey

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Today's Quote

That's my main goal: to win a world championship.

Quote Of The Day

Today's Shayari

दर्द की जुबां होती तो बता देते...
वो जख्म कैसे बताएं जो दिखते नहीं...!!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

बेवकूफी का जबरदस्त उदाहरण

संता का पड़ोसी मर गया। वो उसके घर गया और वहां खड़े मृतक के संबंधियों से...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Status Of The Day

Today's Prayer

My Lord, the needs are pressing and very urgent. I will never be put to shame. The money I need...

Prayer Of The Day