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Ride Quotes

Most Famous Ride Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best ride quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Ride Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

A musical sweeps you along, like you're on a magic carpet ride of sorts. But you have to keep up.

Quotes by Jefferson Mays

To answer that I have to describe what I think is my responsibility as a thriller writer: To give my readers the most exciting roller coaster ride of a suspense story I can possibly think of.

Quotes by Jeffery Deaver

Our bodies are hanging along for the ride, but my brain is talking to your brain. And if we want to understand who we are and how we feel and perceive, we really understand what brains are.

Quotes by Jeff Hawkins

Even in the ambulance ride I was trying to say something, trying to say, like, 'I knew who did it, I knew what went on.' And then I think they were kind of thrown back by that. They were like, 'What? You know what went on? You know what happened?' And I was like, 'Yeah, I saw the guy.'

Quotes by Jeff Bauman

My career was a roller-coaster ride but I never stopped taking chances.

Quotes by Jeetendra

The clock, for all its precision in measurement, is a blunt instrument for the psyche and for society. Schedules can replace sensitivity to the mood of a moment, clock time can ride roughshod over the emotions of individuals.

Quotes by Jay Griffiths

When I first started the show, I was known as the 'cop nerd.' I was in the 9th Precinct in the East Village every day. I'd be at work wearing a fake bulletproof vest with foam in it, then I'd leave and put on a real one to ride around with these guys.

Quotes by Jason Wiles

I got stuck on the Peter Pan ride when I was nine years old with my dad at Disney World. We got stuck on that part of the ride when you're suspended in the pirate ship above the miniature London, and I was fascinated by the why of it all. 'Why is Peter Peter Pan, why is he in Neverland, how did he learn how to fly, etc.?'

Quotes by Jason Fuchs

What I loved about 'War Dogs' was the fact that the tone - turning that story into a spectacular two hour ride is just such a complicated thing to do.

Quotes by Jason Blum

When I was a kid... if I couldn't get a ride to the comic book store, I would walk a mile and a half each way to get the latest issues of 'Batman' and 'Spider-Man' and 'X-Men.' I could not choose one over the other.

Quotes by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

I love to ride horses, hike in the woods with Juliette and appraise Longhorns.

Quotes by Janine Turner

You can ride your bike to anywhere in Portland if you want to. I think there was a charming underdog mentality when I first moved here in the late '80s that is definitely gone. People acted more like underdogs, dressed more like underdogs.

Quotes by Janet Weiss

We inherit plots. There are only two or three in the world, five or six at most. We ride them like treadmills.

Quotes by Janette Turner Hospital

When you're a little kid, you are small, your life is small - and you're terrifically aware of that. But when you read, you can ride Arabian horses across the desert, you can be a dogsledder.

Quotes by Janet Fitch

I readily admit it is easy to make of horses what we will. Silent, in some ways reserved, they allow us to train them, and to project our ideas upon them; to ride and drive them, and to make them symbolic, perhaps to a greater degree than any other species.

Quotes by Jane Smiley

I gallop and jump and ride young horses with intense pleasure.

Quotes by Jane Smiley

Cape Cod baseball dates back to the time of the Civil War. A poster at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown touts a round-trip train ride from Hyannis to Sandwich on July 4, 1885 - the occasion of the 14th annual baseball game between Sandwich and Barnstable.

Quotes by Jane Leavy

Ultimately, a great thriller is a roller coaster ride. I like to think that's a promise I have never failed to keep, and one that I'd say has served my books well.

Quotes by James Patterson

I always figured there would be a kid audience and an adult audience, and there is. That's true for 'Hunger Games' and 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter.' And 'Maximum Ride,' for sure. In particular what happens is a lot of parents share the books with their kids, and the mom has read it, and the kids, and they talk about it.

Quotes by James Patterson

I confess that as a young boy, Sunday was not my favorite day. Grandfather shut down the action. We didn't have any transportation. We couldn't drive the car. He wouldn't even let us start the motor. We couldn't ride the horses, or the steers, or the sheep.

Quotes by James E. Faust

Absolutely, it's a really weird stage because at the minute, I can walk down the street and be unrecognised, lead a normal life, but my label and everybody is warning me that will be changing and I'm in for a rollercoaster ride.

Quotes by James Blunt

Much as Cold War nuclear strategists could argue about winning a nuclear war by having more survivors, advocates of a Global Warming War might see the United States, Western Europe, or Russia as better able to ride out climate disruption and manipulation than, say, China or the countries of the Middle East.

Quotes by Jamais Cascio

I love the outdoors. I love getting to hunt and fish and work on the land and ride our horses.

Quotes by Jake Peavy

I have to at least get a couple weekends in where I can just be on Santa Monica beach or Malibu and just ride the waves.

Quotes by Jake T. Austin

I did this film with Russell Crowe called 'The Water Diviner,' which took place just after WWI. It was fascinating because the weapons between WWI and WII were very different. I had to learn how to ride horses in a battle setting. It was important that we rode a certain way.

Quotes by Jai Courtney

You can learn to prevent a storm, or you can learn to ride the storm. If you learn to ride the storm, the storm is not a problem anymore.

Quotes by Jaggi Vasudev

I grew up riding when I was younger in Texas. I actually learned how to ride in Norway. I really love riding horses.

Quotes by Jackson Rathbone

I will miss the association with the players and coaches. It has been a great ride.

Quotes by Jack Ramsay

I do periodically ride a bus with my kids.

Quotes by J. B. Pritzker

Serving in Congress has been more than an honor; it has been one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life... It has been a wonderful ride. It has been a wonderful journey.

Quotes by J. C. Watts

I've been lucky to ride 10 different horses at the Olympics. I'd like to think that of all of them, Big Ben - who was inducted into the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame - would still be competitive in the contemporary sport.

Quotes by Ian Millar

It's always a thrill to wear the flag and ride for Canada in any competition, but especially the Olympics.

Quotes by Ian Millar

My plan is to ride out my 30s with 'handsome man' parts, hit 40 and take some time off to have some kids, and then come back as Paul Giamatti.

Quotes by Ian Harding

Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Quotes by Hunter S. Thompson

More than anything, I just want people to, like, let themselves be taken on the ride that 'Euphoria' will be over eight episodes and just, like, let it, like, hit them.

Quotes by Hunter Schafer

All you can do as an artist is just strive to make the best record you can and ride the rollercoaster as it goes up and down.

Quotes by Howie Dorough

The team we had, the Hobie Vita-Pakt Super Surfer team, you know, the Hilton boys were on there, Conrad Hilton's grandkids, and they were really good. After being around those kids, I could ride a little. Do a 360, some kick-turns, stuff like that.

Quotes by Hobart Alter

Living in the 'Bigg Boss' house is a roller-coaster ride. I didn't expect to reach the finals. But I was sure that I would be in the top five.

Quotes by Hina Khan

I always observe the people who pass by when I ride an escalator. I'll never see most of them again, so I imagine a lot of things about their lives... about the day ahead of them.

Quotes by Hideo Kojima

Truth is the silliest thing under the sun. Try to get a living by the Truth and go to the Soup Societies. Heavens! Let any clergyman try to preach the Truth from its very stronghold, the pulpit, and they would ride him out of his church on his own pulpit bannister.

Herman Melville

Man hath still either toys or care: But hath no root, nor to one place is tied, but ever restless and irregular, about this earth doth run and ride. He knows he hath a home, but scarce knows where; He says it is so far, that he has quite forgot how to go there.

Quotes by Henry Vaughan

You see, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, actually.

Quotes by Henry Winkler

I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride.

Quotes by Henry Rollins

I suppose there must be idiots who dream of signing deals with publishers while fully intending to drink martinis in cool bars or ride around on skateboards. But the actual writers I know are experts in neurotic self-torture. Every page of writing is the result of a thousand tiny decisions and desperate acts of will.

Quotes by Helen Garner

Christ rode on an ass, but now asses ride on Christ.

Quotes by Heinrich Heine

In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers.

Quotes by Harvey Cushing

It's very hard to find true friends when your life is a bumpy ride full of twists and turns. But, I'm glad that amidst all the ramblings in my life I have managed to win some great friends.

Quotes by Harbhajan Singh

There's a line you have when you're racing, and you can ride up to that line. If you push beyond it, you might crash. But first is first, second is forgotten. That's what we say.

Quotes by Guy Martin

The first few years I was competing, I'd ride so well in practice, then choke and fall in competition. Now I take a deep breath and say, 'Look at me. I'm outside. I'm doing what I love.' Still, nothing's matched the pressure I felt standing at the top of the halfpipe for the first time at the Olympics.

Quotes by Gretchen Bleiler

If you only get one roller-coaster ride, you don't want to be thinking about the second one when you're on it.

Quotes by Greg Poehler

I can't remember ever being told how to ride.

Quotes by Gordon Richards

My respect for Westerns have gone way, way up. It's hard and treacherous work. It's hard to find people these days who can ride horses like that and jump onto trains.

Quotes by Gore Verbinski

One thing led to another and I didn't have to take tickets any more because I now worked for Mr. Rogers. He said if I was going to take care of his horses than I'd better learn how to ride. He was very kind to me.

Quotes by Glenn Ford

He was very commanding, and you had to know what you were doing to work for Mr. Rogers. I learned how to ride very quickly with him as my riding teacher.

Quotes by Glenn Ford

Sure, jets are fast and economical, but, oh my, what fun we've lost and what leisure we've sacrificed in the race to efficiency. Somehow, stepping onto a plane and zooming across the United States in a matter of hours doesn't hold a candle to the dear, old-fashioned train ride.

Quotes by Ginger Rogers

I think you just have to take everything that happens on a TV show with a grain of salt. You sign up for a show for six years having zero idea where they're going to go with the character, so you just have to get on the ride of the show and go with wherever they take you.

Quotes by Gillian Jacobs

My favorite part of a roller-coaster ride is when you're going up and you're slightly scared and really excited. You don't know what's coming next but you know it's going to be good. You can't handle it, go on the carousel.

Quotes by Gina Gershon

When I say that I'm a grade-A student in motocross, I mean that I can sit on a bike and ride it. But I'm confident that, with time, I could do a 12 o'clock.

Quotes by Georgia King

If I couldn't compete, I wouldn't ride. I don't ride for fun; I ride to prepare for the next competition, and everything that I do when I am in the saddle is always a calculated step in my path to the next win.

Quotes by Georgina Bloomberg

And in 'Frisco Kid' and in 'The Woman in Red' I had to ride badly. Then you have to really ride well in order to ride badly.

Quotes by Gene Wilder

My father enlisted at the age of 17. He lied about his age because he wanted to ride the fastest motorbikes, which were with the British army.

Quotes by Genesis P-Orridge

Playing for England was one long roller-coaster: some ups and downs, but also quite a few moments when you're not really sure if you're enjoying the ride.

Quotes by Gary Neville

I sail, run dogs, ride horses, play professional poker and tell stories about the stuff I've been through. And I'm still a romantic; I still want Bambi to make it out of the fire.

Quotes by Gary Paulsen

I'm a teller of stories. I put bloody skins on my back and dance around the fire, and I say what the hunt was like. It's not erudite; it's not intellectual. I sail, run dogs, ride horses, play professional poker, and tell stories about the stuff I've been through. And I'm still a romantic; I still want Bambi to make it out of the fire.

Quotes by Gary Paulsen

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.

Quotes by Gary Allan

People see me now and ask if I'm still running. I may look like I am, but I'm really not. People think I still run every day but I ran for 25 years and I deserve to not do anything but walk or ride the bike with my kids.

Quotes by Gail Devers

There's a lot of great people out here, I just appreciate it and hope everybody has had fun because I've enjoyed my ride.

Quotes by Fuzzy Zoeller

I hope everybody's had fun, because I've enjoyed my ride. I can tell you that. Now it's time to step aside and let some other young kid come in and win. Hopefully, they will, too.

Quotes by Fuzzy Zoeller

As long as the dollar remains in high esteem as a trade currency, America can continue to spend more than it earns. But when the day arrives - as it certainly must - when the dollar tumbles and foreigners no longer want it, the free ride will be over.

Quotes by G. Edward Griffin

When I am in Egypt, I am along for the ride - I am a privileged outsider, but an outsider nonetheless.

Quotes by G. Willow Wilson

Being an actress wasn't a plan at all, so what's happened to me is very strange. Life isn't very normal, even though I'm still very much a normal girl. I ride the subway, I ride the bus, and all of that.

Quotes by Gabourey Sidibe

I don't like pre-written raps; I think it makes the song better if you listen to the beat first. In a sense, you have to make a marriage with the beat. I ride the beat, hear the flow of the drums, get the melody of my flow, and then from that point, it's a process of what I want to say.

Quotes by Freddie Gibbs

We are on our way to blockchains as the fabric of society - the system for what we own (assets), who we are (identity), how we make decisions (governance), and more in an increasingly digital world. It's going to be a wild ride.

Quotes by Fred Ehrsam

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Quotes by Franklin P. Jones

A few hours' ride brought us to the banks of the river Kansas.

Quotes by Francis Parkman

I'm a pretty informal guy. I ride a Harley.

Quotes by Francis Collins

I do ride my bike a lot.

Quotes by Finn Wolfhard

I just think that things should be allowed to run their course, and not turned into a Disney ride.

Quotes by Fiona Shaw

Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth and I have to say when I'm riding around in that crazy Space Mountain ride I'm happy.

Quotes by Famke Janssen

Almost anything worth doing involves some measure of risk - from learning to ride a bike, moving to a new city, and certainly, starting your own business. The point is that no one has ever started a business or created a new product with a guarantee of success.

Quotes by Fabrizio Moreira

My wife and I, we like to ride where there's not much traffic.

Quotes by Evel Knievel

Riding a motorcycle on today's highways, you have to ride in a very defensive manner. You have to be a good rider and you have to have both hands and both feet on the controls at all times.

Quotes by Evel Knievel

In China, inaugurations are frequent affairs, though they have nothing to do with presidents. A news cycle rarely passes without some fanfare over the inaugural ride on a new subway line or the inaugural trip across an unusually large bridge.

Quotes by Evan Osnos

I try to switch things up by going for a bike ride or taking a SoulCycle class.

Quotes by Eva Marie

I went jogging up on Mulholland. In the middle of my run I had some form of asthma attack and couldn't even walk. I couldn't get a ride one block to my house. I thought I was going to die.

Quotes by Esai Morales

I ride my horses three to four times a week.

Quotes by Eric Roberts

I didn't mind when Paul Wight came to me and said WWE offered him $1 million a year for ten years. I was like, 'Dude, you need to take that. You need to go now. Lemme give you a ride to the airport.'

Quotes by Eric Bischoff

The one thing I've learned in the last ten years is that successful artists don't get paid to write and sing songs, they get paid for the psychological roller coaster they're going to have to ride. That's the hard work.

Quotes by Enrique Iglesias

It's been a tremendous ride. My 15 years, my 15 minutes of fame, is up.

Quotes by Emmitt Smith

I play golf and ride my motorcycle - my Harley - around the hills of California.

Quotes by Engelbert Humperdinck

I ride horses once in a while, but I'm no expert. I hold on for dear life.

Quotes by Emily Robison

I want to do a Western so bad because I want to ride horses and act. Those are two of my favorite things in the world to do. I want to do that.

Quotes by Emily Rose

The action comedy 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl' raises one of the most overlooked and important cinematic questions of our time: Can a movie maintain the dramatic integrity of a theme park ride?

Quotes by Elvis Mitchell

Working with the brand has taught me to keep it classy but also shake things up. I love that about Chanel because I get to be pretty, but I also get to ride my skateboard in Chanel.

Quotes by Ellie Bamber

There was a lot of light and a lot of rumbling and vibration, especially the first minute or minute-and-a-half. And then after about two minutes, when the solid rocket boosters separated, the ride got a lot smoother.

Quotes by Ellen Ochoa

There were times, especially when I was traveling for 'Eat, Pray, Love,' when, I swear to God, I would feel this weight of my female ancestors, all those Swedish farmwives from beyond the grave who were like, 'Go! Go to Naples! Eat more pizza! Go to India, ride an elephant! Do it! Swim in the Indian Ocean. Read those books. Learn a language.'

Quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert

I think I really thought I was a boy until I was ten years old because my parents divorced when I was born, and so my three brothers were almost like my fathers growing up. So they taught me how to ride a bike and all that stuff. I really was just kind of a guy's girl and just kind of an outspoken - some could say obnoxious - in-your-face kid.

Quotes by Eliza Dushku

But I went to the University of Texas in the 30s, and while there I learned to ride. Mostly polo ponies.

Quotes by Eli Wallach

First of all, there's the celebrity thing. Like, who are you here for, are you dating me or are you trying to date my dad? These men either just want to be there for one thing and don't want to stay for the real relationship part or they just want to ride the wave and be bougie and bomb and have their picture taken and do all of that.

Quotes by EJ Johnson

Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while; take the risks in life that seem worth taking. The ride might not be as predictable if you'd just planted your feet and stayed put, but it will be a heck of a lot more interesting.

Quotes by Edward Whitacre, Jr.

The job of every president is to ride herd over Congress.

Quotes by Edward Conard

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