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Most Famous Practice Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best practice quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Practice Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Goal setting will never stop. I will continue to work hard and practice hard and see where things go.

Quotes by Zach Johnson

Try to devote the percentage of time for each club that you're going to be using on the golf course. I like to have two or three different clubs that I practice with, not four or five.

Quotes by Zach Johnson

When I was a kid, I wanted desperately to be a jazz musician. I would practice the trumpet for hours, but when I got braces, that messed up my ability to play, so all of a sudden I had all this free time.

Quotes by Zach Woods

Europe believes that providing clear labelling for genetically modified food is a consumer right, but such practice is absolutely opposed by the vast majority of states in the U.S.

Quotes by Zac Goldsmith

I see my practice as picture making. Whatever is available, I use.

Quotes by Wolfgang Tillmans

I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own.

Quotes by Woody Allen

Nothing can ever happen twice. In consequence, the sorry fact is that we arrive here improvised and leave without the chance to practice.

Quotes by Wislawa Szymborska

Every Friday we'd do a final practice 'walk-through' for the game, and I just remember we were always out on the field dancing and singing together.

Quotes by William Perry

Ideally, it is important to communicate exactly when large amounts of tokens become unlocked and therefore available in public exchanges. It is a good practice to continuously update these exchanges with the right amount of tokens in circulation.

Quotes by William Mougayar

Crowdsourced funding via cryptocurrencies is a viable practice. A lot of good ideas and innovative companies are coming out of it. This segment is creating thousands of jobs and companies all over the world.

Quotes by William Mougayar

I have been agreeably disappointed in my idea of the camels. They are far from unpleasant to ride; in fact, it is much less fatiguing than riding on horseback, and even with the little practice I have yet had, I find it shakes me less.

Quotes by William John Wills

I never have known a man of ordinary common-sense who did not urge upon his sons, from earliest childhood, doctrines of economy and the practice of accumulation.

Quotes by William Graham Sumner

The disease of an evil conscience is beyond the practice of all the physicians of all the countries in the would.

Quotes by William E. Gladstone

There are two men in Tolstoy. He is a mystic and he is also a realist. He is addicted to the practice of a pietism that for all its sincerity is nothing if not vague and sentimental; and he is the most acute and dispassionate of observers, the most profound and earnest student of character and emotion.

Quotes by William Ernest Henley

I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob.

Quotes by William F. Buckley, Jr.

The biggest thing for me is to be accessible. When a high school coach comes on our campus, they can sit in every position meeting they want to sit in. They can come to every practice. And the comments I've gotten from our high school coaches is how accessible we are to them. That's what you need to do to build those relationships.

Quotes by Will Muschamp

If a guy's not executing very well, then obviously we haven't given him enough looks in practice.

Quotes by Will Muschamp

I played trumpet for about two weeks. Sixth grade. And I didn't practice. Maybe a little longer than two weeks, but I didn't practice and I was faking it.

Quotes by Wendell Pierce

The only way a kid is going to practice is if it's total fun for him... and it was for me.

Quotes by Wayne Gretzky

There can be no doubt that the practice of opening legislative sessions with prayer has become part of the fabric of our society.

Quotes by Warren E. Burger

Religious tolerance is something we should all practice; however, there have been more persecution and atrocities committed in the name of religion and religious freedom than anything else.

Quotes by Walter Koenig

The view of how America speaks is reflected in our laws. And one of the laws is fair housing. It very clearly prohibits discrimination in the sale and rental of housing in America. It's been a sad fact of American life that the practice in many communities has been quite the opposite.

Quotes by Walter F. Mondale

But I, Caesar, have not sought to amass wealth by the practice of my art, having been rather contented with a small fortune and reputation, than desirous of abundance accompanied by a want of reputation.

Quotes by Vitruvius

My batting practice would be a guy throwing balls in the way in which I liked it. It was all about getting ball on bat, rather than something whizzing past your ear.

Quotes by Viv Richards

I like to keep myself physically and mentally fit before any important match. I usually take a short nap just before the game and do not practice immediately before the tournament.

Quotes by Viswanathan Anand

My practice schedule is not constant and changes a lot and depends on my moods also.

Quotes by Viswanathan Anand

Acting takes a lot of practice, but so does auditioning.

Quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III

Trust your instincts, and the best way to trust them is to practice them.

Quotes by Vincent Rodriguez III

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Quotes by Vince Lombardi

My judges preach against free love openly, practice it secretly.

Quotes by Victoria Woodhull

I liked Michael Jackson and used to practice his steps. I enjoy dancing!

Quotes by Vijay

If you haven't got it. Fake it! Too short? Wear big high heels, but do practice walking!

Quotes by Victoria Beckham

While we can learn from U.S. models, we certainly can't practice them.

Quotes by Victor Koo

My first job ever was on 'Peak Practice.' I just had to walk up the stairs. They kept the take where I slipped slightly, which was annoying.

Quotes by Vicky McClure

I was working like a dog as a housekeeper, barista, nanny, cook, so I could save enough money to really sit with my instruments. Whenever I had 20 minutes, I would practice a new chord or write a new verse.

Quotes by Valerie June

I do not believe in populism. I am not a supporter of radical decisions. Practice has shown that usually these are harmful.

Quotes by Valentina Matviyenko

When asked if I consider myself Buddhist, the answer is, Not really. But it's more my religion than any other because I was brought up with it in an intellectual and spiritual environment. I don't practice or preach it, however.

Quotes by Uma Thurman

When I make a bad play, it frustrates the heck out of me, even in practice.

Quotes by Tyson Chandler

I save the race for the race and I don't let it all out in practice.

Quotes by Tyson Gay

Kids should practice autographing baseballs. This is a skill that's often overlooked in Little League.

Quotes by Tug McGraw

No doubt, clinical practice in alleviating malaria symptoms utilizing Qinghao - inherited from traditional Chinese medical literature - provided some useful information leading to the discovery of artemisinin.

Quotes by Tu Youyou

We domesticated pigs to turn food waste back into food. And yet, in Europe, that practice has become illegal since 2001 as a result of the foot-and-mouth outbreak. It's unscientific. It's unnecessary. If you cook food for pigs, just as if you cook food for humans, it is rendered safe. It's also a massive saving of resources.

Quotes by Tristram Stuart

Close contact between science and the practice of collective farms and State farms creates inexhaustible opportunities for the development of theoretical knowledge, enabling us to learn ever more and more about the nature of living bodies and the soil.

Quotes by Trofim Lysenko

As a kid, I used to practice my signature, working on the way I wanted to sign my autograph.

Quotes by Troy Aikman

I practice every day, I warm up before I play.

Quotes by Travis Barker

But really, anytime, I play on a practice pad as much as I can.

Quotes by Travis Barker

I think the graphic novel form works, in practice, a lot differently from watching a movie. You can put it down and pick it back up whenever you want - something you can't do in a theater.

Quotes by Travis Beacham

I'm just not a great practice player.

Quotes by Tracy McGrady

The Russian Federation's practice of instant citizenship, whereby Russian passports are distributed willy-nilly to ethnic Russians abroad so they can be 'protected' in their current homeland, is unacceptable. Passports are travel documents, not a tool to justify aggression.

Quotes by Toomas Hendrik Ilves

You can be in Tokyo or Alberta at four in the morning in your hotel and you can still practice if you feel like it. A trombone cannot do that at four in the morning.

Quotes by Toots Thielemans

I was always more interested in public service. What I discovered is you could practice law and be a public servant.

Quotes by Tony West

If you seriously aspire to be a manager in the big leagues, there is a baseball 'book' that one must learn. Alongside that book, you must practice Spanish. Of 25 players on each roster, sometimes there are between eight and 15 players who speak Spanish.

Quotes by Tony La Russa

I practice martial arts not to win over other people but to win over my own heart.

Quotes by Tony Jaa

I'm a strong believer that you practice like you play, little things make big things happen.

Quotes by Tony Dorsett

Christians historically have believed wrong on issues. Take slavery: they believed wrong on that issue for generations, and it had, just, repercussions that were staggeringly negative for our culture and my community. So it is possible to be Christian and to believe wrongly and practice wrongly.

Quotes by Tony Evans

Since the Reagan era, Republicans have prescribed cuts for rich people and corporations as a cure-all. But every time they put their theory into practice, the rich just get richer, and everyone else gets left behind.

Quotes by Tom Steyer

President Obama has adopted a practice of picking and choosing which laws he wants to enforce. In most cases, his laws of choice conveniently coincide with his administration's political agenda.

Quotes by Tom Rice

An easily accessible and transparent database of contract information will bring sunshine into the confusing and sometimes shadowy practice of government contracting.

Quotes by Tom Coburn

A strong dollar reflects a strong country and a strong economy, and we need to make sure that we get the - stop the practice of devaluing the dollar.

Quotes by Tim Pawlenty

I practice on the acoustic guitar a little bit, but I think I have reached the peak of my talent.

Quotes by Tim Hudson

I take my son to school and then I drive 45 minutes to practice with my ABA team, the Florida Pit Bulls, from 10 to 1. In the afternoon, I have meetings.

Quotes by Tim Hardaway

I'm one of those guys who stays behind after practice to try and get better.

Quotes by Tim Hardaway Jr.

Well, I've seen a bunch of acupuncturists and one of my sister-in-laws is an herbalist. So I know a lot about alternative medicine. I don't know a lot about the practice but I know about the world.

Quotes by Tim Daly

Sometimes I practice to Allan Holdsworth or John McLaughlin, but I don't just practice to jazz and jazz-fusion albums. I'll practice to TV theme music - one of my favorites is 'M*A*S*H.' I'll just play along with anything on the TV.

Quotes by Thundercat

The art of medicine was to be properly learned only from its practice and its exercise.

Quotes by Thomas Sydenham

When I got my law degree and my license to practice here in the District of Columbia, I represented several immigrants who had entered without inspection.

Quotes by Thomas Hardiman

Like the British Constitution, she owes her success in practice to her inconsistencies in principle.

Quotes by Thomas Hardy

All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.

Quotes by Thomas a Kempis

No writing effort is ever wasted. At the very least, it's practice, and a writer never knows when he or she might usefully cannibalize an earlier effort for something new.

Quotes by Therese Fowler

The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions.

Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

There are many, many Christians who practice Buddhism, and they become better and better Christians all the time.

Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

When you learn about the teaching and the practice of another tradition, you always have a chance to understand your own teaching and practice.

Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

Live your own life; practice what you preach.

Quotes by The Ultimate Warrior

If we imagine that the only right that we have is to make commodifiable objects, then we limit our practice, and we limit the great potential for an understanding between collectors, curators and galleries.

Quotes by Theaster Gates

It's funny that I love golf so much because I'm not usually drawn to things I'm not so good at. It's all about practice and working and not getting discouraged.

Quotes by Tessa Virtue

The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practice it. Slowly but surely, as they try to extinguish life in others, the light within them dies.

Quotes by Terry Waite

Virtue is something you have to get good at, like playing the trombone or tolerating bores at parties. Being a virtuous human being takes practice; and those who are brilliant at being human (what Christians call the saints) are the virtuosi of the moral sphere - the Pavarottis and Maradonas of virtue.

Quotes by Terry Eagleton

As a veterinarian and lover of animals, I feel the time is now to stop the practice of horse soring for good.

Quotes by Ted Yoho

I'm very confident. I wouldn't go out on that practice field if I wasn't.

Quotes by Teddy Bridgewater

I am always urging my students to honor their writing practice, to set up a schedule.

Quotes by Tayari Jones

Living, breathing, and being present is the practice that can lead us to having a full and authentic in-the-body experience. If we can shift our perspective from being separate to being part of it all, psychological hang-ups, insecurities, fears, and disorders dissolve.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

Yoga practice is therapeutic for the body and mind, reminds us of our goodness, energizes our creativity, and inspires.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

For me, meditation is a practice to get rid of useless junk cluttering my mind and useless ticks inhabiting my body.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

The world needs yoga. This stuff is powerful and intense. It has the power to harm when held tightly, studied without practice, and posed rigidly. Done right, it also has the ability to heal and cure.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

Yoga, in its authentic form, is a system of health for the body, mind, and spirit. Neglecting an element transforms the practice into something that is not, in fact, yoga.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

When we practice cleaning our slate and interacting without motive, what we actually 'get' in return is greater than what we might have expected. Life can open up and be full of surprises that blow past our narrow expectations.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

When we turn on our observation capabilities, we become much more in the moment and much more powerful. Psychic powers have been known to develop from consistent practice of paying attention. It's available to us all. It's all in what we choose to practice.

Quotes by Tara Stiles

Here's a rule I recommend: Never practice two vices at once.

Quotes by Tallulah Bankhead

I actually feel like the phrase 'big in Japan' is not appropriate for me. The reason is that there are more people who sympathize with my practice in America than there are domestically in Japan.

Quotes by Takashi Murakami

Sometimes the best, and only effective, way to kill an idea is to put it into practice.

Quotes by Sydney J. Harris

You have to practice the life you want regardless of what the circumstances are.

Quotes by Susan Kelechi Watson

I wrote in coffee shops in Japan when I was 22, 23, before I had the stamina to sit down and write. I liked the buzzy environment; I couldn't speak Japanese when I arrived, so it was kind of a white noise. It felt more sociable than being alone, but now, as I've developed a writing practice, I couldn't do it.

Quotes by Susan Barker

You would better educate ten women into the practice of liberal principles than to organize a thousand on a platform of intolerance and bigotry.

Quotes by Susan B. Anthony

I practice a lot. I practice in the winter when it's cold in Connecticut - a lot. I practice in my bedroom on the carpet - a lot. For all the practice I do, I should be a better golfer than I am.

Quotes by Stuart Scott

I like a good cliche because it reminds you that much of management practice boils down to things you need to do but often forget or fail to do often enough.

Quotes by Steven Sinofsky

The current practice of extending U.S. citizenship to hundreds of thousands of 'anchor babies' must end because it creates a magnet for illegal immigration into our country. Now is the time to ensure that the laws in this country do not encourage law-breaking.

Quotes by Steve King

To get the feel of how the slider should roll off of your index finger, use this grip and practice at half speed and roughly half the distance to the mound.

Quotes by Steve Carlton

What is common sense isn't common practice.

Quotes by Stephen Covey

When I shot 'Private Practice,' Amy Brenneman made a point of really befriending me before we started shooting.

Quotes by Stephen Amell

Our goal should be to develop work-life policies that enable people to put their gender values into practice. So let's stop arguing about the hard choices women make and help more women and men avoid such hard choices.

Quotes by Stephanie Coontz

Yoga is a great thing to do because you can just practice it by yourself in your hotel.

Quotes by Stella Maxwell

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Today's Quote

Pittsburgh's home. This is where it all started. This is always going to be home. I always have to get...

Quote Of The Day

Today's Shayari

तुम सादा-मिज़ाजी से मिटे फिरते हो जिस पर...
वो शख़्स तो दुनिया में किसी का भी नहीं है...!!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

संता ने वोडाफोन के ऑफिस में फ़ोन किया ,

वोडाफोन से – हेलो सर ,

आपकी क्या कम्पलेंट है ?...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

Photography to me is catching a moment which is passing, and which is true.

Status Of The Day

Today's Prayer

My Lord, bring me into greener pastures today. Make me see opportunities with money miracles for me in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Of The Day