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Me Quotes

Most Famous Me Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best me quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Me Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

For me, I like to look presentable when I'm outside. I'm not going to come to the office with nasty hair and pajamas just because I stayed up all night - that's just who I am.

Quotes by Yoon Ahn

I just try and decide what I'm interested in and what excites me. I don't worry about how it's going to be perceived.

Quotes by Yorgos Lanthimos

It's hard for me to find a script that's perfectly suited to me, so even if it's a good script, I'll still have to work on it with someone and shape it, making it the film that I want to make. So in that respect, I prefer to do the stuff that I've generated anyway.

Quotes by Yorgos Lanthimos

If the angel Gabriel came to me and said, 'Look, I'm willing to take your soul now and give it back to you at any period of time in the history of the nation of Israel, from the very beginning to this very day' - I think I would not think of any other time except for when Moses brought down the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai.

Quotes by Yitzhak Navon

If history remembers me at all, in any way, I hope it will be as a man who loved the Land of Israel and watched over it in every way he could, all his life.

Quotes by Yitzhak Shamir

I am miserable when everything is in order and quiet. Seriously, it's hard for me when I can go home quietly, go to sleep, and get up in the morning without fear and tension.

Quotes by Yitzhak Shamir

Doing something for Victoria's Secret would be great - I love Doutzen Kroes. She's so special to look at but seems like a very normal person. She's true to herself - that's important to me.

Quotes by Ymre Stiekema

I'd rather have people dislike my style than change it. If someone says, 'Hey, Yngwie, you play too damn much,' I don't care. They way I play is the way I like to play. If people like it, great. If they don't, it's still fine with me.

Quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen

The biggest mistake people make about me is that they see me as some sort of god-like figure with a big ego. If I see a button, a T-shirt, that says, 'Yngwie is God,' I just look at it as a complimentary way of people telling me they like me. Although it's very flattering, it doesn't change the way I look at myself.

Quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen

The truth is I was suffering from bipolar disorder. It went on for 18 months, during which I changed four doctors, the medication wasn't working on me, and crazy things were happening.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

I got a lot of support from the entire industry, stars like Akshay Kumar. A. R. Rahman told me to keep doing the good work and not get bogged down by anything.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

After ten years of struggle I reached somewhere, and then I see some people pulling me down. I tell myself that if this is what singers have to go through, I would never let my kid enter this field.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

I am overwhelmed for whatever I have achieved so far. I give the credit to my mother and everyone who has helped me.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

Writing songs, making music, and singing is important to me, and I do all three.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

I do not consume alcohol. You won't find a single picture that shows me drinking.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

As an entertainer, my first responsibility is to entertain my fans who have made me who I am today. I am not a preacher who can tell youngsters what they should be doing and what they should not be doing. The youth of our country is intelligent enough to know what is good and bad, and my songs can't change their thinking.

Quotes by Yo Yo Honey Singh

It took me way beyond what I knew, into places of which I was totally scared, but as I became less frightened, I welcomed new ways of thinking and approaching something. It made me an infinitely richer person, and I think a better musician.

Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma

I love grocery shopping when I'm home. That's what makes me feel totally normal. I love both the idea of home as in being with my family and friends, and also the idea of exploration. I think those two are probably my great interests.

Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma

There's a part of me that's always charging ahead. I'm the curious kid, always going to the edge.

Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma

The thing that I've always been slightly frustrated with, was that the idea of a CD is kind of confined to a material possession that you can put on a shelf. And the idea of music, for me, is always about both the communication and the sharing of content. And so the interactive part is missing.

Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma

I give you something, but I don't want you to give me something tomorrow. When I give something, it's because I want to give it.

Quotes by Yoel Romero

My family taught me something: I don't ask. What's yours, you do not ask for.

Quotes by Yoel Romero

The people who critique me are the people who don't know about the sport. They don't really know about the rules of MMA. They aren't a real fan or follower of the sport, or they're just people who like to talk.

Quotes by Yoel Romero

I have nothing against nobody in the UFC. This is a sport for me.

Quotes by Yoel Romero

I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.

Quotes by Yoenis Cespedes

I'm always gonna have the darker edgy music; it is always in my pocket because it comes so naturally to me.

Quotes by Yelawolf

Hip-hop for me has always been hardcore and edgy.

Quotes by Yelawolf

I don't sit under the tattoo gun unless I'm sold on it completely and it will define me as a person.

Quotes by Yelawolf

Give me a mystery - just a plain and simple one - a mystery which is diffidence and silence, a slim little bare-foot mystery: give me a mystery - just one!

Quotes by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

In my blood there is no Jewish blood. In their callous rage, all anti-Semites must hate me now as a Jew. For that reason I am a true Russian.

Quotes by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

My peoples told me they thought I should go talk to a therapist, and I went and talked to a therapist, and we let Vice record it.

Quotes by YG

That's what a lot of people know me as: they call it party music.

Quotes by YG

Footaction saw me swagging, so they reached out so we could do a little collab and talk about my style and the culture and the come-up and all that.

Quotes by YG

Me and Mustard the same age, and when we was growing up, he was DJing all the parties, and I was at all the parties.

Quotes by YG

I need a Grammy or a nomination. Just give me my nomination.

Quotes by YG

Me having my moms and pops in my life and knowing and seeing what they went through for us - it's why I'm a good father.

Quotes by YG

I felt so free in space, flying around and unrestrained by any social relationships, but my life since has changed a lot. Now I am extra-careful about what I say and do because everyone recognises me.

Quotes by Yi So-Yeon

They gave me 18 experiments to complete in my 10 days in the ISS. That's a lot. Everyone told me I didn't have to complete all of them, that it wasn't expected of me. But I knew everyone was watching me, so I gave up meals and sleep and completed all 18 experiments. It's a very Korean thing to do.

Quotes by Yi So-Yeon

If you ask me what's harder, being famous or flying to space, I'd say fame is much harder.

Quotes by Yi So-Yeon

I always have music playing in my studio when I design. It really gets me in the mood and allows me to focus.

Quotes by Yigal Azrouel

I believe the Thai people are patient, and the people at least give me a chance to prove my ability to help them.

Quotes by Yingluck Shinawatra

You might not trust me. Please give me a chance and time. I will prove myself for all of you.

Quotes by Yingluck Shinawatra

The Arab world is mediatised in a way that gives too much space to these people - puritans, extremists, whatever you want to call them. There are a lot more people like me in the Middle East than you might think.

Quotes by Yasmine Hamdan

I sing 'Beirut' for what the city is for me, but I am also singing as an exile.

Quotes by Yasmine Hamdan

When the public doesn't understand me, it's a battle. So when I choose words, I choose them for their musicality, rhythm, and sense, and I choose the right dialect to express that.

Quotes by Yasmine Hamdan

Maybe I was blessed that my main drive was purely selfish. I needed to make something, make my life better, wider, have poetry in my life, have something that gives me hope on an everyday basis. That was my main drive all along, really.

Quotes by Yasmine Hamdan

This is my homeland no one can kick me out.

Quotes by Yasser Arafat

We had already planned my wedding when my brother passed away in 2012. When you're grieving, you don't necessarily want to think about something like that, but my brother told me that he wanted me to, so we went ahead and did it.

Quotes by Yaya DaCosta

I try to make my mood uplifting and peaceful, then watch the world around me reflect that mood.

Quotes by Yaya DaCosta

For me, I've such a steady presence throughout the community that I think if anyone can raise up to the challenge of presenting the face of cosplay, it could be me. Not to be vain, but I've had the training to be in this position.

Quotes by Yaya Han

My mother was against me being an artist. She just wanted me to marry a rich man.

Quotes by Yayoi Kusama

It doesn't matter at all for me that I work in hospital or anywhere with limited space. Every day, I'm creating new works with all my might.

Quotes by Yayoi Kusama

My art originates from hallucinations only I can see. I translate the hallucinations and obsessional images that plague me into sculptures and paintings.

Quotes by Yayoi Kusama

With just one polka dot, nothing can be achieved. In the universe, there is the sun, the moon, the earth, and hundreds of millions of stars. All of us live in the unfathomable mystery and infinitude of the universe. Pursuing 'philosophy of the universe' through art under such circumstances has led me to what I call 'stereotypical repetition.'

Quotes by Yayoi Kusama

While producing art works, illusions appear from time to time due to my mental illness. Every day is a struggle for me.

Quotes by Yayoi Kusama

It has never been necessary for me to learn how to read music.

Quotes by Yanni

When you hear 'Truth of Touch,' I believe you recognize that it is me; however it's not the typical Yanni album.

Quotes by Yanni

And going into my studio at night, particularly at night when everybody's asleep, is just a total pleasure for me.

Quotes by Yanni

I am so happy that I didn't go to school and I didn't have anyone to tell me how to position my fingers on the piano correctly.

Quotes by Yanni

I am so happy that I didn't go to school and I didn't have anyone to tell me how to position my fingers on the piano correctly. And what you do with music and what is the correct way to write it and what is not the correct way to write it.

Quotes by Yanni

I don't like to define my music. To me, music is pure emotion. It's language that can communicate certain emotions and the rhythms cuts across genders, cultures and nationalities. All you need to do is close your eyes and feel those emotions.

Quotes by Yanni

I love the road, and I love coming in contact with the fans. They talk to me and that's irreplaceable. But when I get tired, I head to the studio and I am in there for a long time.

Quotes by Yanni

A simple life is good with me. I don't need a whole lot. For me, a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, barefoot on a beach and I'm happy.

Quotes by Yanni

To take part in this brothel through the payment of my taxes, that had become to me unbearable.

Quotes by Yannick Noah

At one time, I was persuaded to want to make music, and people answered me that that was not possible.

Quotes by Yannick Noah

It made me hungry. I feel like I'm in a program that really helped me individually as a player. I feel like I'm with a group of guys that are like my best friends.

Quotes by Yannick Noah

Basketball, in America, is like a culture. It is like a foreigner learning a new language. It is difficult to learn foreign languages and it will also be difficult for me to learn the culture for basketball here.

Quotes by Yao Ming

My mama is African American and from Wisconsin. My baba was born in Iran. My parents have stressed the idea of creating your own path, and creating your own identity is part of that. That's why embracing these two cultures is important to me.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

When we moved to L.A., I started going out for more commercials, and then one day they emailed me a movie script. The first thing I said was, 'No way. I love commercials.'

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

I go on and off home-school and regular school, but the kids don't treat me any differently because they've all known me forever.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

One thing that used to worry me is the fact that it seemed like Harvard was this big scary thing where I would have to spend all my time studying just to get in. But getting to go to both campuses of Harvard and Oxford and getting to meet some of the professors was absolutely amazing.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

I have the support of my parents and my teachers. They made it very possible for me to go to a school that is open and supportive of me being gone at times and pursuing acting. But school always comes first for me.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

For me, personally, I'm usually not on my phone that much. I prefer listening to old radio shows and watching foreign films than tweeting.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

Being homeschooled for half of my life allowed me to choose my own curriculum and find things I really enjoy, and that's kind of inspired me. I've always been intrigued in or interested in the topics I've been covering.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

Fortunately I can say that social media has treated me pretty well. I've been exempt from a lot of the mean comments.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

What modeling taught me at a young age was how to say 'no,' which is something girls - we're not always good at saying 'no.' We want to be nice, and then we forget to look out for ourselves.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

There have been moments when I was on a modeling job, and it was the most fantastic thing in the world. And there have been moments where I've realized, 'Okay, I'm ten years old, and I've spent the past six hours outside in the rain.' It taught me how to be specific about what kinds of projects I wanted to do and what kind of work I wanted to do.

Quotes by Yara Shahidi

When I was in college, my brother, B.R. Chopra, who is everything to me, was a director in Bombay. He taught me filmmaking. What I am today is because of him.

Quotes by Yash Chopra

The Alzheimer's Association in the United States, founded by Jerome Stone, they found me because they had heard rumours that my mom was diagnosed. Jerry said, 'We're a small family group, and we would like to know if you'd like to join us and to spread the word about this disease.' I said, 'Absolutely.'

Quotes by Yasmin Aga Khan

Frank Sinatra was a popular star, but he was always so sweet and friendly to me that I was excited just to be next to him.

Quotes by Yasmin Aga Khan

To be a veiled Muslim woman on screen is a very scary minefield for me.

Quotes by Yasmine Al Masri

I am a contradiction myself. I'm always looking for something that scares me because when I'm not scared, I'm not stimulated.

Quotes by Yasmine Al Masri

I come from a family of refugees. I'm used to surviving and going with the flow, and what happened to me was just life.

Quotes by Yasmine Al Masri

I didn't want to be an actress. I wasn't trying to be in film or an art gallery for me.

Quotes by Yasmine Al Masri

They told me I gave the best milk mustache of anybody.

Quotes by Yasmine Bleeth

Consciously picking the right script after a long period of wait helped me grab a perfect film in the rom-com genre.

Quotes by Yami Gautam

When I look back at my past mistakes, I realise that there were times when I wasn't myself, and that's why certain styles did not work well for me.

Quotes by Yami Gautam

When I go out and I see the genuine appreciation from the people, that's a big thing for me.

Quotes by Yami Gautam

You can't tag me as a regional actress.

Quotes by Yami Gautam

Whatever I have done so far has led me to 'Kaabil.' It is a big opportunity for me to establish myself more commercially. It is a huge platform.

Quotes by Yami Gautam

When I was young, I didn't see anyone who was trans like me anywhere in the movies.

Quotes by Yance Ford

Being nominated is such a tremendous honor. An Oscar win for me and for the 'Strong Island' team would be the cap to an incredible journey. But it would also mean that my brother will not disappear from history.

Quotes by Yance Ford

When I use the word 'buzz' in successive sentences, it's clearly time for me to stop writing.

Quotes by Yance Ford

'Strong Island' has been a labor of love and dedication on the part of so many people, that it's just an incredible recognition to be honored. And to be the first trans director - and, I believe, the first African-American trans director - to be nominated for an Academy Award is incredibly, incredibly special to me.

Quotes by Yance Ford

Grief, for me, is a moment-to-moment experience.

Quotes by Yance Ford

When I was making 'Strong Island,' it was very clear to me that my brother's death was a point on a line that stretched back into the 1940s and beyond in my family - and in the nation.

Quotes by Yance Ford

People just kind of associate me with kicking some ass.

Quotes by Yancy Butler

The 'Dangerous' album has producers like Tiny, who to me is very special. Also, Luny Tunes, Nesty La Mente Maestra, Nelly La Arma Secreta, Haze, and El Ingeniero. I wanted to use everyone who makes music in Puerto Rico and beyond to have variety.

Quotes by Yandel

I can make my own decisions, I can do the music I like. If I fail, it's me failing - you know.

Quotes by Yandel

You learn something when you don't play well, and I figure that helping people, it makes me very, very happy.

Quotes by Yani Tseng

As it becomes longer at No. 1, I feel more and more pressure. Everybody is trying to grab every piece of me.

Quotes by Yani Tseng

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Today's Quote

Everything I do, I'm always playing music. When I wake up in the morning, I'm playing music. When I'm showering,...

Quote Of The Day

Today's Shayari

ढ़लने लगी थी शाम के तुम याद आ गए.....!
फिर....युं हुआ.....के रात बहुत लम्बी हो गई....!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

लड़की – इतना लेट क्यों हो गए
मैं कब से इन्तजार कर रही हूँ

लड़का – बॉस ने रोक लिया...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

A dream is what makes people love life even when it is painful.

Status Of The Day

Today's Prayer

Father, bestow on my dear sister your strength to face today’s difficult times, with the assurance of knowing that your...

Prayer Of The Day