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Me Quotes

Most Famous Me Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best me quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Me Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I couldn't love a woman who inspired me to be totally disinterested. If I fell in love with a woman for an artistic reason, or from the point of view of my work, I think it would rob her of something.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

I hate fashion. I don't have any fun doing it. A show terrifies me.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

I live in solitude. I have need of solitude to do the next day's work. I can't be to parties where the noise tires me. I can't speak on the telephone. I must have complete calm.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

When I was young in the 1960s, all the world watched the youth. Everywhere was the sensation of wanting to break the chains but to do something beautiful. It is my privilege to have beauty always near me.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

My classmates could see I was not similar. So they made me their scapegoat. They hit me or locked me in the toilets. During the break, I would take refuge in the chapel, or I would arrange to stay alone in the classroom.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

I am very happy to design haute couture. It's a love story between couture and me.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

Seeing Cubism paintings at the Beaubourg makes me very happy and, also, old films.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

A visit to Marrakesh was a great shock to me. This city taught me color.

Quotes by Yves Saint Laurent

I know when I was growing up in New York, whenever I turned on the television, I never saw a face that looked like me. Whenever there was an Asian person on television, it would be a huge event, me calling to my older sister 'There's an Asian person on television!' It was unheard of back then.

Quotes by Yunjin Kim

If I told you about a land of love, friend, would you follow me and come?

Quotes by Yunus Emre

It usually starts with the director and any other creatives who may be involved at the start. It's a collaboration. I bring what I have naturally and, hopefully, what they cast me for, and then we start playing and tweaking until we have what they feel's right. It helps to have some artwork to inspire me, but I don't always get that luxury.

Quotes by Yuri Lowenthal

I follow the director's lead because they generally know more about the big picture, but I also trust that the director will give me enough freedom to play.

Quotes by Yuri Lowenthal

A lot of the characters I play on Japanese shows are actually acted in Japan by women. I don't know what that says about me.

Quotes by Yuri Lowenthal

The problem is that modern fundamental physics is so far from you and me. The mathematics has become so much more complicated that you need at least 10 years to understand it. Fundamental physics has advanced so far from the understanding of most people that there is really a big disconnect.

Quotes by Yuri Milner

I choose to go to the Moon with artists. In 2023, as the host, I would like to invite 6 to 8 artists from around the world to join me on this mission to the Moon.

Quotes by Yusaku Maezawa

I like new experiences, so I want to promote the same among my colleagues, and this is why I decided to go on this adventure, because I believe going to the Moon will help me create something better.

Quotes by Yusaku Maezawa

Everyone around me, they are very supportive of my adventures.

Quotes by Yusaku Maezawa

I didn't work hard to make Ruby perfect for everyone, because you feel differently from me. No language can be perfect for everyone. I tried to make Ruby perfect for me, but maybe it's not perfect for you. The perfect language for Guido van Rossum is probably Python.

Quotes by Yukihiro Matsumoto

Yeah, I think that a play is a huge commitment, and I think that what it requires of you is a lot, so it really makes you dig in and find things, and it just makes you sharp, 'cause it's live. Really, to me, it separates the men from the boys. I always say it's like the frontlines of acting, when you're on stage.

Quotes by Yul Vazquez

I will get to the truth, if not in Ukrainian courts, then in international ones. I will fight to my last breath. They want to put me in prison but that won't help. My voice will be heard even louder from prison than now, and the whole world will hear me.

Quotes by Yulia Tymoshenko

For me, it's very offensive when I notice that it's all about my appearance, how I look, that a man doesn't care who I am.

Quotes by Yuliya Snigir

Once in a while, I write in Malay and work on something fun that's more for the local Malaysian market, and when that happens, it's always something really special; it speaks volumes that I'm doing it for my fans who have been there for me since day one.

Quotes by Yuna

As soon as my brain starts working on reading a book, my dreams get a little more exciting, and music comes a little more naturally for me.

Quotes by Yung Lean

I think you shouldn't get my music confused with who I am or who we are, because Yung Lean, from the beginning, is like a character created by me. Yung Lean was everything that Jonatan wasn't. And so me, as a person, and my views on things are certainly different than Yung Lean's views, so you should definitely not get those two mixed up.

Quotes by Yung Lean

Oasis were massive for me, because of the attitude and what they represented and how outspoken they were. It felt like they were exactly like me.

Quotes by Yungblud

I would listen to artists like My Chemical Romance, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Blink-182, Paramore... all these bands were so unafraid of being themselves. They talked about their problems and what was going on in their heads. It grabbed and latched on to me, and I felt like I could do that, too.

Quotes by Yungblud

The best thing for me is the amount of DMs and people hitting me up every day saying, 'Your music is providing me with answers.' That blows my mind, because that's what Alex Turner and Eminem were for me.

Quotes by Yungblud

When I went out to America, and someone wanted to sign me and invest in me, that was a big moment because, all my life, people have been trying to tell me to be different to what I was.

Quotes by Yungblud

Follow me on Instagram.

Quotes by Yungblud

Growing up, I was so inspired by front men like Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury, and Kurt Cobain - real showmen that put on 'a performance' every time they walk out on stage - so it's important for me to feel like I deliver that.

Quotes by Yungblud

The connection I have with my fans is so important, and I want to break the boundaries and break the barriers between an artist and a crowd. It is so important, and I learn so much through my fans, and they help me.

Quotes by Yungblud

When I had bone cancer, I was just 11 years old. I think my parents suffered a lot because they worried about my health, my life, so much. For me, it was quite bad feeling during the treatment. But I quite enjoyed staying in the hospital because so many kids played with me.

Quotes by Yu Chui Yee

It's very satisfying to promote science and education and see good results. Setting a good example for young people, being a role model, is very important for me.

Quotes by Yuan T. Lee

In Japan, there's a TV series called Jin. It deals with time travel. I like stories about time travel. It's a story about people living in modern day that travel back to the Edo era. Those things really interest me.

Quotes by Yuji Horii

When I started, people would come to interview me, and just knowing that I worked in videogames - it was like people wanted to stone me, it was that bad. People thought of video games as kind of a bad thing in society. Now, people that come to interview me, they have grown up with video games, and they know what they are; they've experienced it.

Quotes by Yuji Horii

My Uncle Nissim studied Kabbalah. Just before he died, he gave this tiny book, its pages yellow with age. He said it had special powers. I had a feeling that the book helped to keep me safe. My daughter is called Nissim after him.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

I became a very simple person. The simple things are the most precious to me. I don't ascribe much significance to the things I have now. That feeling of touching death has never left me.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

At one point, I shook a tree full of fire ants on my head just to have some pain to distract me from my aching feet so that I could continue to walk.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

It was like a dream come true for me. When you write the book, it's still intimate. It might have been a best-seller but it's still my story, as I wrote it. The moment we or they make a movie, it's not my story anymore. There's a lot of letting go involved in the process.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

Every time I found an egg to eat, or when I survived a storm in which trees were collapsing all around me, I felt that it was Providence. I don't need to believe - I know.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

I had no lasting physical trauma nor a psychological one. Yet, it was hard to return to the old path. I found myself asking big questions: Why was my life spared? What is my purpose here? And it led me to a life of inquiry.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

For two days I had the company of a girl. She appeared next to me. It was no less of a miracle if it was my imagination which had summoned her up, because it happened at the very moment I had broken down and given up.

Quotes by Yossi Ghinsberg

It's not up to me to list, like a grocer, my achievements in the government and the Knesset.

Quotes by Yossi Sarid

If someone has failed, that is not a deficiency for me. I think that he has more motivation. I've seen many examples where someone was successful first and failed later and failed first and then succeeded. If they failed in an honest way, I don't see it as a deficiency.

Quotes by Yossi Vardi

Vegetarians in general don't like me.

Quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi

Too many books are full of recipes that aren't doable at home. They are purely aspirational. They are quite frightening, even for me.

Quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi

The most important thing for me is to walk the little alleys of the city, to find the little alcove where someone is cooking something, and just watch them do it. That's my idea of fun.

Quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi

The teaching thing, the one where I have to impart my knowledge, is probably what comes the least naturally to me because I'm an absorber of things.

Quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi

The people I used to have around me from Nashville was showing love to the Cash Money clique on the strength of Buck trying to make it; making sure Buck gets to where he gots to go.

Quotes by Young Buck

I came back to the hood and got in those streets and started doing whatever it took for me to provide.

Quotes by Young Buck

It was like an honor thing for me to meet 50 cause I respected his whole story.

Quotes by Young Buck

I want the world to get a feel of me, showing them the way I am and the way I get down.

Quotes by Young Buck

With me being form the South, I wanted to make this album like a G Unit.

Quotes by Young Buck

I don't know how to be a rapper. I just know how to be me.

Quotes by Young Jeezy

John McCain... looks like a fraud to me.

Quotes by Young Jeezy

My fans are my family, because they understand me and I understand them.

Quotes by Young Jeezy

I hear from all different people, not just people like me, or lesbians. It be straight people, it be grown men, it be grown women, people that have been sick or depressed that say, 'Oh, you made me want to go do what I want to do for myself and chase my dreams.' That's my purpose.

Quotes by Young M.A

In New York City, it's popular. I used to think to myself, 'Man, there's a lot of gay people out here.' And it had me comfortable: it was like, I can be myself! I used to still try to hide it, until it was really overwhelming - there were just too much girls attracted to me!

Quotes by Young M.A

I held in being sexually attracted to women for so long that once I got that out of me, the music became easy.

Quotes by Young M.A

I don't like to get comfortable. I don't like to be like, 'Oh, my song is all over the place. I'm lit.' Nah, it makes me wanna keep working.

Quotes by Young M.A

When I was 12, my feet were so small, I wore my sisters' glitter shoes. My dad would whoop me: 'You're not going to school now, you'll embarrass us!'

Quotes by Young Thug

My dad wanted me to play football so bad, he took me to Washington High School on the west side of Atlanta because they were number one. They never lost.

Quotes by Young Thug

My dad wouldn't buy me tight pants. I had to get my own money to buy them.

Quotes by Young Thug

Atlanta is the number one place to live. You live better, you eat better, the rides are better, vehicles is better deals. It's better people. More mean people, but at my level you want it to be about business, so it's perfect for me.

Quotes by Young Thug

I ain't want my kids to grow up and call me Thug. I don't want anybody to kind of look at me like that. So I'm gonna just use my real name.

Quotes by Young Thug

Ain't no problem with me and Kevin Gates; everybody just trippin'.

Quotes by Young Thug

There's no need to be fearful of me. I am involved in the welfare of people and giving them good governance.

Quotes by Yogi Adityanath

I will face the challenges of U.P. We will make U.P. an ideal state. People of the state and the Government of India are fully cooperating with me. U.P. will be an example for India.

Quotes by Yogi Adityanath

U.P. is a big state. I don't have enough leadership experience for such a big state. I requested the party for two experienced associates to help me and work with me.

Quotes by Yogi Adityanath

The Election Commission stopped me from campaigning. I accepted it and reached people through my prayer - in silence. People gave their approval. Praying in silence is important, and this spiritual prayer has paid off.

Quotes by Yogi Adityanath

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.

Quotes by Yogi Berra

If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer.

Quotes by Yogi Berra

When my coach gives me a program, I damage it.

Quotes by Yohan Blake

The 100m taught me a lot and it's given me confidence.

Quotes by Yohan Blake

For me, I always try to make it to the final.

Quotes by Yohan Blake

My philosophy is to be me.

Quotes by Yohan Blake

One thing I really hate is experience. Experience for me doesn't work. Everybody's talking about experience this, experience that.

Quotes by Yohan Blake

When I turned 60, it didn't bother me at all.

Quotes by Yoko Ono

Most of the fans of John Lennon and maybe John and Yoko are younger than me.

Quotes by Yoko Ono

At least I had that, one guy understood me.

Quotes by Yoko Ono

For me, when we're all human beings, it's just interesting that we cannot understand the other person or how they think. That's one part of the human aspect that fascinates me.

Quotes by Yoko Taro

To be honest, I think I am making normal games targeted towards normal people. But ultimately when I release those normal games, weird people find them to be weird games and enjoy them. Which probably means there's something wrong with me.

Quotes by Yoko Taro

The reason my games are chaotic is that the world is chaotic, not me. I don't aim for bad endings - they just naturally come out.

Quotes by Yoko Taro

I kind of want to continue to fail, because it's easier for me to think of what I want to do next. Whereas if I succeed I might have to follow that path.

Quotes by Yoko Taro

I was brought up by great parents and great grandparents who told me, 'Never, ever think that you're better than anyone else or that what you do is so important that the world won't miss you once you're gone,' and I kind of translate that into the stardom thing.

Quotes by Yolanda Adams

Luckily, I don't have to be anybody but Yolanda, because people don't expect me to be anything other than who I am. For an artist, it's a great place to be.

Quotes by Yolanda Adams

Tramaine Hawkins has been a mentor, a confidante and an example of greatness. She has been through a lot in her life, and her career has spanned over 50 years. To me, that's what you call a legend.

Quotes by Yolanda Adams

When you win a Grammy... you're thinking about you winning. It is amazing. Your peers and folks in the record business are saying, 'This is what we think of you.' And that's why the Grammy will always be, to me, the ultimate in what you get as far as a music trophy, because it is the one.

Quotes by Yolanda Adams

All of my lyrics are based on the one thing that's never failed me, and that's the Word of God.

Quotes by Yolanda Adams

I will not allow anyone to shut me up or shame me into silence, and I'm not going to rot away behind closed doors.

Quotes by Yolanda Hadid

The Lyme disease had so severely affected my brain functioning that it was extremely hard for me to think, form sentences, and stay focused.

Quotes by Yolanda Hadid

I was raised to take pride in homemaking, and it's something that I always love to do. I know I share that pride with millions of other women all over the world. It's a good feeling, and it makes me happy.

Quotes by Yolanda Hadid

There is nothing harder for me than to sit at the sideline, not being able to be productive.

Quotes by Yolanda Hadid

I will never grow up. Everyone wants to tell me how to live my life.

Quotes by Yolanda King

My mother supported me from the beginning and never said you should be an activist or civil rights leader or minister.

Quotes by Yolanda King

Til I was about eight or nine, I had no awareness he was anybody special. Since all our friends were in the movement, I thought what Daddy did was natural. Everybody went to jail, right? Then, one day some kids at school called my daddy a jailbird, and it upset me. That was the beginning of my awareness.

Quotes by Yolanda King

As soon as people heard me speak, they would compare me to my father. My siblings had the same kind of pressure.

Quotes by Yolanda King

Do you know what I think of when I remember him? I think: He was such a kid. He taught me how to swim when I was 4 and how to ride a bike. So when I think of Martin Luther King, I think of laughter. I think of the play and the fun.

Quotes by Yolanda King

Somebody has always wanted me to speak as a voice of black America, but it has dawned on me that I can only speak for myself.

Quotes by Yolanda King

What just resonates with me so strongly is my whole spirituality and the fact that we are, my belief that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Quotes by Yolanda King

Really just about the only remembrance I have from when I was very young is the way Daddy used to place me on the refrigerator and then say, ‘Jump!' and I'd jump into his arms. It was so much fun for me that even when I got too large for it to happen, I still wanted to do it anyway!

Quotes by Yolanda King

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Today's Quote

Everything I do, I'm always playing music. When I wake up in the morning, I'm playing music. When I'm showering,...

Quote Of The Day

Today's Shayari

ढ़लने लगी थी शाम के तुम याद आ गए.....!
फिर....युं हुआ.....के रात बहुत लम्बी हो गई....!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

लड़की – इतना लेट क्यों हो गए
मैं कब से इन्तजार कर रही हूँ

लड़का – बॉस ने रोक लिया...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

A dream is what makes people love life even when it is painful.

Status Of The Day

Today's Prayer

Father, bestow on my dear sister your strength to face today’s difficult times, with the assurance of knowing that your...

Prayer Of The Day