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Most Famous Guess Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best guess quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Guess Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I guess we all like to be recognized not for one piece of fireworks, but for the ledger of our daily work.

Quotes by Neil Armstrong

I guess I don't like the people in politics very much, to be blunt.

Quotes by Nate Silver

Today, I guess I give a lot more thought to the roles before I sign them.

Quotes by Natasha Henstridge

Guess what, I'm the opposite of a role model!

Quotes by Natalia Kills

I guess I'm drawn to artists and literary people and want to learn about them.

Quotes by Nancy Horan

I guess you could say I'm cautious, or a coward.

Quotes by Namie Amuro

I guess I reinvented myself about 18 times throughout my career.

Quotes by Mystikal

I did three tours in Vietnam. I guess a total of about almost two years.

Quotes by Morley Safer

I guess bowling is pretty mechanical. It's kind of a natural motion, but you have to stick within those mechanics.

Quotes by Mookie Betts

Tennis is so competitive. I guess that's the way it has to be.

Quotes by Monica Seles

It's very flattering, I guess, to be considered so popular at a young age. It's kinda cool.

Quotes by Mischa Barton

Acting is technically just lying, so I guess I've been acting since I was about 7.

Quotes by Miranda Rae Mayo

I guess I can be stereotypical and say that Asians are very cheap.

Quotes by Mirai Nagasu

I like sneakers. I guess I could call myself a collector.

Quotes by Mike Shinoda

I guess my career has gone in a roundabout way.

Quotes by Mike Phelan

I guess I watch movies to make myself happier a lot.

Quotes by Mike Mills

Have I ever been to a party with a ton of famous people in it? Yes, several times, so I guess that's a Hollywood lifestyle.

Quotes by Michael Keaton

I don't know where I got this size. Good nutrition, I guess.

Quotes by Merlin Olsen

I still have this habit, I guess, continued from college, where I procrastinate up until the last moment.

Quotes by Melina Matsoukas

I guess because I'm a liberal I think it's not people's natural instinct to be completely self-interested.

Quotes by Matthew Weiner

I guess I was one of the popular kids. I played soccer, I was class president - I even dated the homecoming queen.

Quotes by Matthew Morrison

I'm not hugely technical with things, but I guess that the thing I use most is my iPhone, on a practical level.

Quotes by Matt Smith

I'm in Alkaline Trio; I guess I get to rip off myself. I give myself permission.

Quotes by Matt Skiba

I guess because I'm a washed-up journalist, I always do a lot of research.

Quotes by Mary Kay Andrews

I just have a deadpan sense of humor, I guess.

Quotes by Martine Syms

I guess I can be a little mischievous!

Quotes by Martine Syms

I guess I'm a born ham.

Quotes by Marta Kristen

You can't get away from who you are I guess.

Quotes by Mark Edwards

I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.

Marilyn Monroe

I guess it's inevitable that I would become somebody who would write about scientists.

Quotes by Margot Lee Shetterly

I guess my enthusiasm kind of rubs off on people.

Quotes by Margaret Murray

Design schools are good, I guess, sometimes I visit schools, but they are very very limiting.

Quotes by Marc Newson

Everything is global now. It's not London, it's not Spain, it's not Italy - everything is everywhere. So you have to be everywhere, I guess.

Quotes by Manolo Blahnik

If what I write is literature, I guess you'd better emphasize the 'litter.'

Quotes by Lydia Lunch

I never read any of the comics, but I grew up on the animated series when I was a little kid - I guess it came out in 1992. So I've always been an 'X-Men' fan.

Quotes by Lucas Till

It's - I write the books and let the market find who reads it. I guess a young adult is anywhere from ten to fifteen.

Quotes by Louis Sachar

Superwoman is more of a performer, which Lilly isn't. Having said that, I guess both of them are completely over the top, dramatic and full of energy.

Quotes by Lilly Singh

I guess I was raised in a household with a lot of reverence for the physical sanctity of books. You didn't destroy books.

Quotes by Lev Grossman

Yes, it's true, I've been called the Laurence Olivier of spoofs. I guess that would make Laurence Olivier the Leslie Nielsen of Shakespeare.

Quotes by Leslie Nielsen

There's a little Christmas in all of us, I guess. Even in me.

Quotes by Leon Redbone

I guess really what my goal is is just to enlarge the violin repertoire.

Quotes by Leila Josefowicz

My father was tough. At least, he thought so, and I guess I have a lot of his traits.

Quotes by Lee Marvin

Being me is no different than being most anyone else, I guess.

Quotes by Layne Staley

When George W. Bush tried to roll back taxpayer exposure to a housing crash via Fannie and Freddie, guess what two senators joined a filibuster of the Bush initiative? Yep... those saviors of the working class, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. They went to bat for the housing industry and voted to allow taxpayer exposure to escalate.

Quotes by Lawrence Kudlow

I'm married to an American, so I guess that has changed my perspective on the subjects I can write about.

Quotes by Laurie Graham

How would I coach LeBron and Lonzo? Guess what, less coaching is the best coaching. Let them do what they do.

Quotes by LaVar Ball

I guess I've always liked the idea of being an artist.

Quotes by Larry Rivers

I guess I'm just a frustrated cowboy.

Quotes by Larry Wilcox

I guess I hadn't counted on 'The Unblackening' happening to my time slot as well.

Quotes by Larry Wilmore

I guess for every driver the aim is to beat their teammate.

Quotes by Lando Norris

My guess is that if David Beckham wants Ronaldo's jersey, he's going to get it.

Quotes by Landon Donovan

Hollywood is sexist and age-ist, and that covers all the bases, I guess.

Quotes by Kyra Sedgwick

I guess I always have been a collector.

Quotes by Kyle Mooney

I guess from 12 onwards I was always into my music.

Quotes by King Krule

I guess I find the boundaries between poetry and prose to be somewhat permeable.

Quotes by Kevin Powers

I guess Tom Cruise - everything he does, everything he touches, is kind of a success.

Quotes by Kevin Dillon

I noticed that almost everyone I went to college with has worked at something other than the subject they majored in. I guess that' s one of the reasons for campus unrest.

Quotes by Kent McCord

It is also, I would guess, a universal that in all societies people value respectability granted to them.

Quotes by Kenneth L. Pike

I guess I've been making records since I was 16, and even when 50 people bought them, I thought that was amazing.

Quotes by Katy B

The urge to purge the material I come up with is, I guess, an ongoing process.

Quotes by Kathryn Bigelow

The fact that I've achieved this so soon is just a bonus, I guess. Everything from now on is a bonus for me.

Quotes by Karrie Webb

I love a microphone and a big crowd; I'm an entertainer, I guess.

Quotes by Kary Mullis

Good tests kill flawed theories; we remain alive to guess again.

Quotes by Karl Popper

I guess I'm lucky that I've been able to play a wide range of parts and a wide range of types of productions - I haven't felt much typecasting.

Quotes by Kali Hawk

I guess I'm just hopelessly fascinated by the realities that you can assemble out of connected fragments.

Quotes by Junot Diaz

I guess I'd love to play Storm in 'X-Men.'

Quotes by Juliana Harkavy

I mean, I guess you could say I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Quotes by Julian Casablancas

Vinyl has gotten to the point where it's exclusively for the collector, I guess.

Quotes by Josh Homme

I guess I am actually quite shy, and I've always felt very self-conscious during interviews.

Quotes by Jose Gonzalez

I thought eating Double Quarter Pounders with Big Mac sauce wasn't that bad, but I guess it was.

Quotes by Jorge Masvidal

I didn't get a lot of questions asked earlier in my career, I guess. But I've always been the same guy, more or less.

Quotes by Jorge Masvidal

You can't know what the future holds, though you might conjecture on it, and if you're psychic, you might venture a guess.

Quotes by Jonathan Raymond

I guess I'm old-fashioned.

Quotes by Jonathan Miles

I have a different mentality than most guys, I guess.

Quotes by Jon Gruden

I've had a number of near misses during my travels that in retrospect seem of greater concern than they did at the time. I guess that is what happens with age.

Quotes by John Prendergast

I guess I just want everything to be available immediately.

Quotes by John Lurie

All impeachments, I guess, are political.

Quotes by John Kennedy

There, I guess King George will be able to read that without his spectacles!

Quotes by John Hancock

I'm a seriously flawed individual, but I guess everybody is.

Quotes by John Grant

I guess that's a flaw in my career, that I like to work too much.

Quotes by John Glover

I guess maybe I'm idealistic.

Quotes by John Cusack

I guess I have a reasonable physique for the sport I do.

Quotes by Johanna Konta

I guess being a hunk is a lot better than being a chunk.

Quotes by Joe Penny

I guess I've played a lot of victims, but that's what a lot of the history of women is about.

Quotes by Jodie Foster

It all has to come from inside, though, I guess.

Quotes by Jimi Hendrix

I turned everybody on so, psychologically, I guess I was pushing the boundaries creativity.

Quotes by Jim Capaldi

I'm not an '80s fan. I'm more '70s New York pre-punk kind of thing, and I guess I grew up with '90s grunge, post-punk pop music.

Quotes by Jessica Pare

I guess you could say I'm a little crazy.

Quotes by Jesse Itzler

I guess I harboured hopes that things would happen more quickly, but I'm not disappointed.

Quotes by Jerry Greenfield

The shrewd guess, the fertile hypothesis, the courageous leap to a tentative conclusion - these are the most valuable coins of the thinker at work. But in most schools guessing is heavily penalized and is associated somehow with laziness.

Quotes by Jerome Bruner

I fell completely in love with acting. I guess I was bitten.

Quotes by Jennifer Grant

I like Donald. I guess I shouldn't call him that. I like President Trump. He's affable. He's funny.

Quotes by Jeff Zucker

Every year, I sort of look at where I've been and where I'm headed. I'm coming up on my 25th year. Rejuvenated, I guess, is one way to look at it. I'm absolutely having a blast with what I'm doing.

Quotes by Jeff Jarrett

Math? Forget about it. If I add four plus eight plus six, I have to count on my fingers. I guess I'm hooked up differently.

Quotes by Jeff Dunham

In many respects, I guess I would say I was into Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.

Quotes by Jeb Hensarling

I guess I need a hobby. Currently my primary hobby is complaining.

Quotes by Jay Duplass

It was easy to get the offers for the good-looking vapid dude. I guess that's my power alley.

Quotes by Jason Lewis

I guess the Reagan era is defined as the 'I want it all for me, and screw everybody else' era.

Quotes by Jason Alexander

Guess in my brain I have a figurative 'man card' that's got certain punches that need to be punched.

Quotes by Jason Babin

I guess I just love all kinds of music.

Quotes by Jason Becker

Guess what, I might be the first hippie pinup girl.

Quotes by Janis Joplin

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