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Soldier Quotes

Most Famous Soldier Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best soldier quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Soldier Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

If you look at Victorian England, being a soldier was considered a noble profession.

Quotes by Jeff Lindsay

I know Peter Jackson a tiny-tiny bit from interviewing him about the 'Lord of the Rings' movies over the years. When I was visiting the set of 'The Return of the King,' he let me be an extra so I could see filmmaking from a different perspective. I was a Rohan soldier.

Quotes by Jeff Giles

Ask any soldier. To kill a man is to merit a woman.

Quotes by Jean Giraudoux

To me, serving wasn't uncommon, and my service paled in comparison to so many of my friends who had done so much more. In my world - as a citizen soldier - I was surrounded by other soldiers just doing their jobs.

Quotes by Jason Kander

'The Good Soldier' is an odd and maybe even unique book. That it is a masterpiece, almost a perfect novel, comes as a repeated surprise even to readers who have read it before.

Quotes by Jane Smiley

And the program was developed in large part by behavioral scientists who were working with the military, who do everything they possibly can to measure a soldier's stress levels to see how they're doing physically and emotionally, as they go through this program.

Quotes by Jane Mayer

There is not a single injustice in Northern Ireland that is worth the loss of a single British soldier or a single Irish citizen either.

Quotes by James Callaghan

My first show, in England, was called 'Soldier, Soldier.'

Quotes by James Callis

If you speak to any soldier, even now, they say they are fighting for their friends. It always ends up that they're fighting for the man next to them.

Quotes by Jack Lowden

Necessity is laid upon us. We must fight. There are no promises in the Lord Jesus Christ's epistles to the seven churches, except to those who 'overcome.' Where there is grace, there will be conflict. The believer is a soldier. There is no holiness without a warfare. Saved souls will always be found to have fought a fight.

Quotes by J. C. Ryle

As a child soldier, your rights are constantly violated.

Quotes by Ishmael Beah

It was wrongly assumed that I wished to become some sort of leader among gay activists, whereas in reality I was happier to be a foot soldier.

Quotes by Ian Mckellen

When we train a horse to do a certain job, we're training the horse to be like a soldier, and yes, he still has a spirit, and he still has his ideas, but he is a disciplined soldier, and in the end, he will follow the rider's instruction to do what needs to be done.

Quotes by Ian Millar

I became a soldier, not because I had a military vocation initially, but because it was the only way that that young, poor-class child from the provinces could go to the center of the country: through baseball, which was my dream.

Quotes by Hugo Chavez

India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.

Quotes by Hu Shih

It seems as if everybody in the country was getting impatient to get his or her particular soldier out of the Army and to upset the carefully arranged system of points for retirement which we had arranged with the approval of the Army itself.

Quotes by Henry L. Stimson

In the '80s, before I was born, my dad played in the old Soviet Top League in our home country of Armenia. He was a small but very quick striker. 'Soviet Soldier' magazine actually honoured him with its 'Knight of Attack' award in 1984.

Quotes by Henrikh Mkhitaryan

Every soldier I've ever met knows that you've got to do more than just run out onto the battlefield screaming, 'We're going to win!'

Quotes by Harris Faulkner

If you put on the military uniform, you're a prima facie hero. Generals are the epitome of that. They're the ones who have been most successful at the soldier's trade.

Quotes by H. W. Brands

There's nothing like being a soldier for confidence or learning your limits or enduring utter humiliation.

Quotes by Guy Davenport

Just because I was almost 62, I did not feel decrepit and felt I wasn't finished being a soldier yet.

Quotes by Gerald Griffin

When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.

Quotes by George Washington

Very little changed fundamentally, except that the proud German soldier had turned into a defeated bundle of misery and the great German army had disintegrated.

Quotes by George Grosz

A lot of movie stars don't want to go to TV because of how hard you have to work. You have to be a soldier.

Quotes by George Eads

I appeal to you as a soldier to spare me the humiliation of seeing my regiment march to meet the enemy and I not share its dangers.

Quotes by George Armstrong Custer

I suppose that Heartland, Unknown Soldier and Pride and Joy represent not a quieter side but more of a serious side to my work, something I've been getting into recently.

Quotes by Garth Ennis

I could not have the honour of being a German soldier because of my imprisonment in the First World War. And in this world war the Fuehrer refuses to allow me to serve as a soldier.

Quotes by Fritz Sauckel

I had repeatedly made written requests to the Fuehrer that I might be allowed to join the Wehrmacht as an ordinary soldier. He refused to give me this permission.

Quotes by Fritz Sauckel

When I was a lone soldier I didn't have a penny with me. Everybody was eating hummus with tehina and ate falafel, and I couldn't buy it. I was a little hungry, but I managed.

Quotes by Frank Lowy

Generally, all my life, I have had strong friction with life - I was a problematic soldier, I was kicked out of the army, I was in fights. There was something about writing that was a way of experimenting with this emotion.

Quotes by Etgar Keret

I'm an American working for America. Anything we do is to support U.S. policy. You know the definition of a mercenary is a professional soldier that works in the pay of a foreign army. I'm an American working for America.

Quotes by Erik Prince

Here's a news flash: No soldier gives his life. That's not the way it works. Most soldiers who make a conscious decision to place themselves in harm's way do it to protect their buddies. They do it because of the bonds of friendship - and it goes so much deeper than friendship.

Quotes by Eric Massa

There's no pride in having been a child soldier.

Quotes by Emmanuel Jal

Any child soldier has to go through a lot of love, care and understanding to become normal.

Quotes by Emmanuel Jal

When I first went to school, I was fighting all the time. The soldier mentality was still in me. I kept getting expelled. I found it hard to take instructions from anyone who wasn't a military commander.

Quotes by Emmanuel Jal

I'm still a soldier, fighting with my pen and paper for peace till the day I cease.

Quotes by Emmanuel Jal

When people know you've been a soldier, they judge you: you are a thief, a lost boy.

Quotes by Emmanuel Jal

The story of a proud Roman soldier who is sold into slavery and must fight his way back to freedom, 'Gladiator' suggests what would happen if someone made a movie of the imminent extreme-football league and shot it as if it were a Chanel commercial.

Quotes by Elvis Mitchell

I'm very interested in soldier recovery projects and in Bradley Manning's story, the army intelligence officer who's being held as a detainee and is going to trial for crimes of treason.

Quotes by Eion Bailey

The courage of a soldier is found to be the cheapest and most common quality of human nature.

Quotes by Edward Gibbon

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.

Quotes by Dwight D. Eisenhower

The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.

Quotes by Douglas MacArthur

Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye.

Quotes by Douglas MacArthur

When I did A Soldier's Story, I was very young and green and thought I knew everything-now I know I know everything!

Quotes by Denzel Washington

What shall I say further? Shall I not stop short and leave to your imaginations to portray the tragic deeds of war? Is it not enough that I here leave it even to unexperience to fancy the hardships, the anxieties, the dangers, even of the best life of a soldier?

Quotes by Deborah Sampson

What battle has ever been won by staying in camp and talking to your fellow soldier?

Quotes by Dana Loesch

On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.

Quotes by Dan Lipinski

Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier.

Quotes by Curtis LeMay

When I got the script for 'Winter Soldier,' I was so excited to see that my character finally gets to punch somebody! So I took tae kwon do three times a week. I wanted to feel like I could hold my own in a roomful of superheroes.

Quotes by Cobie Smulders

I was really sad after 'The Avengers' when I realized I was not going to have a part in 'Thor 2' or 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier.' But I'm not arguing with my fantastic plane and my really cool car.

Quotes by Clark Gregg

I wonder if a soldier ever does mend a bullet hole in his coat?

Quotes by Clara Barton

This conflict is one thing I've been waiting for. I'm well and strong and young - young enough to go to the front. If I can't be a soldier, I'll help soldiers.

Quotes by Clara Barton

It takes a real soldier to stay in the music industry and live off the things that have been put before me and be able to survive all this time because it has not been easy.

Quotes by Chubby Checker

What I find interesting about Captain Action is that he is more an adventurer and spy than he is a soldier.

Quotes by Chris Roberson

When we first met, I was probably six layers down in the military structure, but General McChrystal at that time was a soldier's leader, and he was part of the task force. So everyone developed close relationships.

Quotes by Chris Fussell

I'm constantly not on the right side of history. I sympathize with the soldiers in the enemy's camp. For example in WWII, we know the Nazis and the Japanese were wrong. But I sympathize with the individual story of a soldier who was drafted into that.

Quotes by Chloe Zhao

I wear my lines like a soldier wears his medals. They've been earned. They've been fought for - so there's no reason to be ashamed of them. In your 50s, you just care less about that sort of thing. I think it's to do with what's inside you. You can't obsess about the outside.

Quotes by Cherie Lunghi

It takes a real man to make a true confession - a Chocolate Soldier will excuse or cloak his sin.

Quotes by Charles Studd

There exist only three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the soldier, the poet. To know, to kill, to create.

Quotes by Charles Baudelaire

Every morning is a battle between the superego and the id, and I am a mere foot soldier with mud and a snooze button on her shield.

Quotes by Catherynne M. Valente

When I joined Custer I donned the uniform of a soldier. It was a bit awkward at first but I soon got to be perfectly at home in men's clothes.

Quotes by Calamity Jane

For an artist, a good place to be is you have some kind of influence and power to get things done, but in your essence you remain a nomad or a soldier facing a difficulty to be overcome.

Quotes by Cai Guo-Qiang

A warrior is free to be a hero and pull off daring do and the soldier is irresponsible if he does it.

Quotes by C. J. Cherryh

I don't think I'd ever get typecast as a soldier.

Quotes by Brian Geraghty

And Oliver North was really a good soldier, up to the last moment, shoving memos into the shredder and defending the policy to the end.

Quotes by Bobby Ray Inman

I have been a soldier and a commander for many years and know how to differentiate between things - not to be busy all the time with the most sensitive matters and to give everything its due attention without having the issues that cause concern to constantly be troubling or worrisome.

Quotes by Benny Gantz

I am a soldier. That is who I am. That is what I do.

Quotes by Benny Gantz

I don't think I could be a foot soldier. I don't know if I could take orders too good. I'm a little lazy.

Quotes by Benicio Del Toro

The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable.

Quotes by Benito Mussolini

There's a lot to learn from the family of a soldier as much as the soldier. Actually, 'warrior' is a better word.

Quotes by Ben Foster

A true woman always loves a real soldier.

Quotes by Belle Boyd

I've never really had a TV career. I've been a soldier and a climber.

Quotes by Bear Grylls

I joined the Army at 19 as a soldier and spent about four and a half years with them. Then I broke my back in a freefall parachuting accident and spent a year in rehabilitation back in the U.K.

Quotes by Bear Grylls

Somehow I feel a little bit odd in Tiananmen Square because I was a soldier, in a uniform, watching those leaders and tanks, and I was part of them.

Quotes by Bai Ling

In should be the duty of every soldier to reflect on the experiences of the past, in the endeavor to discover improvements, in his particular sphere of action, which are practicable in the immediate future.

Quotes by B. H. Liddell Hart

Being a soldier's daughter, I understand that what they are doing is the real deal. But me giving statement on the issue is of no significance.

Quotes by Anushka Sharma

For us, since we entered the MCU as storytellers, and we picked up the story with 'Winter Soldier,' we've been carrying a thread forward from that point, a narrative thread.

Quotes by Anthony Russo

In general, just as a framing, we always thought about 'Winter Soldier' very specifically as a political thriller.

Quotes by Anthony Russo

I found my first novel difficult. I don't want to make it sound like it's any more difficult than driving a cab or going to any other job, but there are so many opportunities for self-doubt, that you just kind of need to soldier on.

Quotes by Anthony Doerr

The sensors have many potential practical uses - in Government buildings, train carriages, cargo containers, on a soldier's lapel - and are a thousand times cheaper than current sensors that are used for the same purpose.

Quotes by Anne Campbell

President Jimmy Carter was a citizen soldier. Ironically, he was considered weak because he didn't kill anybody and he didn't get anyone killed.

Quotes by Andrew Young

I want my word to be up to the scale of the feat of arms performed by the Russian soldier.

Quotes by Andrei Platonov

In the story I eventually called 'Archangel' and published in 2008, Eudora MacEachern, working as an assistant to a surgeon at a hospital in Archangel, one night finds outside the gates an exhausted and frostbitten soldier crouched over the reins of a pony sleigh carrying the body of another soldier.

Quotes by Andrea Barrett

Seen through the eyes of a U.S. soldier, Afghanistan is a scary place.

Quotes by Anand Gopal

I have almost never written about my experience as a soldier on the battlefield, because I tried, and I found that it is beyond my capacity to describe the battlefield. The battlefield consists mostly of smells, and it is very difficult to describe smells in words - very difficult indeed.

Quotes by Amos Oz

Do you know what a soldier is, young man? He's the chap who makes it possible for civilised folk to despise war.

Quotes by Allan Massie

The weapon of the advocate is the sword of the soldier, not the dagger of the assassin.

Quotes by Alexander Cockburn

My dad was a Punjabi from Amritsar, and my mom is a Punjabi from Kashmir. My dad was a soldier in the Indian Army.

Quotes by Akshay Kumar

My theme song is 'One Tin Soldier' by Coven.

Quotes by Adam McKay

A private soldier has as much right to justice as a major-general.

Abraham Lincoln

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