Me Quotes
Most Famous Me Quotes of All Time!
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This land is your land, this land is my land, From California to the New York Island. From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me.
I had a hard time with that hockey. I hadn't grown up skating, so that was my biggest challenge. We worked on it and worked on it. But then when we first shot it, it was so hard for me.
We don't get the greatest tools to deal with anger. It's like, 'Hey, count to 10.' When someone really upsets me, how do I respond? I don't usually start counting to 10 and breathing deeply.
You have to focus on what you're passionate about. For me it's the forests and of course, because I'm concerned about the forests, I'm concerned about the way paper is made.
I used to have terrible acne on my face: red, splotchy discoloration. And mucus - I was constantly blowing my nose. Then one day, this woman sits down next to me on a bus, and says, 'You're lactose-intolerant.' It all cleared up in three days. That changed my life. Doctors couldn't figure it out.
Nobody despises to lose more than I do. That's got me into trouble over the years, but it also made a man of mediocre ability into a pretty good coach.
I spent much of my life dying for somebody to help me even file for a patent or make a prototype. I understand that.
I was 20 years old when I started playing in the Premier League. Maybe mentally I wasn't quite prepared for it, and that has earned me a reputation.
Boruc is nuts. He is a very good friend of mine, and so I'm sure he wouldn't mind me saying he's a nutter. He really is crazy.
I consider myself a very confident person, but I don't actually think I am big-headed because my confidence doesn't affect me.
I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We'd meet, they'd come and seek me out, we'd talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine.
My horizon on humanity is enlarged by reading the writers of poems, seeing a painting, listening to some music, some opera, which has nothing at all to do with a volatile human condition or struggle or whatever. It enriches me as a human being.
My best stories come from well-placed sources who point me in the right direction.
I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness.
It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion.
My father is maestro at the Metropolitan church, which gives me an opportunity to write for the church as much as I please.
Just as people behave to me, so do I behave to them. When I see that a person despises me and treats me with contempt, I can be as proud as any peacock.
When I was five years old, my parents gave me a magic chest. I learned to cast spells, although of a childish kind, before I had learned to read and write.
Explorations into chemistry were done in our basement, sometimes with friends, and my parents must have had quite a bit of confidence in my abilities when they allowed me to experiment with explosive mixtures.
After finishing the gymnasium in Muenchen with 9 years of Latin and 6 years of ancient Greek, history and philosophy, I decided to become a physicist. The great theoretical physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, an university colleague of my late father, advised me to begin with an apprenticeship in precision mechanics.
I grew up in Austria, and for me real comfort food is Wiener Schnitzel. Wiener Schnitzel and mashed potatoes because it reminds me of my youth... It reminds me when I grow up and it feels very comforting.
It turns out nudity is not a problem for me. It's one of those things you think about later and say, 'Yeah, I could do this for a living.'
I spend as much time as possible at my stable in the Hollywood Hills. It keeps me sane.
Get to know other worlds, if only for comparison. I am near, too near for him to dream of me.
When I was young I had a moment of believing in the Communist doctrine. I wanted to save the world through Communism. Quite soon I understood that it doesn't work, but I've never pretended it didn't happen to me.
You can ask me anything you want; I'm very opinionated... except about my private life. I don't want to talk about that.
I had a kind of artrock band called Peanut for a while, which eventually helped me over my fear of singing. That was a big step for me. I never dreamed I could sing songs in front of people.
When I became a parent and hit my thirties, I got my hands on an acoustic guitar. I started writing quiet, simple songs at home and, with a little encouragement, I got more courage and found my voice. I have people and movements who have inspired me to carry on, but I try to write about things I know, nothing too complicated, really.
Even with whatever people want to label me with, there are so many other sides to me.
I sleep on my stomach with my head under a bunch of pillows so if someone wants to come in and try to kill me they can't tell if I'm there or not, so they'll just leave.
The name 'Wiz' comes from me being the youngest dude in my age group of people that I hung out with. I was pretty good at anything I tried to do, so they would call me a young wiz.
'Khalifa' is Arabic, it means successor, leader, shining light. My granddad is Muslim and he gave me that name.
I like me some Bape, you know. But I wear anything, to be honest. Adyn, Rick Owens, Givenchy, anything. I shop from everywhere.
If you're coming to do an interview with me, you should know about me. It's not that it's 'cos I'm Wizkid; I'd even hate it if you were coming to interview my friend and asked him the same question. You're here for an interview, so you should know who you're doing the interview with.
I didn't have accessories when I started my career. Did you see me wearing bling-bling when I did 'Hola at Your Boi?' No! I hustled to get money to buy them, and there is no crime if I show it or flaunt it to my fans because they gave me money to buy them.
When I was six and already able to read and write Polish, my uncle the curate taught me Latin. Since he had no suitable textbook, he simply used the breviary.
When I got older, it got harder because when kids get older, they get meaner, so I went through a lot of bullying and people calling me, like, 'zebra' or 'cow,' so it was really hard growing up.
I don't really talk about 'ANTM,' although I'm very grateful for it, as it was the platform that allowed me to catapult to where I should have been.
I remember sitting by my window, wishing upon the stars that my skin condition would go away. I wondered, 'Why me?'
I didn't have a problem with myself or my skin. I had a problem with the way people treated me because of my skin. They tried to define me.
The whole idea of a dream, to me, is a mystery plane. Things are operating there that tell us the real truth. The stuff going on inside us that we don't express or even know about pours out in our dreams.
I realized later how much my acting experience influenced my writing and how it helped me to write for other actors.
In my life, it's always been about who I'm going to collaborate with. Less important to me is what the subject is.
I'm certainly a real homebody. But the truth is that I understand that desire to, in a way, go join the circus. That's what got me out of Long Island and into show business. I was like, 'I'm just going to have an adventure. I want to be a person that isn't surrounded by their mail and their cat.'
For me, being a writer, you want to communicate with people, but if your goal is that every person is going to love what you do, then you're always going to be disappointed.
It dawned on me then that you either had to survive apartheid, or you had to perish with it. And I decided to survive.
There is nothing the government has not done to me. There isn't any pain I haven't known.
I think of some of my friends who have passed to the spirit world but are who here with me when I go to events and when I walk in my own community. My sisters, Ingred, my sister Marsha, and my sister Nielock. All cofounders of the Indigenous Women's Network with me. All long time women activists in the native community.
You try to get out there and live. I've always had good friends who've been very supportive and help make me feel good and grounded because I've never felt attached to the film industry.
It's part of the celebrity process but my life has never been as interesting or as wild as what's been printed about me.
It's just people should realize that the celebrity aspect of being an actor is very rarely enjoyable for people like me who would always rather go unnoticed and disappear into the crowd.
My dad took me to all the best rock and punk shows when I was growing up and music has always been a part of my life. So I'm very interested in the music scene and I suppose that's why I've ended up going out with musicians. Dave Pirner is still one of my best friends.
I think I'm learning to be bolder in my career choices and be more confident in my personal life. I haven't always felt very secure as an individual, but now I feel I certain confidence and sense of self that gets me through the day a lot better than before.
The slavery at Bufford's was too fresh in my recollection to let me care to bind myself again. From the time that I took my nose off that lithographic stone, I have had no master, and never shall have any.
I don't want a lot of people nosing round my studio and bothering me. I don't want to see them at all. Let the dealers have all that bother.
I do not care to put out any ideas for pictures. They are too valuable and can be appropriated by any art student, defrauding me out of a possible picture.
I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
I have been under considerable pressure to buy at least a laptop computer. I have always turned the suggestions down for the reason that I have never done creative work on a typewriter. There is to me a lack of empathy.
Give me the comma of imperfect striving, thus to find zest in the immediate living. Ever the reaching but never the gaining, ever the climbing but never the attaining of the mountain top.
For me, food and music are very similar in that you create, you spend a lot of time making something, and it only lasts a few seconds or a few minutes.
What's disheartening for me and to all of us in GLAAD is when it comes to major studio films, LGBT people are basically invisible. And when we do show up, it's largely a part of comedies as carictatures to service a joke that's at the expense of the character.
I feel really fortunate and grateful that not only do I get to do what I love, but I get to do it and serve a conversation that I feel is necessary culturally. The fact that I get to bring those two passions together is amazing to me - that I get to use my art in order to inform my activism and vice versa!
I remember just calling myself gay was a big step for me, and I remember being in the bathroom brushing my teeth, testing out to myself in the mirror, saying, 'I am gay,' and seeing if the world was going to stop or if the ceiling would fall in on me.
When people ask me for advice about when to come out, it's really about, before you do that, building a circle of support that can strengthen you through that experience. For me, it was my friends. There were people on 'My So-Called Life' that really helped guide me.
I was 19, 20. I didn't know what to do. I knew one thing: I never saw myself on TV or anyone like me, and I wanted to be that for someone else. I think the most courageous thing I did was ask for help.
'Call Me by Your Name' does not have a political agenda. It is not a 'cause' film. It is a simple and beautifully shot story about a same-sex relationship that exists in a very tiny Italian village.
Let me speak for myself: I think I wanted to see people who looked like me on TV. I wanted to see people who had similar experiences as I had, growing up. There was nobody on television when I was a teenager who I could relate to.
When I came out, it didn't go well. My dad kicked me out. I ended up sleeping in my car.
My dad is now an incredibly important ally of mine. I'm so impressed with him. He's a hero to me because he put love and his family first.
The thing about me and school was that as much as I felt that I didn't belong, as long as I was on a stage or dancing, that's where I excelled the most, felt worthy.
They were so clever finding ways to get me the ball. They had to do more than just give up open shots. They had to avoid fouls and pass me the ball in traffic.
I couldn't have come close without my teammates' help because the Knicks didn't want me to make 100.
Fear is a great signal. It's like a pain signal. Hey, look at me, look at me. Get your focus right over here, at the pain.
It's a great honour to have the nickname of Iceman, it makes me feel very proud of my achievements.
Anybody is able to doubt me. I say, 'Come with your criticism to polish the diamond of the truth.' People need to wake up to their own power. Everybody has this nature.
I feel like I'm kind of a bit of a sponge in a way. Like, if people around me are going through things, I find it very hard not to be empathetic.
I know it's very 'old media' of me to admit this, but I am often unnerved by the lack of civility on the Web.
My brother said 'I want to start acting,' and me and my sister just said, 'Oh we'll try it, we'll see.' It was just one of those things - we were just like, 'Oh, we'll see what happens.'
I didn't audition for the part! The role was offered to me, and I was so excited to be a part of 'The Haunting Hour.' It is such a cool show and it was so much fun shooting the 'Intruders.'
'Poltergeist' terrifies me! When the little girl Carol Anne is talking to the TV, I get shivers every time.
I know with Gary Ross especially, he kind of gave me pointers here and there, but he kind of let me become firm in any way that I needed, and he just let me try things and to explore what I can do with my acting. So that was very helpful.
I never really get to go to school because I am always on tour or with my father. There is a tutor most of the time, but usually I am working so I never get to do the lessons. The worst thing about maths is all the kids are ahead of me because they go to school.
I have everything that I would possibly imagine. I have a family that loves me and that's... more than most kids have. And it's really awesome for me to experience this life... because most kids don't have this life, and I'm trying to reach out to them and help them.
I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I'm competing with is me.
My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.
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