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Man Quotes

Most Famous Man Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best man quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Man Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Before the tribunal of nature, a man has no more right to life than a rattlesnake; he has no more right to liberty than any wild beast; his right to the pursuit of happiness is nothing but a license to maintain the struggle for existence, if he can find within himself the powers with which to do it.

Quotes by William Graham Sumner

A man must not deny his manifest abilities, for that is to evade his obligations.

Quotes by William Feather

The philosophy behind much advertising is based on the old observation that every man is really two men - the man he is and the man he wants to be.

Quotes by William Feather

No man is a failure who is enjoying life.

Quotes by William Feather

Could you ever call me a 'leading man?' Not really. It's not that I don't want leading man roles, but there's only so many, and they want Tom Hanks, not me.

Quotes by William Fichtner

A man must be master of his hours and days, not their servant.

Quotes by William Frederick Book

A man must drive his energy, not be driven by it.

Quotes by William Frederick Book

A man must earnestly want.

Quotes by William Frederick Book

No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.

Quotes by William E. Gladstone

Dad was high society, a big man in town, a 'Who's Who' in New jersey.

Quotes by William E. Simon

Pop taught me respect for my fellow man and reverence for my God. He taught me the importance of family and religion.

Quotes by William E. Simon

It is essential that the young people of this country learn to respect the right of every man and woman to seek his or her happiness with minimal interference from the government.

Quotes by William E. Simon

Every man is a volume if you know how to read him.

Quotes by William Ellery Channing

Undoubtedly a man is to labor to better his condition, but first to better himself.

Quotes by William Ellery Channing

The best books for a man are not always those which the wise recommend, but often those which meet the peculiar wants, the natural thirst of his mind, and therefore awaken interest and rivet thought.

Quotes by William Ellery Channing

To be a good Briton, a man must trade profitably, marry respectably, live cleanly, avoid excess, revere the established order, and wear his heart in his breeches pocket or anywhere but on his sleeve.

Quotes by William Ernest Henley

I find that a man is as old as his work. If his work keeps him from moving forward, he will look forward with the work.

Quotes by William Ernest Hocking

Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished.

Quotes by William Ernest Hocking

The secret of the man who is universally interesting is that he is universally interested.

Quotes by William Dean Howells

A man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it's too late to let her know that he sees it.

Quotes by William Dean Howells

If we like a man's dream, we call him a reformer; if we don't like his dream, we call him a crank.

Quotes by William Dean Howells

The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.

Quotes by William Dean Howells

You've got to appreciate the things that come from the art of the Negro and from the heart of the man farthest down.

Quotes by William Christopher Handy

My father was a great business leader and humanitarian who dedicated his life to the company and the community. He also was a wonderful family man, a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him, yet he will continue to inspire us all.

Quotes by William Clay Ford, Jr.

My great-grandfather was a man of great vision, drive, and native intelligence, with some human flaws amplified by limited education, limited social range, and questionable influence from some of his advisers.

Quotes by William Clay Ford, Jr.

It is not the greatness of a man's means that makes him independent, so much as the smallness of his wants.

Quotes by William Cobbett

From a very early age I had imbibed the opinion that it was every man's duty to do all that lay in his power to leave his country as good as he had found it.

Quotes by William Cobbett

To live well, to enjoy all things that make life pleasant, is the right of every man who constantly uses his strength judiciously and lawfully.

Quotes by William Cobbett

Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, Whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, Are rarely known to stray.

Quotes by William Cowper

No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach.

Quotes by William Cowper

O, popular applause! what heart of man is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms?

Quotes by William Cowper

Man may dismiss compassion from his heart, but God never will.

Quotes by William Cowper

A self-made man? Yes, and one who worships his creator.

Quotes by William Cowper

God made the country, and man made the town.

Quotes by William Cowper

The earth was made so various, that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleased with novelty, might be indulged.

Quotes by William Cowper

The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender.

Quotes by William Booth

Why should we honour those that die upon the field of battle? A man may show as reckless a courage in entering into the abyss of himself.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

An aged man is but a paltry thing, a tattered coat upon a stick, unless soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing for every tatter in its mortal dress.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

I have believed the best of every man. And find that to believe is enough to make a bad man show him at his best, or even a good man swings his lantern higher.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

Nor dread nor hope attend a dying animal; a man awaits his end dreading and hoping all.

Quotes by William Butler Yeats

The sea hath fish for every man.

Quotes by William Camden

Now we have reason to be grateful once again that Al Gore is not the man in the White House, and never will be.

Quotes by William Bennett

The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of common man.

Quotes by William Beveridge

No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.

Quotes by William Blackstone

The law, which restrains a man from doing mischief to his fellow citizens, though it diminishes the natural, increases the civil liberty of mankind.

Quotes by William Blackstone

The man who never in his mind and thoughts travel'd to heaven is no artist.

Quotes by William Blake

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.

Quotes by William Blake

The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.

Quotes by William Blake

Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.

Quotes by William Blake

Greatness, generally speaking, is an unusual quantity of a usual quality grafted upon a common man.

Quotes by William Allen White

Whoever tramples on the plea for justice temperately made in the name of peace only outrages peace and kills something fine in the heart of man which God put there when we got our manhood.

Quotes by William Allen White

If any foes of mine are there, I pardon every one: I hope that man and womankind will do the same by me.

Quotes by William Allingham

Although the whole man partakes of this grace, it is first and most appropriately in the soul and later progresses to the body, inasmuch as the body of the man is capable of the same obedience to the will of God as the soul.

Quotes by William Ames

An idea in man is first impressed upon him and afterwards expressed in things, but in God it is only expressed, not impressed, because it does not come from anywhere else.

Quotes by William Ames

Sanctification is the real change in man from the sordidness of sin to the purity of God's image.

Quotes by William Ames

Experience has taught me to believe that, these human beans are the most insidious enemies man, with a tendency to corpulence in advanced life, can possess, though eminently friendly to youth.

Quotes by William Banting

A man may well be condemned, not for doing something, but for doing nothing.

Quotes by William Barclay

If a man fights his way through his doubts to the conviction that Jesus Christ is Lord, he has attained to a certainty that the man who unthinkingly accepts things can never reach.

Quotes by William Barclay

Comey is an extraordinarily gifted man who has contributed much during his many years of public service.

Quotes by William Barr

People find it very, very difficult to believe what I've done. Scientists have seen my work and they can't explain it. Even nano-scientists have seen it and been totally shocked. But if any man on Earth wants to challenge me, I'm ready. Bring it on.

Quotes by Willard Wigan

I heard someone say that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. I decided to sculpt camels in a needle.

Quotes by Willard Wigan

I wish to Christ I could make up a really great lie. Sometimes, after an interview, I say to myself, 'Man, you were so honest - can't you have some fun? Can't you do some really down and dirty lying?' But the puritan in me thinks that if I tell a lie, I'll be punished.

Quotes by Willem Dafoe

A man who is not with a woman is a dead man.

Quotes by William A. Drake

Believe me, if a man doesn't know death, he doesn't know life.

Quotes by William A. Drake

Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves.

Quotes by Willa Cather

A man may not always be what he appears to be, but what he appears to be is always a significant part of what he is.

Quotes by Willard Gaylin

To probe for unconscious determinants of behavior and then define a man in their terms exclusively, ignoring his overt behavior altogether, is a greater distortion than ignoring the unconscious completely.

Quotes by Willard Gaylin

Never slap a man who chews tobacco.

Quotes by Willard Scott

One man's observation is another man's closed book or flight of fancy.

Quotes by Willard Van Orman Quine

There's something about the struggle of a sensitive man that we really relate to.

Quotes by Will Speck

There's such a thing, if you're a finance man, as hitting the figures you need to hit. But there's no equivalent in acting. It's a creative field. It's subjective. That's what I love about it.

Quotes by Will Poulter

It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts.

Quotes by Will Rogers

There is nothing so stupid as the educated man if you get him off the thing he was educated in.

Quotes by Will Rogers

When I discovered Gil Scott-Heron, I discovered a musical hero, a man who spoke baritone truth to power over jazzy funk at a time when funky music was primarily about shake, shake, shaking your booty.

Quotes by Will Hermes

The upshot here is that Gil Scott-Heron is still a warrior, even if the front lines have moved. He's made a record not without hope but which doesn't come with any easy or comforting answers. In that way, the man is clearly still committed to speaking the truth.

Quotes by Will Hermes

Man's greed to obtain something for nothing has never yet been able to content itself with a moderate profit.

Quotes by Will C. Barnes

The love we have in our youth is superficial compared to the love that an old man has for his old wife.

Quotes by Will Durant

The ego is willing but the machine cannot go on. It's the last thing a man will admit, that his mind ages.

Quotes by Will Durant

If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous.

Quotes by Will Durant

Man became free when he recognized that he was subject to law.

Quotes by Will Durant

Bankers know that history is inflationary and that money is the last thing a wise man will hoard.

Quotes by Will Durant

It is usually more important how a man meets his fate than what it is.

Quotes by Wilhelm von Humboldt

This is the story of what a Woman's patience can endure, and what a Man's resolution can achieve.

Quotes by Wilkie Collins

It's one thing to reject the idea that it's a man's job to bring home all the bacon; it's another the 500th time your wife reaches for the check at dinner.

Quotes by Will Allison

I don't know how many lions and leopards I've shot. I've shot two elephants, which was enough - never again. It's a melancholy and moving thing to hunt an elephant. It's like shooting an old man.

Quotes by Wilbur Smith

I confess that in 1901 I said to my brother Orville that man would not fly for fifty years.

Quotes by Wilbur Wright

My dearly beloved if I am to die today and never see the sweet face of you I want you to know that I am no great man and am lucky to have such a woman as you.

Quotes by Wild Bill Hickok

I have never insulted man or woman in my life, but if you knew what a wholesome regard I have for damn liars and rascals, they would be liable to keep out of my way.

Quotes by Wild Bill Hickok

There has been two awful fights in town this week. You don't know anything about such fighting at home as I speak of; this is no place for women and children, yet, although they all say it is so quiet here... if a man fights in Kansas and gets whipped, he never says anything more about it. If he does, he will get whipped for his trouble.

Quotes by Wild Bill Hickok

If I've got any authority in Hays, Mrs. Lake isn't going to pay this town a cent of license for showing, and if any man attempts to stop this show, then just put it down that he's got me to fight.

Quotes by Wild Bill Hickok

Pence is far too conservative for me, but by all accounts, he's an intelligent, experienced, decent man with no skeletons in his closet.

Quotes by Whitney Tilson

When you understand what you see, you will no longer be children. You will know that life is pain, that each of us hangs always upon the cross of himself. And when you know that this is true of every man, woman and child on earth, you will be wiser.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

A man is not primarily a witness against something. That is only incidental to the fact that he is a witness for something.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

A witness, in the sense that I am using the word, is a man whose life and faith are so completely one that when the challenge comes to step out and testify for his faith, he does so, disregarding all risks, accepting all consequences.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

At issue was the question whether this man's faith could prevail against a man whose equal faith it was that this society is sick beyond saving, and that mercy itself pleads for its swift extinction and replacement by another.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

I do not know any way to explain why God's grace touches a man who seems unworthy of it.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

Every man is crucified upon the cross of himself.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

The Communist vision is the vision of man without God.

Quotes by Whittaker Chambers

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