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Most Famous Free Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best free quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Free Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

We are free to yield to truth.

Quotes by Horace

There is no bigotry like that of 'free thought' run to seed.

Quotes by Horace Greeley

The Internet is a game changer. I'm hopeful I can make a contribution by providing a way to learn about the game of golf free of charge.

Quotes by Hollis Stacy

There's a difference between people being free and the atmosphere of 'freedom.'

Quotes by Hirokazu Kore-eda

I do not overlook the fact that the appearance of these new, free nations in the European political community not only celebrates the return of the prodigal son but also creates new sources of friction here and there.

Quotes by Hjalmar Branting

Everybody favours free speech in the slack moments when no axes are being ground.

Quotes by Heywood Broun

To advocate a New Order was to seek freedom and respect for peoples without prejudice, and to seek a stable basis for the existence all peoples, equally, and free of threats.

Quotes by Hideki Tojo

I believe it's important for us to have a diverse and free approach to making games in the way that we like.

Quotes by Hidetaka Miyazaki

There is no pressure on me, I can take a lot of risks in the coming weeks. I feel free to ski the way I decide on race-day because the overall title was not my main target this winter.

Quotes by Hermann Maier

Let it be immediately added, however, that this economic independence and prosperity has always been absolutely associated in the American mind with free political institutions.

Quotes by Herbert Croly

The more consciously democratic Americans became, however, the less they were satisfied with a conception of the Promised Land, which went no farther than a pervasive economic prosperity guaranteed by free institutions.

Quotes by Herbert Croly

It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own.

Quotes by Herbert Hoover

The spirit of liberalism is to create free men; it is not the regimentation of men.

Quotes by Herbert Hoover

The criterion for free choice can never be an absolute one, but neither is it entirely relative.

Quotes by Herbert Marcuse

Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.

Quotes by Herbert Marcuse

Education must be aimed at creating a wider imagination in the child, not at suppressing. The child's mind must be set free.

Quotes by Henry Williamson

I loved doing commercials when I did commercials. I made a living. I worked in front of a camera. I could do plays for free.

Quotes by Henry Winkler

Once you used a computer with a broadband connection, you knew you would never be able go back to the old voiceband modem connection - even if it was free.

Quotes by Henry Samueli

You would rather pay $50 a month for a cable modem than a free voiceband modem because of the attractiveness of that broadband connection.

Quotes by Henry Samueli

The security of Israel is a moral imperative for all free peoples.

Quotes by Henry Kissinger

I used all diligence to arrive at London and therefore I now gave my crew a certificate under my hand, of my free and willing return, without persuasion or force by any one or more of them.

Quotes by Henry Hudson

Our ideal of the future is that she should continue to render that service of her own free will.

Quotes by Henry Cabot Lodge

By adopting the 'free trade,' or British, system, we place ourselves side by side with the men who have ruined Ireland and India, and are now poisoning and enslaving the Chinese people.

Quotes by Henry Charles Carey

Home life ceases to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt.

Quotes by Henrik Ibsen

Absolute liberty is absence of restraint; responsibility is restraint; therefore, the ideally free individual is responsible to himself.

Quotes by Henry Adams

He who loves, flies, runs, and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back.

Quotes by Henri Matisse

Thus, they are free to replace some objects by others so long as the relations remain unchanged.

Quotes by Henri Poincare

I like to come up first of all with a free idea, thinking about and obviously understanding what is necessary for it to become a car.

Quotes by Henrik Fisker

We Germans have learned from history. We are a peace-loving, freedom-loving people. There is only one place for us in the world: at the side of the free nations.

Quotes by Helmut Kohl

People gave us everything for free. We were allowed only so much film per picture, but there was no limit to the creativity. I like to say that they let us loose like wild dogs in the streets of Paris.

Quotes by Helmut Newton

It'll be the Internet and piracy that will kill film. There's a philosophy that the Internet should be free, but the reality is that piracy will destroy the film industry and film as an art form because it's expensive to make a movie. Maybe you'll have funky little independent movies, and it'll go back and then start up again some other way.

Quotes by Helen Mirren

On those, I've said it before, I work free. It's the waiting they pay me for.

Quotes by Hector Elizondo

Well, I was going to school in Germany. And in my free time I was dancing.

Quotes by Heidi Klum

I am free to confess that I am disappointed with the Yosemite valley. It seems only about one-half as grand as the American Fork canyon.

Quotes by Heber J. Grant

There's only one free person in this society, and he is white and male.

Quotes by Hazel Scott

If any of us were faced with a huge bag of free money and very little accountability, it would be human nature that you would make the most of it.

Quotes by Heather Brooke

Newspapers are not free and they never have been. They can appear to be so, but someone, somewhere is covering the costs whether that is through advertising, a patron's largesse or a license fee. Advertising is no longer subsidising the industry and so the cost must fall somewhere - why not on the people who use it?

Quotes by Heather Brooke

A respectable-sized audience hasn't really been able to follow developments in jazz since the free jazz movement in the '60s. Some of them can't even get with John Coltrane. Audiences are diminishing more and more rapidly. Some of the top young musicians with something new to say can't get record companies to put out their stuff.

Quotes by Harvey Pekar

I can't emphasize how important free speech is to a liberal and free democracy.

Quotes by Hasan Minhaj

Donald Trump doesn't care about free speech. The man who tweets everything that enters his head doesn't care about the amendment which lets him do that.

Quotes by Hasan Minhaj

Free speech is the foundation of an open and liberal democracy from college campuses to the White House.

Quotes by Hasan Minhaj

I went to college during the Kazaa/Napster era, and we had free Internet, which was a huge deal. People were just downloading all of everything.

Quotes by Hasan Minhaj

The states are not free, under the guise of protecting maternal health or potential life, to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies.

Quotes by Harry A. Blackmun

By placing discretion in the hands of an official to grant or deny a license, such a statute creates a threat of censorship that by its very existence chills free speech.

Quotes by Harry A. Blackmun

I was free when I was 12 because I got my first skateboard. I've been free ever since.

Quotes by Harmony Korine

I paint, and painting gives me my much needed break from my routine. Painting was a subject in my school, and I developed a liking for the lines and colours and started practising in my free time. It helps me de-stress amidst my hectic shooting schedules.

Quotes by Hansika Motwani

Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality.

Quotes by Harlan Stone

I believe in free trade. I don't support regulating trade prices between different regions. Our point of view is we don't want trade barriers between different countries.

Quotes by Hans Vestberg

I played ping-pong with Prince. That's pretty surreal. He gave me a lesson before we played; like, he's great. He's a master at it, so I took the free lesson.

Quotes by Hannah Simone

My sister's a singer, and she's on Twitter, and she has millions of followers. I wonder how that helps her. I think it does to an extent. I think she gets free things.

Quotes by Hannah Ware

Free yourself from the rigid conduct of tradition and open yourself to the new forms of probability.

Quotes by Hans Bender

I live wild and free and reckless, but that's the price you have to pay for rock.

Quotes by Hank Williams III

To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in itself would be enough to make me ambitious.

Quotes by Hannah Arendt

Man cannot be free if he does not know that he is subject to necessity, because his freedom is always won in his never wholly successful attempts to liberate himself from necessity.

Quotes by Hannah Arendt

Vanilla is anti-inflammatory and reduces free radicals.

Quotes by Hannah Bronfman

The idea that corporations have the same First Amendment protections of free speech as people is troubling. Corporations are not people. They don't attend our schools, get married and have children. They don't vote in our elections.

Quotes by Hank Johnson

Bahrainis are better off than many other Arabs. We have a welfare state, everybody gets a salary whether they have a job or not. Electricity and food are subsidized; school and healthcare are free. And we don't differentiate between Bahrainis and foreigners. We are very proud of that.

Quotes by Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa

Free media is very essential for the democratic process and... development.

Quotes by Hailemariam Desalegn

The president of the United States from the 1940s until 2017 was considered the leader of the free world - probably the most powerful person in the world - not simply in terms of America's military might but in terms of the moral authority of the president. Donald Trump has largely abdicated that.

Quotes by H. W. Brands

I'm a free safety. The one responsibility I have is making the play, really. So I take those chances.

Quotes by Ha Ha Clinton-Dix

In the 19th century, a lot of people were against outlawing child labour, because to do so would be against the very foundations of a free market economy: 'These children want to work, these people want to employ them... what is your problem? It's not as if anyone has kidnapped them...'

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

Free market economists frequently see minimum wage legislation as mere political intervention. However, there are decent economic theories which show that, under certain circumstances, minimum wages can be beneficial, as it makes workers more productive.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

I've read quite a few readers' reviews of my book on Amazon, saying, 'Ah, he criticises the free market, he advocates central planning.' I don't do that for a minute! But this is our black and white, dichotomous way of thinking - which has really been harmful.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

Every market has some rules and boundaries that restrict freedom of choice. A market looks free only because we so unconditionally accept its underlying restrictions that we fail to see them.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

It is impossible to objectively define how free a market is. This is a political definition. Government is always involved, and those free marketers are as politically motivated as anyone.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

Overcoming the myth that there is such a thing as an objectively defined 'free market' is the first step towards understanding capitalism.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

The truth is that the free movement of goods, people, and money that developed under British hegemony between 1870 and 1913 - the first episode of globalization - was made possible, in large part, by military might rather than market forces.

Quotes by Ha-Joon Chang

Thousands of years ago, civilizations flourished in Africa which suffer not at all by comparison with those of other continents. In those centuries, Africans were politically free and economically independent. Their social patterns were their own and their cultures truly indigenous.

Quotes by Haile Selassie

Africa shares with Asia a common background of colonialism, of exploitation, of discrimination, of oppression. At Bandung, African and Asian States dedicated themselves to the liberation of their two continents from foreign domination and affirmed the right of all nations to develop in their own way, free of any external interference.

Quotes by Haile Selassie

I always encourage employees to feel free to raise any issues that prevent them from getting good work done.

Quotes by Gwynne Shotwell

I personally thank Rahul Gandhi. He has given me complete free hand in running the government.

Quotes by H. D. Kumaraswamy

When I was on the ice, I felt like a free man. With flying, it's the same thing. When I'm flying by myself on an afternoon, I feel free.

Quotes by Guy Lafleur

What world is there for us where our essential nature - and its right to live free - is one and the same?

Quotes by Guy Finley

We want to reduce the size of government in half as a percentage of GNP over the next 25 years. We want to reduce the number of people depending on government so there is more autonomy and more free citizens.

Quotes by Grover Norquist

The job of the government isn't to go around and try and make people sacrifice, it's to try and make people free. The reason why we have a national defense is to protect our freedoms.

Quotes by Grover Norquist

The Republican Party and the conservative free market movement have been presidentially focused for too long.

Quotes by Grover Norquist

Our job is to make people free.

Quotes by Grover Norquist

It may be that the most interesting American struggle is the struggle to set oneself free from the limits one is born to, and then to learn something of the value of those limits.

Quotes by Greil Marcus

Unfortunately, this is a free society, and we're gonna have people with trucks, and people with bombs.

Quotes by Greta Van Susteren

From any traumatic injury, you're going to experience a lack of confidence. There's a whole process you have to go through to break free of that.

Quotes by Gretchen Bleiler

I wrote the Michigan 2020, which was a free college plan, before Bernie Sanders ever offered it on the national level.

Quotes by Gretchen Whitmer

After Plan Colombia came the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. Hillary Clinton opposed the treaty when she was running against Barack Obama in 2008 but then supported it as secretary of state.

Quotes by Greg Grandin

The effect of Bill Clinton's NAFTA and Hillary Clinton's Colombian Free Trade Agreement has been devastating to Michigan and most of the rest of the country, and accounts for the appeal of Donald Trump.

Quotes by Greg Grandin

As first lady, Hillary Clinton spent the early months of her husband's administration drafting healthcare-reform legislation, only to see it put on the back burner by the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Quotes by Greg Grandin

In its original version, the FTAA was meant to be a special carve-out for Washington and Wall Street as global 'free trade' advanced under the umbrella of the Doha round of the WTO.

Quotes by Greg Grandin

There was a brief moment, after Haiti's 2010 earthquake, when even Bill Clinton recognized what had been done to Haiti in the name of 'free trade': the destruction of local markets and rice production.

Quotes by Greg Grandin

My life is happy, joyous, free, sober and saved, and a lot of fun, too. I have a lot of fun.

Quotes by Grace Lee Whitney

We must explain the truth: There is no free lunch.

Quotes by Grace Napolitano

In school, I learned about artists and how they were free to express themselves. I was allergic to conformity, and the lifestyle attracted me. I wanted to express myself in a way that slammed people up against the wall.

Quotes by Grace Slick

I did six internships, even though I was only allowed to do one. I had a paper with my advisor's signature on it that I would just forward for every new internship. I didn't get school credit, but I got away with giving free labor to everyone.

Quotes by Grace Helbig

The American people are being victimized more than any free market would warrant.

Quotes by Gordon Smith

No corner of the world is free from group scorn.

Quotes by Gordon W. Allport

I reassure all Nigerians and the international community of our firm commitment to free, fair and credible elections. My commitment to free elections and one man, one vote remains unwavering.

Quotes by Goodluck Jonathan

All Nigerians of voting age are free to vote based on their convictions. It is our duty to defend and protect that basic right, and - let no one be in doubt - we will.

Quotes by Goodluck Jonathan

God gave us our agency. He taught us a way. He showed us what to do. But he gave us our agency and left us free to act as we choose to do.

Quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley

Every individual in the church is free to think as he pleases.

Quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley

Before Vatican II, in theology, as in other areas, the discipline was fixed. After the council there has been a revolution - a chaotic revolution - with free discussion on everything. There is now no common theology or philosophy as there was before.

Quotes by Godfried Danneels

The free sharing and teaching of open source is incompatible with the notion of the solitary genius.

Quotes by Golan Levin

Paris is a city that liberates you as a woman from all your sins that you think you are guilty of; it washes away all of that, and you are free.

Quotes by Golshifteh Farahani

Ronaldinho takes great free kicks and has scored a lot of nice goals from free play.

Quotes by Gonzalo Higuain

I don't want anything from Cuba. I want them to be free and enjoy the things I enjoy.

Quotes by Gloria Estefan

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