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American Quotes

Most Famous American Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best american quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 American Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I'm from a little village in the south of Holland where there was nothing to do but watch American movies and television - I grew up with The 'A-Team,' 'Charlie's Angels,' and 'Edward Scissorhands.'

Quotes by Sylvia Hoeks

I speak Dutch, German, French, and English and have acted in all of those languages, but I love the American experience.

Quotes by Sylvia Hoeks

I love American English, not least because a lot of it was ours to begin with. Indeed, many Americanisms can be found in the works of William Shakespeare.

Quotes by Susie Dent

The Tiffany lamp is an American icon bridging the immigrants, settlement houses, and the slums of the Lower East Side and the wealthy industrialists of upper Manhattan, the Gilded Age and its excesses.

Quotes by Susan Vreeland

For a century, everyone assumed that the iconic Tiffany lamps were conceived and designed by that American master of stained glass. Not so! It was a woman!

Quotes by Susan Vreeland

Success is the American Dream. And that success is not something to be ashamed of, or to demonize.

Quotes by Susana Martinez

I once walked through an exhibit in a large American museum that displayed First Nations artifacts in old dioramas, with mannequins that hadn't been changed since the 19th century.

Quotes by Susanna Kearsley

What happened with Hurricane Katrina was the American electorate was forced to look at what lay behind the veneer of chest-beating. We all saw the consequences of having terrible government leadership.

Quotes by Susan Faludi

Every American should have a say in the memorials we choose to build in our nation. Family members have a special responsibility.

Quotes by Susan Eisenhower

The true sovereign is not the American president nor the English king, but the Lord of the Second Advent.

Quotes by Sun Myung Moon

I think I get a lot of ideas from when I was a kid, listening to Casey Kasem's 'American Top 40.'

Quotes by Sufjan Stevens

The Aadhar data that was leaked to American companies was, in a way, a betrayal to the country.

Quotes by Subramanian Swamy

Chicago is not the most corrupt American city. It's the most theatrically corrupt.

Quotes by Studs Terkel

People are disappointed when they hear my American accent because they regard 'The Police' as an English band but I've clung to my American-ness all the way.

Quotes by Stewart Copeland

I'm trying to encourage my children's generation and the other ones coming to return to basic American principles.

Quotes by Stewart Udall

Wilderness, like the national park system, was an American idea.

Quotes by Stewart Udall

In the first weeks after Hiroshima, extravagant statements by President Truman and other official spokesmen for the U.S. government transformed the inception of the atomic age into the most mythologized event in American history.

Quotes by Stewart Udall

The choice facing the American people is not between growth and stagnation, but between short-term growth and long-term disaster.

Quotes by Stewart Udall

In terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy. We have been taking down the Russian warheads, turning it into electricity. 10 percent of American electricity comes from decommissioned warheads.

Quotes by Stewart Brand

I am an American Jew and aware of the sensitivities involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Quotes by Steven Spielberg

If any one idea can justly be called the American idea, it is that a child's circumstances at birth should not determine the station in life that that child will occupy as an adult.

Quotes by Steven Weinberg

To fix Social Security, we should first stop using the Consumer Price Index to adjust benefits for inflation. Using the C.P.I. overstates the impact of inflation and has also led to larger increases in benefits for Social Security recipients than the income gains of typical American workers.

Quotes by Steven Rattner

Neither the George W. Bush nor the Obama administrations volunteered to bail out G.M., Chrysler and other parts of the auto sector. Both subscribed firmly to the longstanding American principle that government should resolutely avoid these kinds of interventions, particularly in the industrial sector.

Quotes by Steven Rattner

So many American and international producers want to shoot in the U.K. because of our crew base and tax incentives.

Quotes by Steven Knight

Every manly icon the West has ever admired has embodied the very spirit of American independence.

Quotes by Steven Crowder

I like a lot of international people. Julie Taymore, the American director - she's one of the most exciting directors I've seen.

Quotes by Steven Berkoff

Most American films have now become mindless. The human element has been removed, so you are just left with the surrogate human, which is the robot, so coincidentally or, rather, ironically, they are making films about robots, without realising they are talking about themselves.

Quotes by Steven Berkoff

Anyone who thinks sports are ruled by athletes need only think of American sports' most enduring tradition: Immediately after a championship, as the champagne sprays and the confetti falls, the trophy is passed not to the team captain but most often to the team owner, handed to him by his highest-ranking employee, the league commissioner.

Quotes by Steve Rushin

The banjo is truly an American instrument, and it captures something about our past.

Steve Martin

Since Social Security was established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 to ensure economic security for American workers, poverty among American seniors has dramatically declined.

Quotes by Steve Israel

I produced the Buckcherry album and I just finished a band called American Pearl on Wind-Up Records. That's Creed's label. They're pretty rocking. Now I'm looking for another band to produce.

Quotes by Steve Jones

This bill, this badly named ENLIST Act, would put out the advertisement that says, 'Sneak into America. Sneak into the military, and that's going to be the most expeditious path to American citizenship and the whole smorgasbord of benefits that come from American citizenship.'

Quotes by Steve King

We didn't move here so I could save American democracy. But I've embraced it with the zeal of a convert.

Quotes by Steve Hilton

For decades, without so much as a peep from the Trump-hating establishment, China manipulated its currency and stole American technology.

Quotes by Steve Hilton

The Committee to Save America. Have you ever heard anything more smug, more pompous but - most importantly - more anti-democratic? Because it turns out that the Committee to Save America was really the Committee to Save the American Establishment.

Quotes by Steve Hilton

I'm American. Very American. Like, I-might-have-biscuits-and-sausage-gravy-for-dinner American.

Quotes by Steve Hockensmith

If 'Fargo' is about anything, it's American madness.

Quotes by Steve Erickson

Slavery was the betrayal of the American Promise at the moment that promise was made.

Quotes by Steve Erickson

The beautifully composed imagery of '12 Years a Slave' underscores the savagery of its subject, which is an American South not of knights and ladies but obscene values and a grotesque pageantry, every gorgeous shot of the languid landscape radiating toxicity like a hyperlush blossom that's poison to the touch.

Quotes by Steve Erickson

The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia.

Quotes by Steve Bannon

What Trump represents is a restoration - a restoration of true American capitalism.

Quotes by Steve Bannon

It's too bad American electoral races aren't as transparent as NASCAR races.

Quotes by Steve Bullock

I have fallen in love with American names, the sharp names that never get fat.

Quotes by Stephen Vincent Benet

I loved movies as a teenager and saw as much American cinema as I could, but I hated the English films of the early '60s and had absolutely no point of identification with them.

Quotes by Stephen Rea

The Smithsonian should box and preserve Tim McGraw's Nashville den for a future exhibit entitled 'Early 21st Century American Man Cave.'

Quotes by Stephen Rodrick

I would be happy if not a single refugee foot ever again touched American soil.

Quotes by Stephen Miller

I've always been a nonconformist. I think that nonconformity is part of the American DNA.

Quotes by Stephen Miller

The Democrats are fighting for illegal aliens. Donald Trump is fighting for American citizens.

Quotes by Stephen Miller

The Democratic Party is at grave risk of completely marginalizing itself from the American voters by continuing to lean into its absolutist anti-enforcement positions.

Quotes by Stephen Miller

The first iron rule of American politics is Follow the Money. This explains, oh, about 80 percent of what goes on in Washington.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

The climate-change industrial complex pontificates that the U.S. has to stop using coal to save the planet. But even if the U.S. cut our own coal production to zero, China and India are building hundreds of coal plants. By suspending American coal production, we are merely transferring jobs out of the U.S.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

Using cheap and efficient energy makes every other American industry more productive, and thus makes American employers far more competitive in global markets. Productivity creates higher paying jobs in America; it doesn't destroy them.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

The entire American concept of the 'family business' is put at risk by the death tax.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

Donald Trump is producing the kind of shoot-the-moon economic recovery that we last saw under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. He's copied a lot of the Reagan playbook: Deregulate, cut taxes, promote American energy.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

Some major American publishing houses still seek work by foreign writers.

Quotes by Stephen Kinzer

I don't think I could write a good play if I was setting out to write about the death of the American middle class.

Quotes by Stephen Karam

I've become a representative of the American Diabetes Association, and then I just became national spokesman for the American Heart Association for a campaign called The Heart of Diabetes, which brings the awareness of cardio-vascular disease to diabetics.

Quotes by Stephen Furst

The American order reveals a method that was largely the outcome of material necessity, as exemplified by the Colonial style and the grid.

Quotes by Stephen Gardiner

Instead of trade policy that is beneficial to American businesses and workers as well as our trade partners, we have a flawed trade policy that hurts all parties.

Quotes by Stephen F. Lynch

While other countries have been securing large export deals, American companies have been placed at a competitive disadvantage - forced to compete globally with one hand tied behind their back.

Quotes by Stephen Fincher

It's time for Washington to get out of the way and quit killing American jobs.

Quotes by Stephen Fincher

I don't accept the status quo. I do accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.

Quotes by Stephen Colbert

The library helps lower- and middle-income people - immigrants - get their shot at the American dream.

Quotes by Stephen A. Schwarzman

To be a slaveholder meant one had to regard the African American as inferior in every way.

Quotes by Stephen Ambrose

The American Constitution is the greatest governing document, and at some 7,000 words, just about the shortest.

Quotes by Stephen Ambrose

Eisenhower is my choice as the American of the 20th Century. Of all the men I've studied and written about, he is the brightest and the best.

Quotes by Stephen Ambrose

It's important to every American that the law protect his or her basic liberty.

Quotes by Stephen Breyer

Either Mitt Romney through his own words and his own signature was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people.

Quotes by Stephanie Cutter

Establishing a 'livable wage' floor would immediately reduce the gap in average pay between American women and men.

Quotes by Stephanie Coontz

Inequality was written into the creation of the American Republic when our Founding Fathers denied voting rights to women.

Quotes by Stephanie Coontz

Our partnership with the American Warren Buffett, from my perspective, is aimed at creating more jobs.

Quotes by Stef Wertheimer

I have taken part in ceremonies with North American and Mexican shamans, as well as Brazilian ceremonies.

Quotes by Stanislav Grof

I want the American people to understand, we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Quotes by Stanley A. McChrystal

The discussion of ideas as opposed to the American narcissistic obsession with what's going on with the self, that's the general thing people are talking about.

Quotes by Stanley Crouch

The capacity to be intrinsic and vulgar is American.

Quotes by Stan Brakhage

Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.

Quotes by Spiro T. Agnew

Scholars and historians have dubbed the last 100 years the American Century, and I think there can be little doubt that the Council on Foreign Relations helped to make it so.

Quotes by Spencer Abraham

For 180 years, we voted in English. That is the true American tradition, and this amendment is true to our heritage, not what has existed unnaturally for the last 20 years.

Quotes by Spencer Bachus

I have an American passport, but I don't always remember I'm an American citizen.

Quotes by Sophie Hawley-Weld

With global markets ever expanding, we need to make sure that our American farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers are well positioned to continue to lead the world.

Quotes by Sonny Perdue

No American - Christian or otherwise - should have to choose between their careers and their faith.

Quotes by Sonny Perdue

I've helped create and save thousands of American jobs.

Quotes by Sonny Perdue

Even the most jingoistic person would have to admit that even American cultural music comes from Europe. That's what classical music is, real European music.

Quotes by Sonny Rollins

The Native American side was tragic. It's just unbelievable what has happened to them.

Quotes by Skeet Ulrich

Our American professors like their literature clear and cold and pure and very dead.

Quotes by Sinclair Lewis

I love Westerns. They're a unique creation of American mythology.

Quotes by Simon Toyne

There are actually quite high profile British TV star cameos in it that you probably wouldn't even notice, that the British wouldn't even notice, let alone the American audience.

Quotes by Simon Pegg

American audiences tend to be more expressive than British ones.

Quotes by Simon Pegg

By the end of the nineteenth century, the stereotype of the ugly American - voracious, preachy, mercenary, and bombastically chauvinist - was firmly in place in Europe.

Quotes by Simon Schama

When I'm in Jerusalem, I stay at the American Colony Hotel, neutral territory: the secret peace talks of 1992/3 started there.

Quotes by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Roughly 65% of American households owned a video recorder by 1989, when 'The Simpsons' was launched. This meant that fans could watch episodes several times and pause a scene when they had spotted something curious.

Quotes by Simon Singh

On the contrary, I tried on numerous occasions to convince the American president not to go to war. I did what was within my capabilities to avoid that happening.

Quotes by Silvio Berlusconi

It is repugnant to an American to inform upon his fellow citizens.

Quotes by Sidney Buchman

I consider the philosophy of the Communist Party as not applicable to our American way of life.

Quotes by Sidney Buchman

Growing up in the U.S., I'd siloed off my identities. While I was an Indian at home, I was an American at school. I have now embraced both the identities.

Quotes by Sid Sriram

American audiences are just the same as any other audiences. Except a bit more boring.

Quotes by Sid Vicious

I couldn't achieve the American dream in Japan.

Quotes by Shuji Nakamura

I consider myself an embodiment of the American dream: an all-American Indian.

Quotes by Shiva Ayyadurai

I saw Trump as a necessary force to disrupt a broken system that was no longer serving the American people.

Quotes by Shiva Ayyadurai

I have lived the American Dream.

Quotes by Shiva Ayyadurai

No American soldier should be allowed to set foot on Iranian soil, regardless of the criticism we have of the Iranian government.

Quotes by Shirin Ebadi

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Today's Quote

It's unfortunate biologically we have to sleep.

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Today's Shayari

इस भ्रम को मेरे तुम भ्रम ही रहने दो...
ना हो पुरी हसरतें मगर संग रहने दो!!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

पति-पत्नी एक बस में चढ़े। बस में भीड़ थी पति सुंदर महिला से सटकर खड़ा हो गया। अचानक उस सुंदर...

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Today's Status

Good morning! Let me fill your morning with tenderness, care, love, and attention from now and until the end of...

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Today's Prayer

Good morning Dear, I pray that the sweet peace of God is part of your day and that life shines...

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