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Top 10 Erin Wasson Quotes

Most Famous Top 10 Erin Wasson Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best top 10 erin-wasson quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Erin Wasson Quotes Collection on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


I don't think about fashion or trends - I've never really been that kind of person.


To be given the reins of creativity is a beautiful thing when you're used to just showing up to a casting and standing there having clothes put on you.


I don't like precious things; I don't spend thousands of dollars on jewellery for myself. I like going into a junk store and finding something for five dollars. That's my style.


The older I get, I'm definitely getting pulled towards the West Coast, because it's a different quality of life. New York is great when you're in your early 20s and you're running around and it's really fun, but it's a place for me to get things done.


I've never been a girly-girl, never drawn to things that are fussy.


I shop a lot more for furniture than I do for clothes. I much prefer going to an antique shop full of obscurities.


When I'm not working, I want to be the version of the person that I was born to be. I was born with curly hair. It fits my personality, and it's totally who I am. I am rough around the edges, and I am not a polished girl.


I'm really happy with everything that I've been fortunate enough to do and with the creative outlets I've been blessed to have.


I was a total jock growing up. I went to super-dorky basketball clinics and was handpicked to play on a state team called the Texas Heat.


I'm a huge Dallas Mavs fan. What I love about Dirk Nowitzki is he has just as much talent as everyone else, if not more, and he never toots his own horn. He's this silent warrior.

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