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Top 10 Derek Jacobi Quotes

Most Famous Top 10 Derek Jacobi Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best top 10 derek-jacobi quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Derek Jacobi Quotes Collection on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


I shall miss all the people in it and the great fun we had doing it. I enjoyed playing the character very much. It was a very, very special character and a very special series. And the camaraderie of it all. I loved it.


Knowing that we were doing good work and the stories were good. They were original and charming. They weren't particularly violent or sexy or any of that. They were just unique and that had a good feel to it.


I don't think he's permanently affected me except in the sense that I miss him. I miss being him. Or trying to be him. He is one of a gallery of characters that have had an impact on my career and therefore my life.


He was living in an age much more dangerous, more painful, much more on the edge than our own particular age.


It's too hard a life for me. I could only do it - check out in that sense - if I checked out somewhere that was luxurious and within hailing distance of civilization.


We started filming in 1993 which was only four years after the fall of communism. The difference in Budapest over the last five years has been remarkable.


I am an actor and I live in the world of pretend in my working capacity. I live in the world of my imagination.


There's never been any game plan or thread through my career. It's just happened that I've ricocheted from one interesting character to another.


I think that each character has fascinated and interested me enough to want to play him.


Real-life people are often the hardest to play, people that you recreate who have actually lived, because you have to live up to people's knowledge of those characters.

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