Prayer for a New Day

Dear Lord, This morning as I contemplate a new day,
I ask you to help me. I want to be aware of your spirit
leading me in the decisions I take,
the conversations I have, and the work I do.
I want to be more like you, Jesus, as I relate to the people
I meet today friends or strangers.
Jesus, you were always about your father’s business and
I thank you that he is now my father too because of what you did on this earth.
Although I know that I am weak, I also know that by the power of your spirit,
I can be strong in the work I do, the decisions I make, and the words I speak.
I thank you that you promise to be with me always,
and for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.
Today's Quote
I was raised Catholic, but my father's people were Methodist, so we went to both churches.
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लड़की ने प्यार से देहाती लड़के के सीने पर अपना सिर रखा और बोली: जानू, आपका दिल कितना कुरकुरा है.......
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Prayer Of The Day