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Politics Quotes

Most Famous Politics Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best politics quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Politics Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

A time would come when nobody in the State would dare antagonise the BJP if they were to conduct politics in Tamil Nadu.

Quotes by Tamilisai Soundararajan

DMK is not only making issue out of inter-state water issue, but also intra-state water issue too. It is nothing but a divisive politics.

Quotes by Tamilisai Soundararajan

In my grandfather's lab, scientists did independent research, and peers reviewed and commented on its merits. Politics, he taught me, had no place in the scientific process.

Quotes by Tammy Baldwin

When I first ran, being a woman in politics was seen as both a negative and also a positive. You could attract more women voters, but on the other hand, a lot of men wouldn't vote for you.

Quotes by Tammy Duckworth

As Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, a constant concern for me is having our veterans dragged into partisan politics.

Quotes by Tammy Duckworth

Skip the religion and politics, head straight to the compassion. Everything else is a distraction.

Quotes by Talib Kweli

I hate politics. What they say and what they do is completely different.

Quotes by Tadashi Yanai

Religion has to stay in the heart, not in politics. It is private.

Quotes by Tahar Ben Jelloun

Gossip is easy, politics is hard.

Quotes by Tabitha Soren

If the breaking news story had to do with hard news, politics specifically, I had a lot to do with it. If it had to do with music, Kurt Loder was more involved.

Quotes by Tabitha Soren

I am an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics.

Quotes by T. S. Eliot

There's nothing wrong in men of God going into politics. It will help them to do what is right.

Quotes by T. B. Joshua

I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground.

Quotes by T. D. Jakes

Politics should come from human stories.

Quotes by Swara Bhaskar

I've always told my children that Americans will tell you pretty much anything, but that convention dictates that we don't like to talk money or politics.

Quotes by Susan Straight

The Olympics are coming... and it's a big problem in American politics, because the problem with holding the Olympics this fall is that we're all going to be focused on the Olympics, and it makes that window of opportunity for Gore to win the election that much smaller.

Quotes by Susan Estrich

In the first rule of politics, you know, Harry Truman, the buck stops here. Take responsibility. What I've learned over the years is that people will give people in politics a lot of rope if they just take responsibility.

Quotes by Susan Estrich

It seems to be the thing now that young people are getting back into politics.

Quotes by Susan George

There's people coming in who've never done any politics at all, who've never been in a trade union, they've never been in a political party, they've never done anything, but they do feel a kind of urgency.

Quotes by Susan George

I have a very clear, genuine vision about what political work should be, what politics and politicians should contribute to the nation.

Quotes by Suresh Gopi

Social work and politics never go together although the intention behind politics is social work.

Quotes by Suresh Gopi

If I want to enter politics, it will be only from Mandya. Otherwise, I will be totally away from politics as it is not my ambition at all.

Quotes by Sumalatha

There's a lot of division in politics, and that is why I am grateful to be a part of a show like 'Veep.' It makes light of the daunting aspects of the political world.

Quotes by Sufe Bradshaw

In politics, you have to balance these things: what is good for the country, what is available, and what is possible.

Quotes by Subramanian Swamy

In politics, when you wake up, you can make out who belongs to which party. In cinema, you cannot make out who belongs where. Everybody looks like your friend.

Quotes by Sudeep

For every job you require a kind of mindset. To be a teacher one should be knowledgeable. To be a software engineer you should know computer data system analysis, computer language etc. So, my mindset is not aligned with politics.

Quotes by Sudha Murty

I was really educating myself on the environment, but I didn't realize it was so connected to politics, connected to globalization.

Quotes by Stuart Townsend

Always, since our birth, we've insisted on another way of doing politics. Now, we had the chance to do it without arms, but without stopping being Zapatistas; that's why we keep the masks on.

Quotes by Subcomandante Marcos

Sometimes, I read that I'm this leftwing comic who just goes on about politics the whole time. Other times, I read that it's just surreal nonsense about crisps. It's both of those.

Quotes by Stewart Lee

We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.

Quotes by Stewart Udall

I was obsessed with politics in the '80s. I've recovered and I'm feeling much better now, thank you.

Quotes by Steven Van Zandt

The fact is, presidential politics has become a game of inches.

Quotes by Steven Weber

Politics will take care of itself. I'm interested in people who are involved in the situations that politicians create. Politics is taken care of by politicians - they're not filmmakers.

Quotes by Steven Rodney McQueen

Politics is a lot like acting. You have to be on all the time.

Quotes by Steven Ford

Do you think it's possible to discuss politics without preaching?

Quotes by Steven Brust

In golf, a wedge issue means just that: You can't hit your sand wedge, or your lob wedge needs to be regrooved. In politics, a wedge issue is more serious still: It's one that splits the electorate, dividing voters along ideological fault lines.

Quotes by Steve Rushin

They say politics is a contact sport, and I have to agree with that.

Quotes by Steve Largent

I always thought of myself is a private-sector person. I was a reluctant candidate. I put in my time. Now it's somebody else's turn to take charge. But I am still very interested in politics.

Quotes by Steve Largent

Government buffer-stock schemes are rife with politics, and instead of generating profits from buying low and selling high, they tend to generate losses.

Quotes by Steve Hanke

There has been this slightly naive and perhaps arrogant view that technology can completely reinvent the political system and the way that government and politics works, which is ridiculous.

Quotes by Steve Hilton

The idea that Donald Trump committed an abuse of power by bringing politics into a foreign relationship is a joke. They all do it. Trump is just more open about it.

Quotes by Steve Hilton

My politics were really radical when I was younger, and then I moderated like everyone else does when they start having kids.

Quotes by Steve Earle

Created by writer Beau Willimon, who's worked on several political campaigns, 'House of Cards' cannily exploits the current widespread cynicism for our politics, catering to a public scorn that's warranted and also glib in the sort of cheap pox-on-both-houses way that means not having to pay attention.

Quotes by Steve Erickson

In journalism, as in politics, other people's lives are a currency to be bartered on behalf of notoriety and influence.

Quotes by Steve Erickson

So my degree was in political science, which I think was - the closest I could come to marketing is politics.

Quotes by Steve Case

Politics is a contact sport.

Quotes by Steve Chabot

I could not think higher of Governor Palin. She is a force of nature and has inspired a generation of women to really get actively involved in politics and, more importantly, take their culture back and take their country back.

Quotes by Steve Bannon

When you're in politics sometimes you step on toes and they come back and kick you in the backside.

Quotes by Steve Bartlett

I've been worked over by the English press because there's an assumption that my politics are identical with my wife's, and for that matter that my wife's politics are identical with her politics of 20 years ago.

Quotes by Stephen Rea

Donald Trump has fundamentally realigned American politics. It's time the media acknowledge this and give him the credit he deserves.

Quotes by Stephen Miller

The first iron rule of American politics is Follow the Money. This explains, oh, about 80 percent of what goes on in Washington.

Quotes by Stephen Moore

It's called political economy because it is has nothing to do with either politics or economy.

Quotes by Stephen Leacock

As a nation, it's time to put politics aside and do the right thing to protect innocent little babies.

Quotes by Stephen Fincher

I'm Jewish; I'm not religious at all, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Catholic politics.

Quotes by Stephen Frears

We have this idea in our minds that there's this separation of church and state in America, which I think is a good thing. And we extend that to our politics - not just church and state, but it's also there's a separation of religion and politics. But of course there isn't.

Quotes by Stephen Colbert

At least there's a political input, but when you put on the robe, at that point the politics is over.

Quotes by Stephen Breyer

Politics gets me out of bed in the morning It's what really interests me. I'm a competitor, but I also feel like I'm contributing, whether it's working on health-care policy in the White House or out here in Chicago.

Quotes by Stephanie Cutter

Before I had decided to get into politics, I was laying the groundwork to have a career in the law, but that was really to lay the foundation to teach, either at the college level or law school level after my federal clerkships.

Quotes by Stephanie Herseth

Politics in a literary work, is like a gun shot in the middle of a concert, something vulgar, and however, something which is impossible to ignore.

Quotes by Stendhal

I believe that politics takes a much different set of skills than science. Science is about getting to the truth. Politics is about what people think and how they react.

Quotes by Stanley B. Prusiner

You will find in politics that you are much exposed to the attribution of false motive. Never complain and never explain.

Quotes by Stanley Baldwin

Strangely enough, politics may just be the one realm in which having kids imposes no penalty on women. Kids are practically a necessity. For scientists, or Supreme Court justices, or chief executives, or the woman who wants to learn to fly F-l8s off an aircraft carrier, it works differently.

Quotes by Stacy Schiff

Cleopatra was on a political mission to save her country and her power, but what we remember about her are these two famed seductions, which are a matter of politics, not a matter of love.

Quotes by Stacy Schiff

When I retired and told my wife I wanted to go back to Bozeman and fight political corruption and get involved in politics, she decided to stay in Seattle.

Quotes by Stan Jones

Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.

Quotes by Spiro T. Agnew

My politics are expressed through the films that I write. That's why doing 'Arabikkadh' was a great experience because I got to associate with like-minded people.

Quotes by Sreenivasan

I have my own political views and ideologies, but will not enter politics for sure.

Quotes by Sreenivasan

Keralites have become fed up with this kind of politics that creates martyrs.

Quotes by Sreenivasan

A change in the system will be possible only through the transition of power to supporters of green politics.

Quotes by Sreenivasan

I have a friend who's extremely into politics, and I learned a lot from them.

Quotes by Sophia Lillis

You can get a bit bored of finding out about yourself. I know nothing about politics, for instance. There's nothing that's stopped me picking up a newspaper in the past, and it's something I really should start to do.

Quotes by Sophia Myles

I call it people-to-people politics and that's what politics should be about, reaching out and helping one another and touching one another about what we're going to do.

Quotes by Sonny Perdue

It was through the private world of family that the public world of politics came alive for me: living in intimate proximity with people for whom larger questions of ideology and belief, as well as issues relating to politics and governance, were vivid daily realities.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

As probably is known, I did not want my husband to join politics. He was not keen to join politics. He was very happy as a pilot.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

In every sort of politics, in history, it has its own problems, its leaders, its own opposition.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

In politics, you win and you lose. You come up in power, you go down; it's part of life.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

When you are in politics, and you are a genuine person who genuinely cares, then everything comes second.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

My husband spends the whole day in politics. I make it a point not to discuss politics with him when he comes home.

Quotes by Sonia Gandhi

Every Indian has a right to take part in politics. Why not me?

Quotes by Smriti Irani

In politics, during my organisational roles, I have never seen gender bias within my organisation.

Quotes by Smriti Irani

What type of politics is the Congress practising, wherein its leaders commit the sin of looting money meant for the welfare of pregnant women and poor children?

Quotes by Smriti Irani

I've experienced industry politics and... people telling me I'm never going to make it. I'll never listen. I'm doing me.

Quotes by Snoh Aalegra

Always, with any sort of politics, which is why we haven't got any, you get extremists, and once you get extremists, you get people doing great things and terrible things... for every following of some sort, you get followers who distort things.

Quotes by Siouxsie Sioux

I follow politics in a big way, and always have since I was a kid. I've got opinions, but they're opinions on both sides - not just anti-Republican, which is a real popular thing for a rap artist to do. If you dis Republicans, nobody will get mad. I think the two-party system sucks. It's absolutely ignorant.

Quotes by Sir Mix-a-Lot

We associate the North Atlantic with cod. The motto of Newfoundland used to be 'In cod we trust.' It was a joke, but it was essentially true. But there is no cod anymore. And that's extraordinary. It's all because of either greed or politics - Canadian politics.

Quotes by Simon Winchester

In the early nineteenth century, with Enlightenment optimism soured by years of war and revolution, critics were skeptical of America's naive faith that it had reinvented politics.

Quotes by Simon Schama

I have always hated celebrities lecturing people on politics. So forgive me. But I am passionate about this country. I am equally passionate about the potential of the people who live here.

Quotes by Simon Cowell

Living in France while the Falklands War was going on, I felt a profound sense of shame and betrayal, just as I did by the war in Iraq. People have asked why I don't talk about that directly in my plays. Well, politics needs to be articulated in many different ways.

Quotes by Simon McBurney

In all the poems I've written I've not really engaged in politics, and when I've found myself moving in that direction I've always stopped myself.

Quotes by Simon Armitage

Politics is the science of who gets what, when, and why.

Quotes by Sidney Hillman

When we started making 'Borgen,' no one had any idea it would have any appeal outside Denmark. No one expected it to follow the success of 'The Killing' because it's basically all about Danish politics.

Quotes by Sidse Babett Knudsen

When you're a performer, you have to please a large audience. And when you're in politics, you have to please a large audience, too.

Quotes by Shirley Temple

Politicians are actors, too, don't you think? Usually, if you like people and you're outgoing, not a shy little thing, you can do pretty well in politics.

Quotes by Shirley Temple

Make-believe colors the past with innocent distortion, and it swirls ahead of us in a thousand ways in science, in politics, in every bold intention.

Quotes by Shirley Temple

I remember telling President Carter on his first night, when I was escorting people around, that I was interested in continuing public service and that politics didn't matter - but it does, doesn't it?

Quotes by Shirley Temple

I think it is the responsibility of anyone involved in politics to always think of what Japan can do to contribute more to the peace and stability not just of Japan and the region but of the entire world.

Quotes by Shinzo Abe

Being political is an integral part of being Iranian. Our lives are defined by politics.

Quotes by Shirin Neshat

I have certainly met much more discrimination in terms of being a woman than being black, in the field of politics.

Quotes by Shirley Chisholm

At present, our country needs women's idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.

Quotes by Shirley Chisholm

The problem of the Middle East is poverty more than politics.

Quotes by Shimon Peres

I think few people of education enter politics because it seems like a contact blood sport.

Quotes by Sherry Turkle

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