Lisa Kennedy Montgomery Quotes
Most Famous Lisa Kennedy Montgomery Quotes of All Time!
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Social conservatism was really bringing me down. And I realized, as time went on, that I wasn't a Bush conservative. I was really a libertarian.
Both my parents were Democrats. My dad was definitely more of a fiscally conservative traditional Democrat. My mom was more of a feminist Camelot Democrat. They definitely had an idealistic view of life as it should be in the United States. And they had a sense that government had to have some hand in making people's lives better.
I definitely think my ancestry has something to do with my politics. And I think being deeply suspicious of government and communists is implicit in a lot of first-generation immigrants, particularly from Eastern Europe. My mom came over from Romania when she was a kid and they fled the commies who took their family hemp farm.
I was born in Indiana and raised in Oregon and there's a strong sense of individualism, particularly in Oregon. And my mom is an artist, so there was always a lot of emphasis placed on expression.
My mom was very disappointed when I came out as a Republican in high school. And being a Republican in high school was really fun because all of my teachers were extremely liberal. Expressing anything that was counter to their deeply held beliefs was so easily unsettling that that form of contrarianism was very comfortable.
I celebrate political protest, it is necessary and protected for a reason, but make it good people!
Conservatives who decried Trump's rise (and those who scoffed at his chances of winning a single primary were legion) are the same 'purist' boxing snobs who could never grasp the popularity - and populist legitimacy - of wrestling.
She is like a monkey virus and will infect you and bleed you dry after you've given her too much personal information, and no reaction, word or deed from Courtney Love should surprise anyone.
That's not the way the government works. You can't just take $1 billion from this program, $1 billion from over here, and then put it toward your pet project.
I called Rory McIlroy a leprechaun and believe me I wanted to call him much worse.
All of Obamacare has resulted in human suffering.
I mean, the whole enterprise, all of Obamacare is immoral.
I loved my time at MTV because the music was critical; the music was our thrust. That's what the channel was all about. And I loved that, because we were pushing the limits with how we were covering and interviewing and consuming music and bands.
People think that libertarians are probably greedy and anti-social, and I'm sure some of them are. But the nice thing about it is, it's really an umbrella term that covers a lot of different people.
There are libertarians who are survivalists, who live in the middle of nowhere and who are ready for the world to end. And then there are pragmatists, and I would consider myself to be a pretty pragmatic person.
If Rick Santorum and Rachel Maddow are both gunning for you, it probably means you're on the right track.
I love New Year's in Times Square so much.
When I was at Lakeridge High School, in my junior and senior years, my choir and theater department raised money so we could go to New York and see Broadway shows. It really changed my life.
I think that most people are natural libertarians.
People at Fox are very close, and always feel like they're part of something. We may not agree on every issue, but it is a very special place.
I love reality shows, and I love talking about them.
I do watch reality TV every night.
I loved 'Breaking Bonaduce.' I was amazed it made it on TV. It was so raw, so disturbing.
I don't have the stomach for 'Fear Factor.'
Leaders' like Maduro, Erdogan and Putin hate freedom because it gives filthy peasants too much say and power over their own lives.
All fraudulent elections should be condemned, including those in Turkey and Russia. And we need to be doubly mindful not to indulge amateur socialists in this country, because even though a Bernie Sanders presidency is a joke, the consequences of diet communism are deadly serious.
I have had babies, so I've had ultrasounds and am very thankful for them.
Abortion, to me, is an issue of personal responsibility.
I want my girls to see that if something is really important to you, you have to move hell and high water to make it work.
I've met a lot of great Republicans.
Sleep and hydration are the very best things you can do for your skin. You want to drink water and green tea throughout the day and get as much sleep as you possible can.
I love the influence of surf culture on fashion in L.A.
Style in New York is much more accessorized and tailored and L.A. is way more flowy and day-to-evening. It is fluid and a lot of flip-flops and long skirts, which I think is great.
I have a really curly hair.
One of Joe Biden's strengths has always been his folksy likability, but when he rails against Trump voters as white supremacists and threatens to take the president behind the gym to fight him or whatever, he comes across as a myopic politician steeped in self-preserving orthodoxy.
It is never ok for politicians to abuse their power for self enrichment, and even for has-beens and also-rans there has to be some brand of justice so present and future presidents don't get lured into taking crafty, well disguised bribes pretending it's 'charity.'
James Comey is a corrupt, narcissistic weirdo.
It was Comey who wrecked the FBI and allowed this witches brew of biased managers to simmer and boil over when things didn't go as he planned.
For years we've been told by secretive power hoarders we need to compromise some of our hot freedom for security. Civil Libertarians have always known that hogwash claim was stinkier than week old trout jam, and we have warned about compromising liberty in the name of safety.
Easy spying is supposed to nab bad guys, but what happens when the small cabal of desperate men who head the security state see the future president as the bad guy?
There is no more divisive character in modern politics than Steve Bannon, as he symbolizes the devil incarnate for the heaving, emotional left.
In politics there is plenty of division, hostility, tribalism, posturing; but there's almost no curiosity. Instead of wondering why someone holds a certain set of beliefs and asking how they came to them, it is easier to gather a mob and silence opposing viewpoints by force.
Here is a piece of advice: If you want to strengthen your views, challenge them.
Caving into blather and peer pressure never bolstered anyone's argument.
Implying women are too weak to take a joke is *implicitlty* sexist, and ridiculous.
Washington is nothing if not an orchard of absurdities, and poking fun at power brokers is neither sex blind nor for the faint of heart.
I have nothing wrong with comics and writers poking fun at the President, as long as it's funny. When it's the same retread jokes with predictable punchlines, that's when it's offensive.
Pulling punches because someone happens to be a woman is disgusting.
Buttigieg was a naval reservist who served as a lieutenant in Afghanistan, so he has seen first hand how American foreign policy has veered wildy off her once-well-rooted tracks.
It must be hard being Jim Carrey. His precipitous fall from comedic grace has climaxed in a sad thud as the once brilliant rubber-faced comic has transformed into an unfunny, thick human hemorrhoid.
Socialism is antithetical to freedom, because when it breeds and thrives, people die.
The promise of socialism is a lie.
I have no problem with military and entitlement reform, lower costs raise freedom.
It's hard to pin Beto down on what he really stands for. Between the clumsy apologies and vacant platitudes, he doesn't seem to have a set of philosophical priorities other than using his goofy ears to do a lot of listening so he doesn't have to make any truly bold policy declarations.
Beto is not a transformational political saviour. He is a hypocritical hack who's so lightweight he goes where the wind blows even if it tumbles him and the economy to irreversible hell.
With debt free college there is absolutely no incentive to rein in administrative costs when the government is foolishly pushing everyone to get a degree, regardless of need or desire, which only perpetuates the silly cycle for another generation.
Work always triumphs over dependency, as anyone who is engaging in the economy can attest.
Wealth creation and job growth are nothing to be ashamed of, and the expression of economic creativity is a beautiful manifestation of freedom.
God bless America!
Beto O'Rourke speaks in annoyingly pert platitudes like some mediocre yoga instructor who promises to 'build a movement.'
Beto is banking on his sacharrine positivity as the ultimate antidote to President Trump's honest saltiness.
Oh my garden, I hope Cory Booker runs for president, just to watch him lose.
We all know what happens with socialized medicine: rationing and stagnant care.
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