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Let us pledge to make a cleaner and greener environment

Added By - Admin

Let us pledge to make a cleaner and greener environment. We must join hands to save our beautiful planet as there is no other place in the universe so beautiful, so vibrant and so lively. Let us be more responsible. Happy World Environment Day

Let us pledge to make a cleaner and greener environment. We must join hands to save our beautiful planet as there is no other place in the universe so beautiful, so vibrant and so lively. Let us be more responsible. Happy World Environment Day

Quotes Status World Environment Day Wishes

Today's Quote

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Today's Shayari

कोई होगा टुटा हुआ मेरी तरह ही...!!
जो जुड़ने की ख्वाईश लिए जी रहा होगा कही...!!!

Shayari Of The Day

Today's Joke

छात्र से टीचर ने पूछा बताओ एक साल में कितनी रात्रि होती हे..
छात्र– 10 रात्रि
टीचर — 10 कैसे...

Joke Of The Day

Today's Status

Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. How did you sleep last night?...

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Today's Prayer

Today, may I recognize God’s blessing in everything I put my hands on, and may His blessings be evident upon...

Prayer Of The Day
