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Justin Chadwick Quotes

Most Famous Justin Chadwick Quotes of All Time!

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It's amazing what you can do without in terms of filmmaking when a story is really important.

My job is to create a film, where we are capturing truth in performances.

My first lead role was a stage play called 'A Kestrel for a Knave'. I was 11.

Mandela was true to himself, to his people and his principles. He sacrificed everything because he was prepared to be true to his ideals. You can relate to him whether you come from Manchester or Soweto.

Manchester Youth theater, then the National Student Theater Company, and later, my degree course, all helped form my love of telling stories and directing.

After college, I funded my short films with acting roles in film and TV. I learned my craft through the great opportunities British television gave me as a director.

I had seen 'Do the Right Thing' when I was at college, and it was incredibly inspiring as a piece of cinema. Just brilliant, I thought. But saw 'Malcolm X' with a crowded audience. It was my first time in an American cinema, hearing an audience respond. You know, in England, everyone is so restrained.

I managed to get a short film with Channel 4 Films. I cast a young actor who'd done a bit of television before, a young actor called Ewan McGregor. That was very first thing. This writer had won this competition, and I made this little short, black and white movie. I think for both Ewan and I it was the start of our careers.

As soon as I got my proper first job, I never did acting again. I think the last thing I did was a Mike Figures film, and then I got a series with the BBC. I'm glad of the experience, because I think it's very, very good to understand what actors go through.

I was very fortunate that a teacher saw that I read a lot and got bored very easily and had a lot of energy, so she said, 'You've got to go to this youth theater.' I joined Manchester Youth Theatre when I was really young, and I just loved putting on and being involved in plays and telling stories.

It is important that alongside the blockbusters there are stories that can inspire and audiences can experience together in the cinema.

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