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Jack Butland Quotes

Most Famous Jack Butland Quotes of All Time!

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I do want to play at the top.

It is obviously wonderful to be linked with a club with the history of Liverpool.

As a goalkeeper it's so important to be in the right position to come and clear those through balls, to make those right decisions.

My ambitions are to be the Stoke number one and England number one, but there are other things I want to achieve in my career as well.

I want to play in the Champions League and I want to win trophies.

There's no reason why we can't win trophies at Stoke, we'll try and win some cups and do as well as we can, but I obviously have ambitions.

I'm always confident in my ability; you have to be as a goalkeeper.

All I can focus on is playing as many games as I can at the highest level. If that leads me to the World Cup, then brilliant. It's certainly a target of mine.

If I could wish to steal anyone's attributes whose would it be? Good question. Maybe not a specific attribute, but if I could replicate the longevity of Buffon's career I'd be a happy man.

I am not someone who enjoys being on the bench.

I won't kick up a fuss and I will always be a team man, but ultimately I want to play.

You never know what may happen with injuries and suspensions.

I am enjoying the opportunity to play in the Premier League.

We can only control what we do on the pitch and what we do on the training ground.

We all know the power of social media, things can get out there so quickly. We are high-profile footballers, we know that.

We have to be aware of our profile all the time now, there are cameras everywhere. It can be difficult at times, we are young men after all. But we know we have to be careful. We have to be responsible.

To be in the England squad, you have got to be playing well and your standards have got to be up there.

You reach sometimes when you're at the lowest and times when you don't know if you are going to play again or when the next injection or operation might be. There are sometimes when you are at rock bottom. That's when you need people around you, at the club, the fans, little tweets on social media to give you some reassurance.

I feel I have experienced pretty much everything I can in football, winning, losing, the injury side and all the set-backs.

It's a good thing isn't it, having competition? I enjoy it.

I wasn't a goalkeeper until I was 13 or 14 so before that, my heroes were the likes of Paul Scholes and David Beckham, but since becoming a goalkeeper, I've obviously trained with Joe Hart.

I had a fantastic time at Birmingham and I never regret anything that happened there.

I want to be playing in the Premier League.

I've always said and I've never hidden the fact that I want to play at the top, be England's No 1 and win trophies.

I'm at Stoke, I'm enjoying it, it's not my fault and I shouldn't be discriminated against just because who I play for.

I want to become the best goalkeeper in the country and the best goalkeeper around.

Whether you play or whether you're on the bench, or however it may be, at some point in your career you will be one of those three roles. You will either be a young, up-and-coming goalkeeper watching the experienced one, you'll either be on the bench or you'll be in goal yourself.

Regardless of what happens, I want to be part of a successful England team and if I have to swallow my pride and disappointment at not being the number one, then I've got to do that for us to be successful and obviously to help whoever is in goal perform at their best.

The Olympics has solely been around other sports as far as Great Britain has been considered.

I learnt at the Euros that that is the level I want to be at. That is where I want to be. The standard of the strikers there was top class. That is where I want to be for a long period of my career.

Of course, I want to play for England as often as I can and at major tournaments.

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