Hug Day Status - हग डे स्टेटस
Most Famous Hug Day Status of All Time!
We have created a collection of some of the best hug-day status so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Hug Day Status on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
हग डे स्टेटस का सबसे अच्छा संग्रह यहाँ उपलब्ध है, आप इस हग डे स्टेटस को अपने हिंदी वाहट्सएप्प स्टेटस के रूप में उपयोग कर सकतें है या आप इस बेहतरीन हग डे हिंदी स्टेटस को अपने दोस्तों को फेसबुक पर भी भेज सकतें हैं। हग डे पर हिंदी के यह स्टेटस, आपके प्यार और भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने में आपकी मदद कर सकतें हैं !!
Popular Status Topics for You.
A hug is the best gift you can give It fits all and nobody ever minds If you return it. Happy Hug Day
I am so lucky to have a friend like you because you fill my heart and soul with happiness and love with your hugs. Happy Hug Day!
We are never far to hug each other and love each other. Happy Hug Day to you my sweet friend.
Hug is one thing that has the power to set everything right in life…. Wishing my best friend a very Happy Hug Day.
Hug Day gives me another reason to give you a hug. Sending you best wishes on Hug Day my dear friend.
We are never far to hug each other and love each other…. Best wishes on Hug Day to you my sweet friend.
When you are around, all I need is a hug from you to set everything wrong right in my life. Happy Hug Day!
A hug is a love-doze for your heart and works like magic spells for your love life. Hug the one you love. Happy Hug Day.
I feel so loved and special when you hug me…. And I know that I will always need your hugs to have a happy life…. Happy Hug Day.
Hug Day gives me another reason to give you a hug…. Sending you best wishes on Hug Day my dear friend.
A very Happy Hug Day to my friend. Each time I hug you, my heart tells yours that you are a special one.
I wish we always stay bonded so that I can embrace you in my arms and find some peace of mind. Happy Hug Day!
Happy hug day to my special friends whom I always want to keep close to my heart. Love you.!
A hug from you is all I need when I am at my worse. Keep loving me forever. Happy Hug Day Darling!
Let me live and die in your arms. Just like this, let me continue to Love you. Let me live and die in your arms. Happy Hug Day!
I know everything is going to be fine when I hug you because that’s where my heart finds happiness…. Best wishes on Hug Day to my wife.
Waking up every morning with the most loving woman in my arms is surely a blessing…. Wishing Happy Hug Day to my dearest wife.
I love to feel you in my arms, I love to hear your heart beating on mine, I love to feel the warmth of your body. Happy Hug Day to you!
The best feeling is to have you in my arms all day, every day. The best hug is when I get it from you. Happy Hug Day!
Being married to you is the best thing that has happened to me because now I can hug you whenever I want…. Happy Hug Day!
Baby, you are safe in my arms; just like this, I will always protect you. Happy Hug Day.
My dear wife, you are my hugging partner for life…. Make sure you hug me every morning and night!!
I may not tell you how much I love but each time I hug you, I express it well with my heart beating just for you. Happy Hug Day, wifey!
A deep hug to convey my thanks to you for coming into my life. You make it worth living. Happy Hug Day dear wife.
Whenever I take you in my arms, it feels that I have my world in my arms. To the most special lady, Happy Hug Day!
A hug is a beautiful gift for a life partner, I never mind if you hug me twice a day. Happy Hug Day Dear!
Your hugs make me feel good and my day gets the opportunity to be full of happiness and joy. Happy Hug Day!
The most essential thing for me to start my day are your hugs because they give me all the strength to face the tough challenges out there.
Hug and kisses are the two things that always add spark to our relationship…. Best wishes on Hug Day to my man!
My day is complete only when I get a cozy hug from you because you are the one who completes me…. Happy Hug Day my dear hubby.
Sometimes no medicine is enough to feel good because I need my husband’s hug to make me feel better from within…. Best wishes on Hug Day!
It was just one hug that I got from you and I knew that you are my soulmate…. To more hugs and more love, Happy Hug Day!
I wanna thank the person who has made the hug day. This has allowed me to hug you today. Happy Hug Day!
Hug Day has always been a very special day because it gives me another chance to have you hold me in my arms for one more time.
The place where I find joy and peace, satisfaction and happiness are your arms.
Whenever you are feeling low, just come to me my arms would always be open to embrace you. Happy Hug Day!
Hug is the most special gift meant to be given to special people…. Wishing you a very warm Hug Day my dearest husband
There is love, there is protection, there is peace…. and that place is in your arms…. Happy Hugs Day.
Love me, kiss me, and wrap me in your charming hugs because they make my day. Happy Hug Day.
A tight hug from you is all I need when I am at my worse. Keep loving me forever. Happy Hug Day!
When I hug you tight, I want to tell you that you are my world and I am blessed to have you…. Happy Hugs Day.
Your hug is all that I want right now to live peacefully!
There is one gift in this world giving which is as good as receiving. And I give it to you today. Happy hug day!
Your Hug is a perfect gift for me…. So, I need it today a little tighter than all the days.
Let me embrace you in my arms and never leave you because it is Hugs Day my love.
When you take me in your arms, I feel like the luckiest woman in this world.
I wish every morning I could borrow you from the world and lock you in my arms to tell you what you mean to me…. Happy Hug Day.
When you are in my arms, I feel my world is in my arms…. May you be always there in my life and in my arms…. Best wishes on Hug Day.
Happy Hug Day, I wanna hug you tight and say that you will always be mine. I love you more than anyone else.
Even though I am not close to you today, giving you a tight hug on this hug day.!
Hugs Day is a reminder that we must exchange hugs more often to have our love flourishing.
I know you love gifts I am sending you a huge one, it’s a hug from me to you, happy hug day dear.
Give me a tight hug and promise me you will never leave me. Happiest Hug Day!
Hug me when I am near you, kiss me when I am with you and miss me when I am not around. ..Happy Hug Day Darling!
Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.
Hug from me even though I’m away, in my heart I’m right by your side. And here’s a hug from me to say, I love you lots Sweetheart! Happy Hug Day!
Do you know? There is one gift that can’t be given without taking it back… That is why I give you a hug that can’t be given without taking it back.
In your arms I feel like heaven, I feel the special kind of warmth. Hold me, kiss me and hug me tight.
If a hug could convey how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever. Happy Hug Day!
In my eyes, you are so cute that you deserve a hug not only for one day but every single day of life.
It’s Hug Day, but you are so adorable that you are worth a hug today and every single day.
Only for you, I have learned how sweet and deep a hug could be that can feel the beat of heart inside.
Your hugs are so magical and pure that they have the power to install peace and love in my heart and soul.
Sweet heart. When u hug me, I want to melt in your arms and stay there forever.
Living without you is unimaginable. I love you, sweetheart. Happy Hug Day!
My arms are open to hug you close to my heart. Happy Hug Day, honey!
Hug Day is the celebration of the warmth that we share. I wish I could hold you tight and make it a perfect Hug Day.
I wish I could send you a warm hug with my greetings but I know that is not possible. Sending you my love on Hug Day.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Happy hug day!
I’m sending you a tight hug to relieve you from stress along with a kiss to put a smile on your lips. If feel-good send the same to me so that I can also be stress-free. Happy hug day!
Your hugs have always brought happiness to me and when you are so far away, that is what I miss the most. Wishing a very Happy Hug Day to you my love.
Waiting for you to come back and embrace me in your arms as soon as possible.
Sending you a hug today from across the miles so warm and tight, the distances would disappear and you’d know how much I love you! Happy Hug Day.
This distance hurts the most when I want to be in your arms and on Hug Day, it hurts really bad. Warm wishes on Hug Day to you.
Hug me when I am there, Miss me when I am not… Happy Hug Day!
Happy hug day. I wish you were in my arms every day. Sending warm hugs wishes.
I wish I had wings so that I could fly and come to you and hug you because it is a day to hug someone you love. Happy Hug Day to you.
Though we may be far apart right now, here’s a big hug and kiss for you to let you know how special you are, happy hug day!
Where are you? Come soon and hug me. Happy Hug Day darling!
All I want is to cuddle you, kiss you, and hug you. Miss you a lot! Happy Hug Day baby!
The thought of having you in my arms or hugging you gives me goose bumps and trust me that’s the most amazing feeling. Happy hug day!
Happy Hug Day! I’m on my way to your home. I wanna hug you tight and kiss you hard.
I love your affectionate and warm hugs. Love you so much, darling. Happy Hug Day!
Sometimes the right hug from the right person at the exact right time makes all the wrongs in the world disappear.
The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.
Instead of wrapping gifts in boxes, wrap a person in your arms on Hug Day!
All girls want is a guy who’s taller than her so she can wrap her arms around his neck when they hug and kiss.
Hugging: the truest form of giving and receiving.
A tight hug from you fuels my heart. Nothing feels better than your hug.
Hugs and kisses are ways to express what cannot be said.
Your hug that can fill my heart with love and life with happiness Happy Hug Day!
A hug is a great gift – one size fits all, and it’s easy to exchange.
You can’t wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug.
Hug your friends tight, but your enemies tighter – hug ’em so tight they can’t wiggle.
I wish you were closer so I could hug you forever. Happy hug day!
Did you know that, if you visualize, you can actually hug on the phone?
A romantic hug is the best way of telling someone how much you love them. Happy Hug Day!
I love you not for what you are, but for what you make me when I am with you. . Love you lots.. Happy Hug Day!!
Hug is the gift which costs no money and surely helps in growing love… Happy Hug Day love!
Have you hugged yourself today?
I don’t need therapy, I need a hug.
Related Status Topics for You.
Guys, we are trying daily to share Unique Hug Day Status, so you will not get to read the same things again and again on our website. It’s not so easy to find out our desired Hug Day Quotes & Status in Hindi on the internet but we are trying our best to give you ultimate collection through our website. Hopefully, every die-hard lover will love our Hug Day Status Collection. You can also share your favorites on Facebook or send them to a friend who loves to reading status.
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