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Flea Quotes

Most Famous Flea Quotes of All Time!

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I went to school and studied music for a year at USC, which unlocked a bunch of doors for me in terms of my relationship to music.

Ethiopia is such a great country, beautiful place.

All I knew about Ethiopia was from a few records that I like, as well as what I read about the famine. But you get there and it's another world. It's filled with art and music and poetry and intellectuals and writers - all kinds of people.

As a musician I'm about expressing what's inside, and I think everyone has a song in them that they need to get out, whatever their gig is.

For me, music was the only reason I went to school. I was kind of a street kid, in a lot of trouble committing crimes and stuff. Music gave me something to focus on.

Music gave me something that was not only good for me - it gave me something to work on, something to be proud of and something that I really loved and have a love for - but also music was good for other people because you put joy into the world.

Running opened up something beautiful in my life. I try to send the energy all over my body. I love the feeling of it.

When you make music, you're forming these invisible vibrations in the air into different shapes and consistencies and speeds in order to create music, and understanding how the math of that works just gives you more colors to paint with, and allows you to get to what you want quicker.

If you live a rebellious lifestyle, then you rebel against things because they go against your ideals and the integrity of who you are as a person.

You teach your kids about your beliefs and tell them what you think is right and the conclusions that you've come to from living in the world, and then they can make their own decisions.

My father was out of my life when I was pretty young - when I was 7 years old, he was gone. I didn't see him for the rest of my childhood.

I got my love of jazz from my stepfather, who was a jazz musician.

I was raised to think that rock was music for ignorant people who didn't think for themselves.

For me it's the high-water mark of American culture - not so much contemporary jazz, which has become kind of academic, but the jazz from the '20s on through the '70s.

Being a dad and being in the Red Hot Chili Peppers and all the stuff I have to do... The trumpet requires a lot of diligence, and I haven't had the time.

When something comes up, and it's interesting, and I have the time, I'll do it.

I wanted to play in a band, and I wanted to do music for a living, and that's what I dedicated my life to.

I studied chord theory and started playing the piano.

After running for a while, things really start to open up in your body. I felt like I'd tapped into parts of my body that I hadn't before. I let things in the universe flow through me that opened me up in a really cool way.

We always write way more than we put on a record. We always write a lot-lot.

The quality of instruction is very high at the Silverlake Conservatory of Music. It's not about being a rock star. It's about the fundamentals of music, theory and technique on a particular instrument, and playing in an ensemble or private setting.

I like the idea of acting. Of all these things I've done, sometimes I think I've done well, and sometimes I think I didn't do well, but they are more cameos, and I come in and be crazy.

With acting, I always feel conscious of what I'm doing.

I grew up with all these old jazz guys in the '70s in L.A., and they grew up idolizing Charlie Parker, Charles Mingus, Lester Young - all of these incredible musicians.

Before every show, we get into a circle, hold hands, and someone makes a speech. Most bands are too cool for that.

We were these arty punks from Hollywood. I considered myself an intellectual.

We must improvise, and we must experiment, and we must do things that might go wrong, and everything we bring - the people and the equipment - must serve us in that goal.

We were at the dark end of the L.A. punk scene, and that scene was full-on and violent and aggressive and wild and intense.

The apparatus has to serve our improbability and improvisation. Being good and playing the songs is not enough.

I love literature deeply. I view books as sacred things, and in writing my story, I'm going to do my best to honor the form that has played such a huge part in shaping who I am.

I love my life and my mistakes and my triumphs - all of it.

I started playing trumpet when I was 11 years old. All I wanted to be was a jazz trumpet player when I grew up.

Later in high school, I met Hillel Slovak, who was the original guitar player of the Chili Peppers, and we became really close. We had a band, and we didn't like the bass player, so I started playing bass, and I got a bass two weeks later.

I exercise; I have a big career. I'm a parent, and I run a music school.

I always thought I was a pretty terrible actor.

I just lucked into this weird, little obscure cameoesque film career. I just love being a part of film history.

A big part of my life is music education because it changed my life - but arts, academics and athletics should all be equally treated in the school.

The last thing that should happen is funding cut for education; it should be increased. We need to put more money towards education, and anything else is abusive.

The most important thing to me with any politician is that they don't start wars, but education is a big part of that, too, because educated people are less likely to do stupid, violent things.

I feel creatively vibrant. I have some great friends; I feel like I'm capable of giving a lot to the world. And ultimately, that's what I really care about, is just giving.

The Silverlake Conservatory is a nonprofit music school in Los Angeles where we teach music, mostly to kids, but to people of all ages - people who are old, people with beards, all kinds of people.

Turning 50 is a little bit of a 'taking stock' moment. I feel probably a little dumber. I don't think I'm as sharp as I was when I was younger, but I'm definitely wiser and less likely to make gigantic blunders of an intellectual, spiritual, emotional or physical type.

I've always kind of been an in-the-moment kind of person. I don't think that far in advance or have any idea what's around the next corner.

I studied music at the most remedial level when I was a kid, through the Los Angeles public schools, with a little private instruction.

All my career, all that I've really done has been based on emotion and intuition and gravitating toward what sounds good.

Music is made up out of these building blocks. Studying how these blocks go together and what they consist of and the math of how it works - it's all the same stuff; it's just different aesthetics that we're talking about.

I feel like if we're not running, we're basically disrespecting our bodies. When you're running, you're really using your body for what it's meant to do.

It's so easy to fall into a comfortable groove in life where you do the things that you like, and because of that, often times, we don't grow or change because we're not pushing ourselves.

When I'm at home, I just run all the time, you know; I get up, and I go pretty much four days a week outdoors. I go in the canyons around L.A., Malibu - just around L.A. there's a lot of different spots.

Water is my main state. If I time before I run - like, to digest, like, a good hour and a half or so to digest, I'll eat oatmeal. but I'm a vegetarian for the most part, so in general, I just eat grains and vegetables and fruit.

I worked full time jobs, basically doing manual labor until I could make enough money supporting myself as a musician.

I did record a bunch of stuff, but the thing that usually stops me from doing that is that I'm a terrible singer. I made a bunch of instrumental music, and it feels really good, but just as a singer, I'm not good.

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