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Diego Luna Quotes

Most Famous Diego Luna Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best diego-luna quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 Diego Luna Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I didn't go to university, and so, every time that I work, I'm looking for a teacher in a way. I'm looking for people that I can learn from and to have the chance to work with people that I admire.

When I was really young, I used to lie a lot. Now I get paid to do it.

When I was growing up in the theater there were all these amazing girls telling me about the guy who broke their heart. And I was always wishing that it was me.

I don't have this feeling like, 'Oh, I want to live in the United States and make movies and become famous just because the money is here.' I like to make movies that tell stories that I care about.

I've got two young children, so holidays are not the same as they used to be. There are now two types: family holidays and holidays you need from that holiday.

Many of my favourite hotels are in London. I like the Covent Garden Hotel and I stayed at Blakes last time I was in London. I like the feeling of warmth and homeliness that you get from both of those places.

Many times when you're a tourist you can just stay on the surface and not really experience the place you're visiting, which will probably leave you disappointed. Everywhere has something interesting; it's just about being curious enough to find it and scratch where you have to scratch and stay longer and walk further.

When I was a teenager, I went on an organised three-day tour of Rome. It was the worst experience ever. I promised myself that I would never travel like that again, with someone telling you what to see and what not to see.

All your acts affect all the people, people that you don't even know. So we have to live with responsibility. We have to live knowing that we're not the only ones here and you're affecting somebody else always.

Every time I come to the States, I wish people would react to war like they react to tobacco, for example. Because war really kills in a second lots of people, thousands of people.

I think film should raise questions, not give answers. I think film should challenge people to reflect, debate and get by themselves to the answer that fits them.

Definitely directing is the thing I like the most because this is where everything you know can be used. It's the most personal process ever. It's the most demanding one, but again, rewarding.

In theater, you are there, you have a character, you have a play, you have a light, you have a set, you have an audience, and you're in control, and every night is different depending on you and the relationship with the other actors. It's as simple as that.

I think film is a world of directors. Theater is a world of actors.

I hate fights. I try to talk people out of fighting if I can and if they start I run away.

With many things in life, you're there because there's a cute girl around that you want to go out with, and you end up finding magic. You end up not caring about the girl but wanting to stay there because of what you found. That happened with 'Amarcord' to me.

I grew up watching cinema in my country that wasn't telling stories about us, and we had to find a way to connect, and our references, our role models had nothing to do with us. And I'm so glad that it's changing.

We consumers have to send a message every day of what we want and what we don't.

Most people are living a life they don't like. They go to work where they don't want to work.

The first time I heard the Mars Volta, I had a feeling I was experiencing something that people must have felt when they first heard Led Zeppelin. They have the same kind of power.

I would pretty much like to forget the music that happened to me between the ages of eight and 11, so I'm going to say the first album I bought was the special edition of 'Dark Side of the Moon.'

My dad was a theater designer, and I spent a lot of time hanging around the dressing room listening to whatever the actors were listening to, which is where I heard Pink Floyd for the first time.

In a movie, you work three months to tell a story that happens in two hours. In a Mexican soap opera, you work one day to make a story that's an hour and a half. So you can see the difference in the quality of the project.

I wasn't a fan of boxing, I was a fan of Julio Cesar Chavez. All of Mexico stopped to watch his fights. Old, young, left, right and centre.

Julio Cesar Chavez is the most important sporting figure we have ever had.

Becoming a father is the biggest change you go through in life - at least that I've gone through in life.

I think film can change lives. Doing 'Milk' changed mine, for sure. When I see that someone like Harvey Milk changed his life and the lives of many others in just eight years, I feel powerful. I go out of the cinema saying, 'Maybe there's something I can do, too.'

I hope we see more stories where the heroes are real heroes, real people that don't need weapons or super powers to change people's lives.

Everywhere you look, especially on TV, someone is promising to make you rich and famous.

You don't want to disappoint anybody, but you know, you lose your voice by trying to please everyone.

I can sing 'Love Me Do,' very well.

When I was 12, I used to be the best friend of the most beautiful girls, but just the best friend. They would always come to me to cry about a guy who broke their heart, and I would just be sitting there thinking, 'I wish I was the guy and not the best friend.'

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