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David Alpay Quotes

Most Famous David Alpay Quotes of All Time!

We have created a collection of some of the best david-alpay quotes so you can read and share anytime with your friends and family. Share our Top 10 David Alpay Quotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Because the intention wasn't always to be an actor, that hasn't been my number one guiding principle.

I love acting. It's a lot of fun work, interesting work, and you get to work with some very interesting people. But I seemed to be OK walking away from it for a little while and then coming back to it.

To relax, I do yoga and meditate and do little math problems, and it's fun to check that part of your brain off and turn on a different part.

I've always been passionate about acting. I haven't been passionate about being famous.

A script is so word-heavy, after trying to communicate so much verbally, I think you need a different outlet to give the verbal centre of your brain a chance to cool off.

You either like something, or you don't; you won't change your opinion because somebody explains why you should like it.

I've just written this six-part sketch comedy series, which I've never done before. And I don't know how to pitch it. Am I supposed to just pick up a camera and put stuff on YouTube? Is that how it works?

I have one of those faces that nobody likes.

There are a lot of top-notch shows in Canada.

I have this weird musical thing I do: I play violin, and I even went on tour with Tim Robbins. We did a bunch of Canadian cities, and then went down to the States, and then we ended up in Japan.

I know the lead singer of System of a Down, and I record violin tracks with him.

I'm trying to travel more. Like, intentionally travel. I really want to go and implicate myself in a city and meet people and see how they live and get outside of my world a bit.

Couples in their 30s are having trouble having kids. And you just kind of extrapolate that and say, 'What if it happened to everybody? What kind of society would it be like if all of a sudden we knew that this was the end of the line - we couldn't have kids?'

I do want to have kids. Every time I see a little kid, I get excited, and I want to spend time with them.

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