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Chuck Feeney Quotes

Most Famous Chuck Feeney Quotes of All Time!

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People used to ask me how I got my jollies, and I guess I'm happy when what I'm doing is helping people and unhappy when what I'm doing isn't helping people.

I'm a competitive type of person, whether it's playing a game of basketball or playing business games.

I don't dislike money, but there's only so much money you can use.

People who have money have an obligation. I wouldn't say I'm entitled to tell them what to do with it but to use it wisely.

I had one idea that never changed in my mind - that you should use your wealth to help people.

I want the last cheque I write to bounce.

It's the intelligent thing to be frugal.

There are restaurants you can go in and pay $100 a person for a meal. I get as much satisfaction out of paying $25.

I happen to enjoy grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches.

Most large companies structure their affairs so that they minimize their tax payments. As long as you do it within the law, it's OK.

I became convinced that there was greater satisfaction from giving my money away and seeing something come out of the ground, like a hospital or a university.

When you are 81 years old, you don't really need a lot of the trappings of wealth.

It is logical for a U.S. person to give their money away while they are alive, as the government will take it from you when you die in taxes.

I was with a special services unit in the Korean war, and when I got out, the biggest thing I got was a GI scholarship.

I was raised as a Catholic, but I got up to go to church because I thought I'd be hit by a bolt of lightning if I didn't.

I suppose in the back of my mind I was always one of those guys who had a disdain for money. It had a value if you wanted to buy something, but if you didn't want to buy something, you didn't need it.

I always tried to live my life as though nothing changed. People would say, 'You can have a Rolls-Royce'. I'd say to that, 'What do I want with a Rolls-Royce when I can have a Volkswagen or a bike?' Some people get carried away with the juice.

I believe strongly in 'giving while living.' I see little reason to delay giving when so much good can be achieved through supporting worthwhile causes today. Besides, it's a lot more fun to give while you live than to give while you are dead.

I watched a little girl cover her face up and leave her hands in front of her mouth. I saw that girl after surgery, and she was smiling... that's a great source of satisfaction.

I cannot think of a more personally rewarding and appropriate use of wealth than to give while one is living.

I believe that people of substantial wealth potentially create problems for future generations unless they themselves accept responsibility to use their wealth during their lifetime to help worthwhile causes.

When you've got the money, you spend it. When you've spent it all, let someone else get going and spend theirs.

I'm a shabby dresser.

They decided as part of my 75th birthday celebrations that I would be entitled to fly first class. I'll be honest, I'm not good at flying anymore. To my credit, I can stretch out on two coach seats.

I'd be the last guy to tell a wealthy person what to do with their money. They're entitled to do whatever they want.

A lot of wealthy people, they don't realize they have the alternatives of spending the money for good.

How to become a millionaire? Become a billionaire first.

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