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Alexander Ovechkin Quotes

Most Famous Alexander Ovechkin Quotes of All Time!

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If I have a chance to hit somebody, it does not matter who it is.

Everybody has to have his own style, his own game. Everybody has to be himself. I'm listening to nobody. I have my own mind, my own heart.

My parents, they don't say to me you have to play hockey. They just see me and how I love what's going on on the ice, how I love this atmosphere.

It means a lot to represent your country.

People have own mind, own views.

If somebody ask me to do something for my country, I will. If there's a world championship, I go.

My view is my view. Your view is your view.

Mother Nature give me a hell of a body. My parents or whatever. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Mother of nature... From Russia with love.

I want to be a winner. But you can see Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Wayne Gretzky - that kind of people - where you can see and say yeah, this is players who win everything. I want to be in this page, too.

The road is the best spot to drive - just anywhere.

When someone asks to sign on the money I always refuse. Bad omen.

I normally try to drive carefully.

I just want to do my best for my country.

Russian machine never breaks.

I have an excellent body, not an extra gram of fat. A washboard stomach.

Some people don't like telling about personal life. I don't like it, either, but you want to tell the fans where I'm growing up, how I did it, who supports me - see my house, my family. It's nice.

They call me Caveman because I don't care what others think of me.

I like running all the time. When I run, I feel much better.

I do a lot of squats, I do a lot of bench pressing. But legs are very important for me. It's more important than arms and shoulders.

Without training, I'm nothing. If I'm not training, I'm done. Any athlete, they have to train and they have to practice to win games. For sure. One hundred percent. You have to be training.

Just work out. Don't be lazy. If you take a day off, you're going to be fat and you're going to look terrible.

I'm not a real central-Moscow kid. I'm not used to luxury stuff.

If you compare Russia and America, they are two different worlds. People, cars, clothes. Girls' figures. Especially girls' figures. Why do you think that is, that when an American goes to Russia for a week, he stays for two extra weeks? Girls! And when a Russian goes to America for a week, he leaves in five days. I'm serious!

In Moscow, if you have money, you're king. If you don't - sorry, man, get lost. I mean, it's like this everywhere. But in Moscow, it's much more hard-core.

Moscow is a big city. It's all nerves - something's always happening somewhere. D.C. is a quiet, calm family town.

Actually I love acting in commercials and I see no shame in that.

I am a family man. I do not want to be considered a womanizer or a ladies' man. I do not want to be attributed to romances that I never had. And example for me is my parents, who have created a strong family for life.

Russians are sincere, understanding and cook well.

I think I will only marry a Russian, well, I mean, a girl from Russia.

I have a good relationship with Russians, and with Americans. So I'm neutral.

Anyone who plays in the NHL dreams to win the Stanley Cup and I dreamed as well to be one of them and raise the cup in Washington and bring it home to Moscow and celebrate with my friends and my parents.

Time move forward, and time move quick. So you just have to enjoy every second, every moment.

It's only first place in NHL. Nobody remembers who's second place. Everyone remembers the winner.

To be honest, I don't remember what happened in '95, '96 and '97. It was hard years. My memory is deleting.

You can't be 25 all the time.

I don't want to be in a position like, O.K., just give me a contract and I'll be on the team and play every two games. I don't want to be like that.

I live my life to the maximum.

My father is my idol. He supports me all the time. He has given me the way to life.

My parents did a great job.

When I was young, a little guy, I always played videogames, NHL, and always paid attention to the photo on the box. I always wanted to have my photo there.

If I have a bad game, coaches, teammates tell me not to worry, next game I'll score. When people tell you this, it makes you comfortable.

When you play hockey, you don't have any fear. As soon as you step on the ice everything goes away and you're focusing on the puck and focusing on the play.

I like living in Washington.

I love driving cars.

It is not a secret that I want to get better every day with every game.

It doesn't matter what division you are in. You must prove that you deserve to be where you are every game. The proof is not offered with words, but with action.

The Olympic Games is the most important tournament for Russian guys.

The first thought is always about making the playoffs. That's the tough part. And once you get there, only then you can allow yourself to start thinking how you are going to play in the playoffs against other teams. And a lot is left to chance then. There's an element of luck as well: sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you do not.

I can't stand bad breath.

I started playing hockey late and it was unclear until the very last moment if I was talented or not. But it turned out well.

I can eat anything. After practice I can stop at McDonald's. I don't have a problem with gaining weight, thank God.

I never look forward. I live for today. And if you think about what's going to happen in a year, in two years, then you begin to plan. And plans never come true.

The growth of the KHL is a very important aspect for the development of Russian sports.

If you train 12 months a year, you won't have any strength for the important games.

The season is long. When I'm off, I try to distract myself from hockey.

It's hard to see a player go down and it's hard to see him get hurt.

As a player you don't want to hurt someone and you don't want to see someone leave the ice with the doctors.

I'm proud to be Russian. We have probably the best country in the world. Everything is the best: hockey players, cars, girls.

The New Year is probably the biggest celebration in Russia.

I like to have the puck when I have speed. You know, then I'm dangerous.

I think it's people's choice, right? If you watch movie, you watch movie. If you play video games, you play video games. I play games on my phone as well.

If somebody going to tell you don't play video games on the road or at home, I'm not going to listen to it.

As soon as you win the Cup, you don't want to lose that feeling. You want to win more than one. As soon as you taste it, it's kind of like a really good restaurant. You go there once, and you want to come back more than once because it's great.

The most important thing is I want to be healthy.

We create our own destiny.

I just enjoy playing hockey obviously.

Of course in a game you have to be serious, but still you have to have fun.

When your dream comes true you have to have great fun.

It was always the goal to score as many goals as I can. But every year is harder and harder.

When you have a chance to score 50, it's always nice.

Fifty is a pretty cool number.

It is a huge honor for me to be an ambassador for the entire Washington Capitals organization and the National Hockey League for this special trip to China.

I think it is very important to spend time to help make people all over the world see how great a game hockey is.

Sport is the biggest part of my life. It has allowed me to meet different people from various cultures and background and has greatly enriched my life.

I believe sport brings people together and allows them to feel united for a common goal.

Sport is important for children, especially from disadvantaged places, to bring up their self esteem.

To me, I feel like your accomplishments have been recognized when you make the cover of a videogame.

I don't need to prove to someone that I'm as good as I am.

The most important thing is if you keep your body in good shape, you know what you have to do for your body.

Every milestone is special.

My hope, it's not only my hope, but all of the NHL hopes to raise hockey in China because it's a good country to raise hockey.

I think it's very important for the Chinese people, the Chinese government to build lots of hockey rinks, bring some coaches here and learn the game, and I think they will do well.

A thousand games for one organization, it's pretty cool, and I'm going to be the first guy to do it in Washington.

The most important thing for us is winning the Stanley Cup and I want to win.

The Olympics are in my blood and everybody knows how much I love my country.

I love the Capitals and my teammates here as much as I love my country and I know all the other NHL players feel the same for their teams.

My mom was a two-time Olympic champion and when I start to play hockey I dream that if I have chance to play for my country I will do it every time they ask me.

Ever since I was a kid and all the time I have played in the NHL, NHL players have played in the Olympic Games.

Obviously, I don't want to play on a different team than Washington.

I just try to do my best to shoot the puck and we'll see what's going to happen with it.

Sometimes the pass is perfect, but you can't shoot the puck. Sometimes it's a bad pass and you do a good shot.

The fans here in D.C. since Day One they support the team, support me. It's something special.

I just push myself to work hard.

We play a game for a living.

Hockey has changed. The game has changed. You just have to be ready for that.

The most important thing is not the regular year, it's the playoffs.

I'm proud to have a small part in the growth of hockey in D.C., but our organization does so much every day to get young kids to play hockey and I'm always appreciative of that.

Every time when the season starts you have a goal, right? To reach the playoffs. You reach the playoffs, and then the next step is to win the Cup.

I always like to spend time with the kids, especially with kids who need help. For them and for the parents, to see their smile is always nice.

It's nice when people want to see you.

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