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7 Strategies for Building a Psalm 91 House

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7 Strategies for Building a Psalm 91 House

When you first move into a home, great care is taken to situate the furniture, hang family pictures on the walls, and decorate each room. A house becomes a home with time and love invested into establishing a comfortable space.

But what about the spiritual side of your home? Does being a Christian mean your home will automatically be blessed and protected? Unfortunately, the answer is no. So, what can you do to ensure your home is a safe place for your family? You go to God’s promises in His Word.

Promises of protection abound throughout the Bible, but there is one place where you can find all of them gathered together in a single, power-packed passage—and that’s in Psalm 91. Psalm 91 is God’s covenant for divine protection. It covers every danger—sickness, disease, assault, crime, tornadoes, fire and any other threat to your safety and well-being.

The good news is you can live in a fortress of Psalm 91 protection and create an environment in your home that makes the devil flee. But like any of the promises of God, you have a responsibility to receive the promises of Psalm 91 by faith.

Below are seven faith strategies for Building a Psalm 91 house.

1.Fill Your Atmosphere
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” –Psalm 91:1

We live in two atmospheres—one is physical and the other spiritual. An atmosphere is defined as “a pervading or surrounding influence or spirit, general mood or environment.” In Genesis 1, the earth’s atmosphere was dark and empty—until God spoke. It didn’t automatically take on the spiritual atmosphere of God—He had to fill the atmosphere with what He wanted to occupy that space.

The same is true for us. We have a spiritual atmosphere in our homes that we can energize with the power of the Holy Spirit, or leave blank for anything or anyone to permeate. The latter is much too dangerous. If we fail to play offense, we’ll end up playing defense and wearing ourselves down with unnecessary trials.

How can you fill your atmosphere? Try these simple, but powerful, ideas at home:

Load an MP3 player with the entire Bible. Connect it to small desktop speakers and place it in the main living space of your home. Set it to ‘repeat’ and let it run on low volume 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, the Word of God is being spoken into the atmosphere of your home!
Play worship music softly throughout the day.
Speak the Word of God out loud as you go about your daily tasks.

2.Protect Your Atmosphere
“He is my refuge and my fortress….” –Psalm 91:2, NKJV

Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world and its ways. Media choices like television shows, movies and music that promote fear, worry, infidelity, divorce, anger and sexual immorality oppose the Word of God and weaken the protection around you, your home and your family.

When you take refuge in God, you remove yourself from the influence of those things that are not of God—the voice of the world. Ask God, according to Psalm 119:37, to turn your eyes from worthless things and help you purge your atmosphere of all that is not of Him.

3.Deal With Wrong Spirits Immediately
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him…” Psalm 91:14, NKJV

Have you ever walked into a room and felt tension so thick, you wanted to run the other way? A wrong spirit was most certainly to blame. James 3:16 says, “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there” (NKJV).

When you set your love upon the Lord, you will desire to love others as He loves them, but if you step out of love, you are stepping into Satan’s territory. Strife, unforgiveness, rebellion and pride are all tools the devil uses to come into your home and stir up trouble. His purpose? To divide and destroy your home.

It can be very costly to allow the “luxury” of a few quarrels or to permit your children to rebel and talk back to you, because when you do, you are inviting a wrong spirit to operate in your home. On the other hand, the power of agreement is a supernatural, miracle-working power!

So, determine to stop any attitudes or situations that cause destruction. When any wrong spirit tries to take up residence in your home, deal with it immediately. Say, “Spirit of strife, unforgiveness, pride and rebellion, get out of my home in the Name of Jesus!”

4.Anoint Your Home with Oil
“A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” –Psalm 91:7, NKJV

The world around you—even fellow believers—seem to struggle with constant sickness and tragedy. But under God’s promise of protection, those evils will not touch you. When you stand in faith for Psalm 91 protection, you will see those around you falling, but that evil won’t come near you.

One way to appropriate your faith for supernatural protection is to anoint your home with oil. Oil represents the power of the Holy Spirit and is a symbol of faith in God’s ability to cleanse and make holy. It is an act of consecrating your home to Him.

To do this, anoint the frame of every door in your home. As you do, pray and invite the Holy Spirit to fill every inch of your home in every room. Pray that only His will be done and that everything that is said and done in your home will be pleasing to Him.

“And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” –Isaiah 10:27, NKJV

5.Draw a Blood Line
“No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.” –Psalm 91:10

There is power in the blood of Jesus! In 1 Peter 1:18-19, we are told that we were redeemed from the curse with the precious blood of Christ. So, when the devil tries to nose his way into our lives, we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:11).

How do we use the blood? In Luke 10:19, Jesus says, “I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.” So, we plead the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ over our families, our property and our possessions.

A minister and his wife were conducting meetings in a large church that was having a great impact on the kingdom of God. The devil had become infuriated at the success of the meetings, so he told the minister he had put rabies on the foxes in the woods adjoining their property and intended to kill his children.

The minister said, “Devil, you are a liar! You can’t kill my children.” Immediately, he went home and gathered in agreement with other believers. They agreed in prayer and by faith drew a blood line of protection around the property.

A week later, lying on the boundary of his land, were five dead foxes. They had dropped dead when they tried to cross the blood line!

In prayer and faith, you can plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and draw a blood line around your property, your vehicles, your children’s schools and your workplace.

6.Dispatch Your Angels
“He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.” –Psalm 91:11

Did you know that one of the ways God carries out your deliverance and your protection is through angels? You literally have angels at your service.

You could hire a hundred natural men for your security, but they would be limited by natural things. Not so with angels. Angels operate under the authority of Jesus (1 Peter 3:22), and one of their jobs is ministering to believers. They are real. They are powerful. And if you are a believer, they are a vital part of your life.

So, dispatch angels around you, your family members, your home, your vehicles and any building you walk into. Say, “Ministering angels, I send you forth to protect my family according to Psalm 91.” Then, expect it!

7.Pray and Speak the Word
“His truth shall be your shield….” Psalm 91:4, NKJV

The Word of God is a weapon, a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12), so when we pray the Word, we pray right on target.

How can you pray for protection? Pray Psalm 91 over your home and family. Commit it to memory, and make it a part of your heart and spirit. Hang a copy somewhere in your home as a reminder of God’s promise of protection. You can even pray something as simple as, “I pray Psalm 91 protection over my home and family today.”

Put these seven strategies to work in your life and home, and watch the power of Psalm 91 build a fortress of protection that cannot be touched! The Word of God is a powerful force, and the devil is no match for it! God’s Word always produces fruit and accomplishes everything it says (Isaiah 55:11). Trust in God and rest in the protection and blessing only He can provide!

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