There are things every Christian should know, no matter what their background in the Body of Christ. While our backgrounds, gifts and personalities overflow like the variety of life found in a coral reef or a quiet meadow there are basics of Christianity that unite us, from the oldest believer to the youngest.
A firm grasp of these powerful truths protects the believer from being tempted by sin or swayed by errant teaching. Is this all you need to know about Christianity? Of course not! But here are 10 things every Christian should know:
God Is Good
Can you imagine serving a god who is not good? One who is selfish, mean, cruel or evil? We don’t serve a God who is selfish, vindictive or cruel. God at His core is good, and every thought and action He thinks or does is good. All of His plans are good and He desires good for His creation—including you! Jeremiah 29:11, TLB, says that God has plans for us that are good and not evil.
God Exists in Three Persons
The word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, but it has been adopted to mean that God is One, and at the same time, God is three separate persons who operate in perfect unity. The first person of the Trinity is God Almighty. He has several Names in Hebrew that indicate He is the Supreme One. He has no beginning and no end; that is, He is eternal. He has all wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
The second person in the Godhead is Jesus. He was with God Almighty during Creation. His Name is The Word, because He embodies all that God is. God, The Word, came to dwell with man, and removed the barrier of sin that separated God from man. Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again victoriously to ascend to heaven and live forever with His heavenly Father.
The third member of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. In John 14, Jesus told His disciples that He was going back to the heavenly Father. In verses 16-17, He said He would send a “helper,” who is the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for helper can be translated, Comforter, Advocate, Encourager, Counselor, Intercessor and Strengthener. He has everything, including all the wisdom, knowledge and understanding, that God Almighty has.
God Forgives
Each man and woman, as a result of Adam’s disobedience, was separated from God by sin, unable to reach God on his or her own. It was a barrier between the Creator and His creation. First John 3:5 says, “…Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him.” The sin barrier was removed when Jesus died, was buried and rose again to new life. Jesus paid the price for sin for all people. Colossians 2:13-14 says that “God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.” God has forgiven you!
God Has a Plan for Us
From Genesis to Revelation, it’s apparent that God has a plan for each believer. Each life is woven together to form His grand masterpiece. Developing a deeper relationship with God through Bible study, prayer and fellowship with other believers allows us to see His heart and His desires more clearly. Too often, believers get hung up in finding the one “right” path for life, but it’s more about developing a relationship with God. The plans He has for us can take many shapes, but as long as we walk close to Him and obey Him every day, we will be right where we need to be.
God Speaks to Us
When we were born again, we invited God to be our Father, Jesus to be our Lord, and the Holy Spirit to dwell in our spirits. They want to communicate with us. Learning to hear the voice of God takes time and practice. It requires getting quiet and listening for His voice to speak to your spirit, and learning to cut away the influences that try to drown out His voice. But He is always near, and always ready to fill our hearts and minds with His love.
Our Words Matter
Because we belong to Christ and have the Holy Spirit living in us, our words hold great weight and power. Our thoughts and words should be closely monitored to see if they lead us and those around us closer to God. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Are your words full of life or death?
Jesus Is Coming Again
Christians all over the world anticipate the coming of the Lord with excitement. Jesus referred to this event in Matthew 24:31: “And he will send out his angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the world—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.” Our heavenly home awaits us, full of the presence of the Lord, empty of any sin, pain or sorrow. Jesus also said in Matthew 24:36 that no one knows when He will return except His Father in heaven. But we are to be ready and watchful, for it could be at any time.
Our Faith
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Walking out our faith in everyday life is the evidence that we believe God and His Word more than we believe our circumstances, past experiences or anything else. Faith is grown by continually exercising it.
Holy Spirit
When you were saved, you were born again spiritually, as the Holy Spirit re-created your spirit and came to live in you. You were “made alive.” But the Holy Spirit’s job didn’t stop there. He put God’s nature into your spirit; and desires to transform you into an effective witness and bring you to maturity in the things of God. Jesus also commanded His disciples to preach in power. The Holy Spirit within you will do the miraculous works that Jesus did while He was on the earth.
Heirs and Partners With Jesus
When you were born again, you become a child of God, a partner with Jesus, and a part of the Body of Christ. “You have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, ‘Abba, Father.’ For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs” (Romans 8:15-17). We are heirs with Jesus. If we are heirs with Jesus, then we can live our lives full of confidence in the victory He has won for us.
Let these 10 things every Christian should know minister to you. Begin studying them in the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you better understand them, so you can then share them with the world. They may not encompass all you need to know about Christianity, but they are the basics of Christianity…the truths that unite us as believers!
Today's Quote
If you had told me I'd be making 62 tomorrow, I'd say you were lying.
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जब हम लिखेंगे दास्तान-ए-जिदंगी तो..!!
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Today's Status
Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen. Best morning wishes to you!
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Here’s me wishing you happiness in overload that it gets contagious and spreads to those around you. Just as the...
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